Ber. I do affure you, my Lord, he is very great in knowledge, and accordingly valiant. Laf. I have then finned against his experience, and tranfgrefs'd against his valour; and my ftate that way is dangerous, fince I cannot yet find in my heart to repent: here he comes; I pray you, make us friends, I will purfue the amity. Enter Parolles. Par. Thefe things fhall be done, Sir. Par. Sir? Laf. O, I know him well; I, Sir, he, Sir's, a good workman, a very good taylor. Ber. Is fhe gone to the King? Par. She is. Ber. Will fhe away to night? [Afide to Parolles. Ber. I have writ my letters, cafketed my treafure, given order for our horfes; and to night, when I fhould take poffeffion of the bride. and ere I do begin Laf. A good traveller is fomething at the latter end of a dinner; but one that lyes three thirds, and uses a known truth to pass a thousand nothings with, fhould be once heard, and thrice beatenGod fave you, captain. Ber. Is there any unkindness between my Lord and you, Monfieur ? Par. I know not, how I have deserved to run into my Lord's displeasure. Laf. (17) You have made fhift to run into't, boots and spurs and all, like him that leapt into the custard; (17) Tou have made shift to run into3t, Boots and Spurs and all, like him that leapt into the Cuftard.] This odd Allufion is not introduc'd without a View to Satire. It was a Foolery practis'd at City-Entertainments, whilst the Jefter or Zany was in Vogue, for him to jump into a large deep Custard: set for the Purpose, to fet on a Quantity of barren Spectators to laugh ; as our Poet fays in his Hamlet. and out of it you'll run again, rather than fuffer queftion for your refidence. Ber. It may be, you have mistaken him, my Lord. Laf. And fhall do fo ever, tho' I took him at's prayers. Fare you well, my Lord, and believe this of me, there can be no kernel in this light nut: the foul of this man is his clothes. Truft him not in matter of heavy confequence: I have kept of them tame, and know their natures. Farewel, Monfieur, I have spoken better of you, than you have or will deserve at my hand, but we muft do good against evil. [Exit. Par. An idle lord, I fwear. Ber. I think fo. Par. Why, do you not know him? Ber. Yes, I know him well, and common fpeech Gives him a worthy pass. Here comes my clog. Enter Helena. Hel. I have, Sir, as I was commanded from you, Spoke with the King, and have procur'd his leave For prefent parting; only, he defires Some private fpeech with you. Ber. I fhall obey his will. You must not marvel, Helen, at my course, On my particular. Prepar'd I was not Το you that know them not. This to my mother. [Giving a letter. "Twill be two days ere I fhall fee you, fo I leave you to your wisdom. Hel. Sir, I can nothing fay, But that I am your moft obedient fervant. Ber. Ber. I do affure you, my Lord, he is very great in knowledge, and accordingly valiant. Laf. I have then finned against his experience, and tranfgrefs'd against his valour; and my state that way is dangerous, fince I cannot yet find in my heart to repent: here he comes; I pray you, make us friends, I will pursue the amity. Enter Parolles. Par. Thefe things fhall be done, Sir. Par. Sir? Laf. O, I know him well; I, Sir, he, Sir's, a good workman, a very good taylor. Ber. Is fhe gone to the King? Ber. Will fhe away to night? [Afide to Parolles. Ber. I have writ my letters, cafketed my treafure, given order for our horfes; and to night, when I fhould take poffeffion of the bride and ere I do begin Laf. A good traveller is fomething at the latter end of a dinner; but one that lyes three thirds, and uses a known truth to pass a thousand nothings with, fhould be once heard, and thrice beatenGod fave you, captain. Ber. Is there any unkindness between my Lord and you, Monfieur ? Par. I know not, how I have deferved to run into my Lord's displeasure. Laf. (17) You have made fhift to run into't, boots and fpurs and all, like him that leapt into the custard; (17) You have made shift to run into't, Boots and Spurs and all, like him that leapt into the Cuftard.] This odd Allufion is not introduc'd without a View to Satire. It was a Foolery practis'd at City-Entertainments, whilft the Jefter or Zany was in Vogue, for him to jump into a large deep Custard: set for the Purpose, to set on a Quantity of barren Spectators to laugh; as our Poet fays in his Hamlet. and out of it you'll run again, rather than fuffer queftion for your refidence. Ber. It may be, you have mistaken him, my Lord. Laf. And fhall do fo ever, tho' I took him at's prayers. Fare you well, my Lord, and believe this of me, there can be no kernel in this light nut: the foul of this man is his clothes. Truft him not in matter of heavy confequence: I have kept of them tame, and know their natures. Farewel, Monfieur, I have fpoken better of you, than you have or will deferve at my hand, but we muft do good against evil. [Exit. Par. An idle lord, I fwear. Ber. I think fo. Par. Why, do you not know him? Ber. Yes, I know him well, and common speech Gives him a worthy pass. Here comes my clog. Enter Helena. Hel. I have, Sir, as I was commanded from you, Spoke with the King, and have procur'd his leave For prefent parting; only, he defires Some private fpeech with you. Ber. I fhall obey his will. You must not marvel, Helen, at my course, On my particular. Prepar'd I was not To you that know them not. This to my mother. [Giving a letter. "Twill be two days ere I fhall fee you, fo I leave you to your wisdom. But that I am your moft obedient fervant.. Ber. Ber. Come, come, no more of that. With true obfervance feek to eke out That, Ber. Let That go: My hafte is very great. Farewel; hie home. Hel. Pray, Sir, your pardon. Ber. Well, what would you say? Hel. I am not worthy of the wealth I owe; Nor dare I say, 'tis mine, and yet it is; But, like a tim'rous thief, most fain would steal Ber. What would you have? Hel. Something, and scarce fo much nothing, indeed I would not tell you what I would, my Lord-'faith, yes; Strangers and foes do funder, and not kifs. Ber. I pray you, ftay not: but in haste to horse. Lord. other men, Ber. Where are my Par. Bravely, Couragio! [Exeunt. (18) Hel. I shall not break your Bidding, good my Lord : Where are my other Men? Monfieur, farewel. Ber. Go thou toward home, where I will never come,] What other Men is Helen here enquiring after? Or who is She fuppos'd to ask for them? The old Countefs, 'tis certain, did not fend her to the Court without fome Attendants: but neither the Clown, nor any of her Retinue, are now upon the Stage: Bertram, obferving Helen to linger fondly, and wanting to shift her off, puts on a Shew of Hafte, asks Parolles for his Servants, and then gives his Wife an abrupt Difmiffion. 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