Abbildungen der Seite

bill? By whom is it fent to us?-If this bill, as it is notorious it does, originates from an armed body of men, I reject it. Shall we fit here to be dictated to by the point of the bayonet? I honour the vo⚫ lunteers, they have eminently ferved their country; but when they turn into a debating fociety, to reform the Parliament, and regulate the nation; when with the rude point of the bayonet they would probe the wounds of the conftitution that require the most skilful hand and delicate inftrument; it reduces the queftion to this: "Is the Convention or the Parliament of Ireland to deliberate on the affairs of the nation?" What have we lately feen? Even during the fitting of Parliament, and in the metropolis of the kingdom, armed men lining the streets for armed men going in faftidious fhew to that Pantheon of Divinities, the Rotunda; and there fitting in all the parade, and in the mockery of Parliament! Shall we fubmit to this? -I would fay to our volunteers, you have ferved your country, you have obtained constitution and commerce; and now, instead of dictating to the legiflature of the kingdom, go to your homes, change your clothes, and turn your fwords to plough-fhares. Are we free in our deliberations while this military congress is fitting? Is it decent for parliament to difcufs a bill fent to you from this Congrefs? Is it not our duty to reject it in the first instance?

Mr Flood. An Hon, Member two years ago moved for such a bill; the vo lunteer-convention has approved of fuch a measure; is that a reafon for rejecting it? Was the great charter granted by King John ever reprobated becaufe drawn up by the armed Barons at Runnymead? Was the bill of rights at the Revolution rejected, becaufe the offfpring of a convention, fupported by a Dutch army? Are not the volunteers of Ireland, confifting of nobles and almoft the whole body of yeomanry and freeholders of the kingdom, as refpectable as the Norman Barons or the Dutch guards? added to which you have the voice of many counties and cities. Receive this bill, and conciliate the people; or I prophesy you will lament your refufal.

Many other members spoke warmly on both fides; and the queftion was at laft put, and negatived by a majority of 80. Ayes 77, Noes 157.

The Attorney-General then moved, That it is now become indifpenfably ne ceffary to declare, that this House is de. termined to fupport its rights against all incroachments whatfoever; which was carried, Ayes 150, Noes 68,

Both Houses then addreffed his Maje fty, affuring him, that they are perfectly fatisfied with the bleffings they enjoy under his aufpicious government, and are determined to fupport inviolate the present constitution.

The grand national convention met Dec. 1. to take notice of the reception their refolutions received from parlia ment.-Mr Flood, after giving an account of that bufinefs, recommended along with Mr Brownlow, instead of animadverfion, moderation and firmness.

Earl Bristol made an eulogium on the volunteers, and hoped their spirit would laft world without end.

Next day the convention agreed on a loyal addrefs to his Majesty, and adjourned fine die.

On Dec. 5. the Commons having gone into a committee of the whole houfe, Mr Molyneux made the following motion, "That it is the opinion of this com mittee, that a tax of 48. in the pound, to be deducted from all fums remitted to perfons having estates in this king. dom, and not refiding there fix months in each year, would be highly advanta geous to the kingdom, provided that the fame fhall not affect mortgages of judgement debts." After a fhort debate, there were, for the motion, 22; a gainft it, 184.

On Dec. 8. the following refolution was propofed, "That the advisers and promoters of raifing the provincial regi ments, a measure juftly and universally reprobated by this country, deferve the peculiar difapprobation of this Houfe; which was rejected by a majority of 110, viz. Ayes 2, Noes 112.


The number of ftudents attending the medical claffes in the University of Edinburgh, is greater this year than ever remembered at any former period; infomuch that Dr Monro has been under the neceffity of erecting a new gallery in his theatre for their accommodation; and Dr Cullen has been obliged to lecture in the Epifcopal Chapel in Skinner's close, his own clafs-room in the College being altogether incapable of containing them.


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App. 1783. General Bills of Mortality for the year 1783.


The LONDON General Bill of Christenings and Burials, from December 10. 1782, to December 16. 1783; with the diseases and casualties, &c. [44,714.]

Females 833217091 | Buried

Age. Under




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20 and 30


60 and 70 1332

[blocks in formation]


2 and 5


30 and 40

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5 and 10 10 and 20

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Abort. and Stillb. 636

Apoplexy and Sud. 219

nant, scarlet, fpot-
ted, and purples 2313

19 Gravel, Stone, and

Burften and Rupture s Headach

67 Headmouldfh. Hor-
fhoehead, and Wa-

[ocr errors]


Chicken Pox

[blocks in formation]

ter in the Head Cholic, Gripes, Twift-Impofthume ing of the Guts 37 Inflammation


3 Jaundice

Confumption 4575 Leprofy

Convulfions 4770 Lethargy

47 Small Pox

Sore Throat

43 Sores and Ulcers
4 St Anthony's Fire
Stoppage in Stom.

19 Teeth

6 Thrush

Broken Limbs

17 Burnt

7 Drowned

3 Exceffive Drinking 4

5 Executed 1550 Found Dead 22 Killed by Falls, and 8 feveral other Accidents


[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

308 Vomit. and Loofnefs 14 Starved

75 Worms

Cough, and Hoop




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

7 Mortification






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ifts on the means of procu- Annual Regifter: View of 15-

A Berdeen, damage at, by a

ftorm 165
ring redress 49. Expedition a fairs in 1780. French convoy
Aberdeen infirmary, number gainst the Indians 104. Suf- taken 169. British Eaft and
of patients received into 56 penfion of confifcations in West India and Quebec fleets
Accounts, public, reports of Maffachuffets bay 105. Rea- captured 170. Siege of Gibral-
the commiffioners appointed fons against an impoft on im- tar 171. Operations in the
to examine 82. 141. 184. 239. ported goods 105. King's ar- Carolinas 242- 345. Expedi-
my withdrawn from Charlef- tion to Cape Fear 189. Battle
Acts paffed, and abftracts: Du town 106. Departure of loyal- of Guildford 290. Reflections
ty on bills and receipts 215. ifts 210. Thanks of Congrefs on the American war 294.
342. on ftage-coaches, medi- to Gen. Green 211 Unfue- Battle of Camden 345. Siege
cines, and waggons 343. on cefsful rebel expedition a- of Ninety-fix 352. Capture of
burials, marriages, &c. 344. gainft Ofwego 211. amount Eustatius 401. Wealth found
See Marriage. Land-tax 540. of debts incurred during the in it ib. Unfuccessful attack
Importation of wheat, &c. ib. war 267. Eftimate of white on St Lucia 403. Tobago
Reftraining Sir T. Rumbold, inhabitants in 268. Lift of taken ib. Patriotism of the
&c. from leaving the king- members of Congrefs ib. planters 404. Operations in
dom $41. To prevent appeals Washington's orders on peace Virginia 406 Americans re-
from Irish to British courts being agreed to 317. British pulfed 408. Washington feigns
577. Bounty on exporting commanders orders 318. Se an attack on New York 457.
British and Irish linens, &c. vere refolutions against the Suddenly decamps 458. Suc-
ib. Allowing further time to loyalifts 319. Interview be- cessful expedition of the British
the Eaft-India Company to tween Carleton and Wah ib. Sea-fight 460. Cornwallis
pay their debts to govern- ington 381. Washington's closely invested 461. Surren-
ment, and for enabling letter to Congrefs in favour of der of his army 464
them to borrow money 578. officers ib. Refolution of Antiquarian Society obtains a
581. In favour of trade with Congrefs thereupon 382. Mu- royal charter 444. Oppofition
America ib. To prevent pay- tiny at Philadelphia, which to their obtaining it 673. Pre-
mafters from having large obliges Congress to leave that fent of books and MSS. fent
fums in their hands ib. For place 383. Washington in- by the K. of Denmark to 614
regulating proceedings before ftructed to grant furloughs Army, British, reduction of
the jufticiary and circuit courts 438. Remonftrance of the of 661. Eftablishment of the re-
579. To permit the import ficers on being obliged to quit duced regiments 662
ation of corn into certain the army before their arrears Affembly-rooms building at
counties in Scotland ib. To are paid 438. Washington's Edinburgh 327
amend the laws relating to anfwer 439. His circular letter
rogues, &c. ib. Prize-goods before quitting the fervice494.
to be fold for which the Situation of loyalifts in Nova
duties are not paid 580. Abo- Scotia 499. Address to a part
Jifhing certain offices in the of the army on its diffolution
exchequer ib. Scots tobacco 551. Congress on the finances
to be paid for and burnt 581. ib. Statue of Gen. Washing-
Duties and drawbacks on ton to be erected 552. Con-
muflin, &c. altered ib. To grefs addrefs to him, and his
prevent the exportation of reply ib. Loyalifts addrefs to
corn ib. Annuities fettled on Carleton 553. Letter from
Ld Rodney and Gen. Elliot ib. that General to Congrefs ib.
Scots bankrupt-act 639. 681 Washington's farewell to the
Admirals, uniforms of 44 army 663. Fire-works to be
Admiralty, Scots, its powers 637 difplayed on the evacuation
Advertisement, curious one 354 of the British troops 665. 711.
Air-balloon, experiments with Encouraged to trade with Bri-
491. 649. 712
tain 666. Washington takes
leave of officers at New York
711. Refigns his commiflion
to congrefs ib. Prefident's ad-
drefs to him on that occafion
712. See Annual Regifter
American commerce. See Shef-

Algerines, their cruelty to
Christian flaves 492
Algiers bombarded 491
Alves on affected writers 624
Amelia Harley, affecting hi-
story of 177
America, provifional articles
of peace with 5. Washington Anecdotes: Egyptian mummy
to Carleton on the partial 98. Of Charles XII. 256. Of
ceffation of hoftilities 43. Dr Knatchbull 283. Hogarth
Carleton's anfwer 44. Loyal 288. 456. Sir John Hill 420

Affembly, general, meets 279-
Anfwer to the King's letter
327. Proceedings on the peti-
tion of Mr Meldrum 328. De-
termination in the cafe of Dr
Bryden, accused of adultery
329. Why the collection for
printing the Bible was not
completed 319. Overtures
complaining of the law of
patronage difmiffed 329. Dif-
fent from that fentence 330.
Overtures for a national fast
not agreed to 331. Sentence
of prefbytery finding Mr Af-
flect guilty of fornication, &c.
affirmed 332. Mr Macintosh,
accused of fornication, fuf-
pended 333. Proceedings in
the cafe of Mr Lawfon 334-
Sentence of fynod, refufing to
take Mr Fortune on trials, re-
verfed 334

Athol Highlanders. See Mutiny
Atkinfon, C. tried for perjury
441. Account of ib. Expelled
the House of Commons 634
Atmosphere, remarks on the
extraordinary state of 420


[ocr errors]

Attention, importance of 286
Balloon. See Air

Bank, account of the failure of
one in France 550

—Letters on various subjects : Chalmers on the comparative
On painting 257. On catches ftrength of Britain 33. On its
258. On the English lan- refources 63

guage 260. On writing 261 Charles XII. anecdote of 256
Bankrupt-act, abstract of 639. —Ferguson's hiftory of the Chatham, Earl of, character of


Bard. See Minstrel

Barley, Siberian, on the cul-
ture of 7

Baronets, abufes in that order
to be corrected 666

Roman republic 262. 481

him 203

-Dr Blair's lectures on the- Childbed-fever, cure for 147
toric, &c. 307. 441. 542 Children, account of, killed by
-Peter Pindar's lyric odes, their father 209
extracts from 313
China, difafter in, by a storm

-Dr Beattie's differtations

Beattie, Dr, on atrention 186. 372

On the Beauty and awkward--Swinburn's travels 376. De
nefs of motion 373. On the fcription of Neapolitan man-
diverfity of genius 425. On ners and customs ib
dreaming 426. On the measure -The Village, a poem 378
of English verfe 427

-Drury's illuftrations of na-

Bembridge, trial of, for fraud tural history 429
370. Fined 712

-Progrefs of refinement 546

Bienfait anonyme, affecting-Ld Sheffield on American

[ocr errors]

ftory of 516

Bills. See Acts

Births. See Acts

-commerce 590. 643
—Marsden's history of Suma-
tra 594. 654

Birth, monstrous, account of 8 —Irwin's occafional epiftles
Bishops, annual income of 249 599

Blair, Dr, his lectures, review- - Experiments made with air
ed 307. Advantages derived balloons 649
from the study of criticifm-A tour in Wales 656
308. On fublimity in objects Bourne, Lt, his trial for an
310. Of the proper selection assault on Sir James Wallace
of circumstances in description 339


421. Obfervations on the pu- Britain, preliminary articles of
rity of language 423. Import peace with the powers at war
of precifion in writing 424. 1. Comparative ftrength of
Remarks on Addifon's ftyle 33. Its refources 63. Anfwer
of the British court to the
Dutch Brigade 107. Order of
council refpecting trade with
America 321. 500. 666. Qua-
rantine to cease 441. New
paffes to cruifers 668. British
forces, reduction in 661

Burney, a musician, account of

-Chalmers on the comparative
strength and resources of Bri-
tain 33. 63
-Cecilia, a novel, extracts
from 36
-Monro on preferving the Burials. See Acts
health of foldiers 38
-Hiftory of the nations which him 96
compofe the Ruffian empire Cæfar, Julius, account of his
144. Ceremonies at funerals death 485
and marriages 312
-Military Maxims, extracts milton
from 146

Calabria. See Earthquakes, Ha-

Canal, new cut from 327

-Whitehead on the childbed- Canna, account of that battle
fever 147. Directions to 482
nurfes and midwives ib
-Bishop Newton's works 148.
-Watfon's chemical effays:
Of the quantity of water e-
vaporated in hot weather 200.
Facts relating to the regions
of perpetual fnow 201

Cannibals, account of 154
Captures: By Capt. Luttrell
51. Of the Solitaire, &c. 106.
Of a French convoy 169. Of
British fleets 170
Captures on both sides 51. 109.
165. 222. 334. 391. 445

-Earl of Stair on the income Catches, mufical, nature of 258

Chemical eflays: Of the quan-
tity of water evaporated from
the earth in a given time 200.
Regions of perpetual (now 201
Circuit-courts, trials at: M.
Davidfon for ftealing cloth
326. Guthrie and Simpson for
carrying off feed-oats, &c. ib.
Craig and Elder for house-
breaking ib. W. Sorey and
his wife for ftealing from a
bleachfield ib. J. M'Konochie
for stealing linens ib. A. Web-
fter for fecreting and felling
leather ib. J. Cameron for
affaulting two strangers ib.
J. M'Kay for ftealing cattle
ib. A. Macdonald for shop-
breaking 316. 612. R. Mac-
Donnel, his two fons, two
daughters, and fervant-maid,
for deforcing a meffenger 326.
J. Cumming for fheep-fteal-
ing 327. Gordon, Mafon,
Reid, Vallentine, Burnet,
Hay, Murray, Macintosh,
Munro, and Mackrae, for
various kinds of theft 612.
A. Macculloch for murder ib.
H. Rofs for theft 613. H. Chif-
holm for receipt of theft ib.
A. Sutherland for theft, G.
Small for counterfeiting a
ftamp on leather, E. Ogilvie
for murder, T. Ogilvy and
others for fundry riots, M.
Macmillan for abstracting
money belonging to the post-
office, fugitate, Mitchell and
Mafon for stealing, J. Young
for forgery, T. Wilfon for
fheep-stealing, and W. Dun-
can for murder 613. Ange
Moffat and others for theft,
J. M’Neish and others for de-
forcing revenue-officers, J.
Tannahill and J. Glasford for
murder 614
Clergyman. See Mifer

and expenditure of the state Cattle, on the inoculation of Cockburn, Lt-Col. sentence of


to 517


-A bold stroke for a husband, Celbridge, account of a tour Coffin, leaden, and corpfe,
a comedy 205

found on opening a grave 173

Commerce, chamber of. See

Commons, alterations in the
House of i12

American officers 536. Pen- army cut off 214. Trincé-
fions to Rodney and Elliot male taken by the French
538. On relief to the Eaft- 215, 21. Engagements be
India Company ib. On fums tween Sir Edward Hughes
Commons, Houfe of. Bills to owing by public accountants and Monf. Suffrein 255. 319.
prevent appeals from Ireland ib. Debate in anfwer to the 686. Retreat of Humberfion
22. Debate on the prelimi- King's fpeech 563. Sec. Fox's 269. Tippoo Saib defeated
nary articles of peace 23. 69. Eaft-India reform bills 625. 270. Arrival of Bickerton ib.
75. 133. On the mutiny of Debate on them 618. 696. Damage by ftorms 385. A
the 17th reg. 24. Proceed- Number of seamen to be em- Danish fort attempted to be
ings relative to Sir T. Rúm- ployed 632. On the method feized 386. Death of Hyder
bold and others 69. On ar- to prevent fmuggling ib. Mr Ally, and peace with the Ma-
my extraordinaries 72. On Atkinson expelled 34. Army. rattas 386. 492
reforming abufés 73. On establishment for 1784, 710
at Bencoollen blown up 386.
producing Mr Ofwald's in- Copper-mines, account of 656 Gov. Haftings complains of
ftructions relative to Ameri- Córn, caufes of its fprouting, bad ufage 387. Capture of
can loyalifts 73. On the and its remedy 198
Hyder-nagur, &c. 491. Sac-
powers of the peace-commif- Courts martial." See Murray, cefs of Gen. Matthews 603.
fioners 74. On producing Cockburn. Sutton
Difagreement between him
the treaty with Holland 75. Criminal. See Punishment and his officers 604 Hum-
On rewards to Gen. Elliot ib. Cunningham, C. executed 297 berston and other officers
Supplies voted 187. On put- Cure, remarkable, of a man killed 605. Matthews's army
ting the provincial corps on fhot through the head 183 furrenders 60%. Siege of Cud
the eftablishment ib. On fe- Customs, Commiffioners of, let dalore 68%
curing to Ireland the exclu- ter to tobacco importers 614
five right of legiflation 188. Dantzick, difference between,
On regulating the pay-office and Pruffia 491
and pentions 189. On the Dartmouth, account of the lofs
ordnance estimates 19r. Re- of that ship 155
port on the Eaft-India peti- Debt, national, state of 249
tion 192. Debate on addref- Denmark, treaty of commerce
fing the King for an admini- with Ruffia ror. Number of
ftration deferving the confi- fhips which paffed the Sound
dence of the people 250. Bill last year ib. A ftop put to
for the better regulation of luxury ib.

India 298. Budget 302. 469. Deferters pardoned 322
On a reform in the reprefen- Difpenfary, number of patients
tation in parliament 361. On fupplied from roy
the misbehaviour of Pow- Dreaming, on 426
ell and Bembridge 367. See Drinker, Edward, life of 285
Bembridge. Powell. New Duels: Lieut' Riddell and
Calculation of Cunningham 272. Col' Gor-
the fum to be raised 410. don and Thomas çói
Objection to the taxes ib. Sir Dutchman, întrepidity of one
A. Ferguffon's interference in 371

taxes 409.

Edinburgh: State of the cha-
rity work-house 163. Public
contribution for its relief ib.
Proceedings for removing the
flaughter-houses 164. Man-
ners, &c. in 1763 and 1783
compared 617. See Scotland
Edinburgh Infirmary, patients
in 56

Egyptian mummy, an anec-
dote 98

Elgin. See Scotland
Embargo on provifions taken
off 500

England; trial to recover pay-
ment from the bank of, for an
abftracted note 107. Riots
and mutinies in 157. Ac-
count of thunder ftorms 389
English verfe, on the measure
of 427

favour of the university of Earthquakes, at Aix-la-Cha- Father, of one who killed his
Edinburgh 415. See Ferguf. pelle 491. In Calabria and children 209

fon. On granting relief to Sicily 113. 393. 466. 525. Feast, Russian, barbarous man-
the poor in Scotland 415. Pe- Places deftroyed 117. Num- ner of 228
tition of the Quakers against ber killed ib.


the flave-trade 416. Motion Eaft-India Company: On re-
refpecting Sir T. Rumbold warding Mr Baldwin 159.
471. On the reduction in Number of proprietors 590.
the army 472.
Addition of Vote thanks to Gov. Haftings
200 ferjeants to the King's 610 Proceedings on Mr Fox's
Jetter-men 472. Penfion to bill ib. State of their affairs
naval officers widows in- 634. Progrefs of Mr Fox's
creafed 473. On Mr Pitt's bill through parliament 635
reform-bill 474 Establish-East-Indies, account of rivers
ment for the Prince of Wales in 57. 121. Defeat of Col
477. On a reform in the ex-
chequer $32. On Lord Thur
Jow's penfion 533. Relief to
loyalifts $35. Half-pay to

Felons, 150 efcape 442
Fences, new method of ma
king 32

Ferguson, Dr, Plan of his Ro-
man history 262. What di
ftinguishes him from, other
authors of the fame period
481. Battle of Cannæ 482.
Death of Cæfar 485. Diffe-
rence between ancient and
modern characters 487

Braithwaite 112. 268. Forts Ferguffon, Sir Adam, thanks
taken by the French a1z. of magistrates and univerfity
Hyder Ally defeated 114. of Edinburgh to 446. Free-
Grand guard of the British dom of that city giyen him ib.

gon" I'llish assess to the Garrison of Geral an Degree


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