Reg. Why is this reason'd? Gon. Combine together 'gainst the enemy: For these domeftick and particular broils Are not the question here. Edm. I shall attend you presently at your Tent. On our proceeding. Reg. Sifter, you'll go with us? Gon. No. Reg. 'Tis most convenient, pray you, go with us. As they are going out, Enter Edgar disguis'd. Edg. If e'er your Grace had speech with man so poor, Hear me one word. Alb. I'll overtake you: - speak. [Exeunt Edm. Reg. Gon. and Attendants. Edg. Before you fight the battle, ope this letter. Edg. I was forbid it. When time shall serve, let but the herald cry, [Exit. Alb, Why, fare thee well; I will o'erlook thy paper. Re-enter Edmund. Edm. The Enemy's in view, draw up your Powers. Hard is the guess of their true strength and forces, Is now urg'd on you. Alb. We will greet the time. [Exit. Edm. To both these sisters have I sworn my love: Each jealous of the other, as the stung Are of the adder. Which of them shall I take? Both? one? or neither? neither can be enjoy'd, If both remain alive: to take the widow, SCENE, another open Field. [Exit. Alarum within. Enter with drum and colours. Lear, Cordelia, and foldiers over the stage, and exeunt. Edg. H Enter Edgar and Glo'fter. ERE, father, take the shadow of this tree If ever I return to you again, Glo. Grace be with you, Sir! [Exit Edgar. [Alarum, and retreat, within. Re-enter Edgar. Edg. Away, old man; give me thy hand, away; King Lear hath lost, he and his daughter ta'en, Glo. No further, Sir; a man may rot even here. Their going hence, ev'n as their coming hither: Glo. And that's true too. [Exeunt. Enter in Conquest, with Drum and Colours, Edmund; Lear and Cordelia, as prisoners; Soldiers, Captain. Edm. Some Officers take them away; good guard, Until their greater pleasures first be known, That That are to censure them. Cor. We're not the first, Who with best meaning have incurr'd the worst: As if we were God's spies. And we'll wear out, Edm. Take them away. Lear. Upon such Sacrifices, my Cordelia, The Gods themselves throw incenfe. Have I caught thee? Edm. Come hither, Captain, hark. Do's not become a sword; My great Employment (27) (27) thy great Employment Will not bear Question; ) All the Copies. concur in reading thus; but, without doubt, erroneously. The Person, whom Edmund is here speaking to, was of no higher Degree than a Captain; and therefore, certainly, accountable to his Superiors. Edmund, 'tis plain, must mean; "I leading one of the Con VOL. VI, E "querors' Will not bear question; either say, thou'lt do't; Capt. I'll do't, my lord. Edm. About it, and write happy, when thou'st done. Mark, I say, inftantly; and carry it so, As I have set it down. [Exit Captain. Flourish. Enter Albany, Gonerill, Regan, and Soldiers. Alb. Sir, you have shew'd to day your valiant strain, And fortune led you well: you have the Captives, Who were the opposites of this day's strife: We do require them of you, so to use them, As we shall find their merits and our safety May equally determine. Edm. Sir, I thought it fit Alb. Sir, by your patience, Reg. That's as we lift to grace him. "querors' Forces, and having employ'd thee in this Business, "will be thy fufficient Warrant, and will fecure Thee from being question'd about it." The The which immediacy may well stand up, Gon. Not so hot: In his own grace he doth exalt himself, More than in your advancement. Reg. In my Right, By me invested, he compeers the best. Alb. That were the most, if he thould husband you. Reg. Jesters do oft prove Prophets. Gon. Holla, Holla! That eye, that told you so, look'd but a-squint. Reg. Lady, I am not well, elfe I should answer From a full-flowing stomach. General, Gon. Mean you to enjoy him? Alb. The Lett alone lyes not in your good Will. Alb. Half-blooded fellow, yes. Reg. Let the drum strike, and prove my Title thine. Alb. Stay yet; hear reason: Edmund, I arrest thee On capital treason; and, in thy Arreft, This gilded Serpent; for your Claim, fair sister, I bar it in the interest of my wife; 'Tis the is fub-contracted to this lord, And I, her husband, contradict your banes. If you will marry, make your loves to me, My lady is bespoke. Gon. An enterlude! Alb. Thou art arm'd, Glo'ster; let the trumpet sound: If none appear to prove upon thy perfon Thy heinous, manifest, and many treasons, There is my Pledge: I'll prove it on thy heart, Ere I taste bread, thou art in nothing less Than I have here proclaim'd thee. Reg. Sick, O fick Gon. If not, I'll ne'er truft poison. [Afide. Edm. There's my exchange; what in the world he is, E 2 That |