Seeds of Time: SelectionsAtheneum, 1963 - 59 Seiten Contains brief poetic excerpts from William Shakespeare's dramas with titles added to them. |
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Awake BERNICE better BEWARE birds do sing bite bless blow brain brier bubble cauldron charm cloak CLOUDS Columbia University Company Compiled cowslip's crow crown dance DARK dear death degree doth sing Double drowsy eyes Fair fairy fear finest fire Freeze Gentlemen of Verona GOBLINS green Grohskopf hand hang hath heard heigh-ho Henry VI hey ding hither HOLIDAY honey humble-bee Kelly King Henry KING STEPHEN lark LASS Lest light live look Lost love the spring Merchant of Venice merrily MERRY HEART Midsummer-Night's Dream mind MOCK musician night ornament OUTWARD passages PEACE PEDLAR perhaps poor Prick'd quire rain Romeo Round season'd Seeds Seeking sometime SONG SORROW steps sting suck Sweet lovers love tail tailor Tempest thou town treason turesque unto WEEK wind Winter's Tale WOODS York