Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]


Payne, E. J., his history of America reviewed, 417.
Podmore, F., his 'Modern Spiritualism' reviewed, 304.
Politics and Parties, review of Mr. Balfour's pamphlet and speeches,
534-late Lord Salisbury, 534-Mr. Chamberlain's protectionist
policy, 534-partnership between Mother Country and Colonies,
536-resolution of Montreal Conference, 536-what is Imperial-
ism? 537-American and German commercial development, 537
-Lord Salisbury on fair trade, 538-Mr. Balfour as Pro-
tectionist, 539-leadership of Unionist party, 540-weakness
of Opposition, 541-position of Liberal Unionists, 542-Irish
party, 542-Independent Labour members, 542-Cobdenism, 543
-Lowtherism, 544-import duties, 544-taxation of foodstuffs,
545-Duke of Devonshire and Free Trade, 545.

Protection, Back to, review of debates on the new Fiscal Policy, 255
-Lord Farrer on 'artificial barriers' to trade, 255-moral and
political aspects of Mr. Chamberlain's proposal, 256-divisions in
the Cabinet, 257-taxation of food and increased profits and
wages, 257-growth of free trade, 258-necessity of fresh
markets, 259-can the home market be extended? 260-taxation
of foreign manufactured articles, 261-increase in wages and fall
in price, 261-prices of food in Paris and London, 262-competi-
tion of United States and Germany with United Kingdom, 263—
effect of foreign tariffs on our exports, 264-Sir R. Peel's method
of opposing hostile tariffs by free imports, 265-possible retalia-
tory policy of Germany and America, 266-existing prosperity
of the country, 267-growth of national and local debt, 268-
Imperial unity and our commercial relations with the Colonies,
270-India, 271-Lord Grey's policy, 271-Lord Goschen's
opinion, 273-Mr. Balfour, 273-Duke of Devonshire, 274.


Quebec, The Siege of, review of books concerning, 134-Wolfe's
opinion of Braddock's disaster, 137-surrender of Fort Henry,
138-Montcalm's efforts to protect the English prisoners against
the Indians, 139-siege of Quebec as a naval operation, 141—
Bougainville's mission to France, 141-antagonism between
Montcalm and Governor-General Vaudreuil, 144-Wolfe's recon-
naissance up the river, 145-Wolfe's plan to land under the
heights of Abraham, 146-Saunders's account of the operations,
148-Montcalm's letters, 150-log of the 'Sutherland,' 149, 152
-scaling of the cliffs by the British army, 153-battle of Plains
of Abraham and surrender of Quebec, 154-personality of Mont-
calm and of Vaudreuil, 154-character of Wolfe, 155.


Radium, The Revelations of, review of lectures concerning, 374-
Dalton's atomic theory, 374-atoms and molecules, 377-atomic
weights and periodic law,' 377-ether as an all-pervading


[ocr errors]

medium, 378-'inverted' theory of the Universe, 379-hydrogen
particles as chemical units, 379-Crookes's experiments with
vacuum-tubes electrically illuminated, 381-cathode-rays,' 382-
Röntgen rays, 383-'protyle,' the primeval fundamental element,
383-electrons, 385-Becquerel rays, 386-uranium, 386-dis-
covery of radium, 386-'polonium' and 'actinium,' 387-radio-
activity, 388-atomic, cathodic, and ethereal rays, 389-
emanations, 390-gases of radium and thorium, 391-helium,
391 radium chloride self-heating, 392-luminosity, 392-
chemical effects of radium upon oxygen, phosphorus, skin, and
brain, 393-thermal power increased by intense cold, 393-
intrinsic energy practically inexhaustible, 394-radium-X, 395
disintegration products, 396-radium in the sun, 397-lifting
power of a gramme of radium, 398.

Rücker, Sir A. W., his presidential address to the British Associa-
tion reviewed, 374.

Rutherford, E., and F. Soddy, their article on radio-activity reviewed,


Semeria, G., his book on the primitive Church reviewed, 52.
Shirley, E. V., his account of English deer parks reviewed, 178.
Spiritualism, Modern, review of books concerning, 304-man's
subliminal self, 306, 317-early claims to supernatural powers,
307-demoniac possession, 307-poltergeists, 308--Mesmer, 309
-hypnotism, 310-what am I?-multiple personality, 313-
hypnotic memory, 314-case of Miss Beauchamp, 314-two souls
in one body, 315-Society for Psychical Research, 318- Phan-
tasms of the Living,' 318-lack of means for scientific verification
of spiritualistic phenomena, 319-telepathy and clairvoyance,
321-spirit-rappings and table-turnings, 322-slate-writing, 323
mediums and trickery, 324-Mrs. Piper, 325, 328-supernormal
knowledge, 326-communication with spirits, scientific tests, 327.
Swinburne, C. A., his life of Turner reviewed, 354.


Thacher, J. B., his life of Columbus reviewed, 417.
Theology, Recent Theories of Developement in, review of books con-
cerning, 52-Newman's Developement of Christian Doctrine,'
52 primitive Christianity, 55-German theological inquiry, 56-
Christianity a layman's religion, 56-teaching of Christ, 57-
belief in the Second Coming of Christ, 59-early Church a
brotherhood, not a society, 61-believers' ministry, 61-ecclesi-
astical functionaries, 62-spiritual gifts, 63-sacraments, 64-
evolution of ritual, 65-overthrow of primitive ideals, 65-un-
changing substance of religion distinguished from its varying
forms, 67-right use of the Gospels, 70-Loisy's book on the
Gospel and the Church, 71-authority and dogma, 75—necessity
of organisation, 77-Liberal Judaism, 79-separatism, 80.
Thiers, Adolphe, review of books concerning France under, 82--
elected as mouthpiece of France for arranging peace with

[ocr errors]

Germany, 86-his peace policy opposed by Gambetta, 87-
nominated Chief of Executive Power of French Republic, 88-
first Ministry, 89-Treaty of Frankfort, 89-94-declines appeal
to Conference of London, 90-negotiations with Bismarck, 91-
cession of Metz, 92-Belfort saved, 93-disastrous results of the
Commune, 93-personal influence in securing evacuation of
French territory by Germans, 94-Manteuffel's testimony to
Thiers's services to France, 95-intrigues of Arnim, 96-war
indemnity, 97-causes of insurrection of the Commune,' 99—
jealousy between Paris and Versailles as to seat of Government,
100-atrocities in Paris, 101-oligarchy of disorder, 103—
Monarchists foiled, 104-combined action of Thiers and Gambetta,
105-Comte de Chambord's attitude towards the Republic, 106-
Gambetta's opposition to Socialism, and advocacy of constitu-
tional parliamentary government, 107-Thiers's manifesto in
favour of Republican institutions, 110.

Townshend, Lt. Col. C. V. F., his 'Military Life of First Marquess
Townshend' reviewed, 134.

Turner, J. M. W., review of books concerning, 354-Ruskin's
championship of, 354-recent biographies of, 355-influence of
environment upon his art, 356-teachableness, 357-emulation of
great masters, 358-Liber Studiorum,' 358-influence of Claude,
359-æsthetic theories, 360-three periods of his work, 362-sea-
pieces, 363- Fighting Téméraire,' 365-landscapes, 365-semi-
classic subjects, 366-'Dido building Carthage,' 367-water-
colours, 369-polychromatic methods, 370-eccentricities, 372.

[ocr errors]


Wallace, A. R., his book on miracles reviewed, 304.

Ward, Mrs. Humphry, her 'Lady Rose's Daughter' reviewed, 231.
Watson, William, his poems reviewed, 489-his 'Apologia,' 489,
496-classical manner and absence of idiosyncrasy, 491-lyrics
in the style of Caroline poets, 492-Browningesque lyric, 493-
epigrammatic poems, 494-Burns metre, 496-Wordsworth's
Grave,' 498-elegy on Tennyson, 500; on Matthew Arnold, 501
-The Dream of Man,' 502-The Unknown God,' 503-'The
Hope of the World,' 504-poems upon Nature, 505-compared
with Keats, 507-'The Father of the Forest,' 508-'Hymn to
the Sea,' 509-political sonnets, 510-Past and Present,' 511-
style as a literary antiseptic, 511-appreciation of his work, 512.
Wendell, O. C., his volume on variable stars reviewed, 112.
Wernle, P., his 'Beginnings of Christianity' reviewed, 52.
Whitaker, J., his list of deer parks and paddocks reviewed, 178.
Wormeley, Katherine P., her translation of Mdlle. Lespinasse's
letters reviewed, 231.

Wroth, W., his 'London Pleasure Gardens of the Eighteenth Cen-
tury' reviewed, 1.


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