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ligious world, the important religious questions which are agitated, the growing desire for religious unity, and the increasing prominence given by almost all preachers to the doctrine of life, should encourage believers in the new dispensation to fresh efforts and greater zeal in communicating to others the exalted principles they are privileged to hold." The Rev. Mr. Woodman in moving this resolution briefly referred to the social changes taking place in the Irish branch of the Church of England, and their probable influence on the future of the Established Church in its relation to other Christian communities. The great want of the Church, he remarked, is her return to allegiance to her Divine Head. Should this take place, she may yet realize the description of the Apostle, and become a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. And in this case she has before her a future of greater usefulness than has distinguished her history in the past. In dissenting communities the study of scientific subjects have led to broader views, affected their conceptions of doctrine, and changed their style of preaching. The prominence formerly given to faith was gradually giving place to the setting forth of good works, as essential to the formation of Christian character. The influences which were thus changing the teachings and improving the condition of all Christian communities in England, extended also to other countries. The doctrine of faith alone had no charm for the inhabitants of Italy and other Catholic countries. They wanted a warmer doctrine, corresponding with their warm climate, and suited to their warm affections.

Another resolution intimated that the possession of knowledge concerning Divine Truth is to be regarded as a trust involving a solemn responsibility to disseminate that knowledge among men, and pointed to the Society as eminently deserving the support of the Church, as a means of promoting this end. Mr. E. J. Broadfield in moving this resolution, remarked on the new series of tracts in course of publication, as adapted to the growing wants of the age. The great evil of the present time is not scepticism but indifference. Scepticism is an active thing which suggests inquiry, leads

people on, and induces men to ask the reason, why? Scientific men are combating indifferentism by their suggestions and theories. These theories though attractive were not satisfactory. Will it satisfy the dying to be told that life is merely an attribute of matter? The New Church teaches that material substances are not living but only recipients of life. The New Church must adopt the sentiments of the wiser ancients, and unite them with her newer doctrines in her warfare with the mistaken scientific teachings of the age. In addition to these resolutions, and to those of a formal kind, was one expressing the society's sense of its deep indebtedness to the treasurer, Mr. G. B. Shatwell, for his untiring and useful labours during the six years he has held the office, and the regret of all the members at the prospect of his removal to another part of the kingdom. resolution was moved by Mr. Broadfield, and supported by several other speakers, all of whom expressed their admiration for the Christian character of Mr. Shatwell, and their hope that he might find some congenial field of usefulness in the society to which he was about to



Addresses were also delivered by Revs. J. Boys, W. Westall, and R. Storry, and by Messrs. Deans, J. Parkinson, Dr. Pilkington, Mackereth, Standring, and F. Smith.

The meeting was well attended. All the proceedings were pleasant and harmonious, and seemed to interest all who were present.


LEICESTER.Three lectures have been recently delivered in this town by the Rev. Dr. Bayley. The 26th, 27th, and 29th of April will long be happily remembered by many at Leicester. The rarity in this town of such a treat as these three lectures promised, operated as a strong attraction to all local receivers of New Church Doctrine, and also upon the curiosity of hundreds of the general public. As the first evening drew near, considerable attention seemed to be manifested, and when the Doctor entered the hall, the largest in the town, seven or eight hundred persons had gathered. As the Doctor progressedly unfolded to view simple and majestic truths with regard to the

future life, the spiritual sense of scripture, and the atonement, the close attention of all testified to the absorbing interest felt, the evidence of this being completed by a spontaneous vote of thanks at the close of the last lecture. As regards the character of the audiences, it may be said that every class was well represented, gentlemen of large local influence, professional men, and a goodly number of artizans being present every night. Altogether, the visit may be pronounced a decided success, on account of the number and character of those addressed, and the impressions that it is known have been made on many minds.

To this gratifying result, previous lectures by the Rev. Woodville Woodman, the Rev. R. Storry, and R. Gunton, Esq., have, no doubt largely contributed.

DALSTON.-A course of four lectures was delivered here, in Luxembourg Hall, by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, last month. The subjects were, first, "Jesus, and Him Glorified; the whole Trinity in Him." Second, "The Scripture Doctrine of the Atonement; God reconciling the world unto Himself." Third, "The Resurrection; where are the Dead Men's Souls?" And fourth, "Heaven, what it is; where it is; and how to prepare for it." The subjects were all very ably treated, the lecturer illustrating his points with a mass of scripture evidence, under the weight of which the old theology could not stand, and still more strengthening the views of the New Church by many happy arguments and illustrations drawn from reason and nature. The hall, which will hold about 600 persons, was on each occasion full, on one occasion so much so that not a seat could be had. There was a good sprinkling of New Church faces amongst the audience the first two evenings, but this was followed by a large number of strangers the succeeding nights. The hall is used on the Sunday by the Baptists, and they were not altogether pleased with the Doctor's visit. came quite unexpected, like a thunderbolt in their very midst, and those of them who ventured to oppose him were very quickly and effectually disposed of. The great mass of the meeting shewed their appreciation of the lecturer's ability, and the thorough Christian character of his teaching, by their close


attention during the lectures, and at their close a hearty and unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to him, the hope being expressed that although this was his first visit to Dalston, it would not be his last. These lectures have done great good, several earnest thinking men of other denominations having been present on nearly all the evenings, and from their marked attention, evidently imbibing the new ideas as they flowed from the speaker's lips, we only wish we had many more earnest men such as Dr. Bayley to take the field, for true it is "the harvest is ready, but the labourers are few." Many hundreds of tracts were distributed, and a good number of the " Brighton Lec

tures" and other works sold. This little book promises to be one of the most effective little missionaries the

Church possesses. The lectures were

advertised on the North London Railway Stations, free of charge, and the committee have presented a copy of Noble's Appeal and the Brighton Lectures to Mr. Hitch, the superintendent, as a slight mark of their appreciation of his kind assistance.


The Dalston lectures are to be followed by another course on the "Spiritual Sense of the Bible," to be delivered the last week of May, and the first week in June, in the Town Hall, Shoreditch. This room will hold 1500 persons, and it is very desirable to fill it. Other churches hold their May gatherings in Exeter Hall, and the New Church will this year have an opportunity of holding four "May Meetings" for missionary work in the fine large hall of Shoreditch. make these meetings a success, it is earnestly requested that all friends in London desirous of assisting in the good work will communicate with Mr. Jobson, 50 Queen's Road, N.E., who will gratefully receive books, tracts, &c. for sale and distribution in the room. If we wish to dissipate the prejudice and ignorance existing on the subject of New Church teaching, and proclaim its glorious truths and missions to men, we must not hide its light under a bushel, but enter amongst the great masses of the people. In this way will it truly become "a light unto the world, a city set on a hill which cannot be hid.

QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE MINISTERS OF THE NEW CHURCH IN LANCASHIRE. This meeting was held on Wednesday, April 27, at the residence of the Rev. Mr. Westall, Salford. Nearly all the ministers and leaders were present. The meeting was also attended by the Rev. Mr. Keene, of Bath, who was in the neighbourhoodhaving preached the Annual Sermons at Kersley on the preceding sabbath. In addition to the enjoyment of social intercourse, and the strength and assistance derived from mutual counsel and co-operation, this meeting has sought during the winter to develop works of active usefulness. Lectures have been

delivered under its arrangements at Wigan, Failsworth, Whaley Bridge, Barnsley, Sheffield, and some other places. The morning was occupied in reports of these services and in discussing the means of rendering them more efficient and useful. In the afternoon the attention of the meeting was occupied with the subject of colportage and the desirableness of promoting its establishment in Lancashire. A paper on the subject was read by the Rev. R. Storry, and in the evening a public meeting of members of the societies of Manchester and Salford was held in the Salford Schoolroom. At this meeting a resolution was passed expressing "the opinion that the whole subject of Colportage in Lancashire is eminently deserving of the most earnest and serious consideration of the Church, as a valuable means of disseminating the knowledge of the heavenly doctrines of the New Church, and desiring the publication of the essay read to the Meeting in the Intellectual Repository." A second resolution affectionately requested the Committee of the Manchester and Salford Missionary Society to take the subject into their most serious, and earliest consideration, and especially that portion of the essay which referred to the establishment of this means of use, and suggesting that a plan for carrying this into effect might be submitted to the next Annual Meeting of the Society. These resolutions were supported in interesting addresses by Messrs. Keene, Woodman, Rendell, Boys, Hyde, Larkin, Broadfield, Shatwell, Benson, and J. Robinson. All the speakers were favourable to the commencement of the work; and we

may reasonably hope, therefore, that at no distant time this means of use will be added to those already actively employed in this part of the kingdom.

DERBY. -At a tea-meeting held on Sunday, 9th May, the following address, handsomely illuminated by one of the teachers, was presented to Mr. Austin by the teachers of the Sunday-School, with which he has been connected, as scholar, teacher, and superintendent for more than 50 years. The latter office he resigned in February last :

"Dear Sir,- We, the teachers of the New Church Sunday-School, Babington Lane, Derby, desire to record our sense of the great kindness, assiduity, and punctuality with which for many years you have discharged the duties of Superintendent. We trust that in these respects we shall all profit by your example, and thus that your labours may be permanently fruitful in the increased efficiency and usefulness of the school.

"It is our heartfelt prayer that both you and your excellent wife may enjoy many prosperous and happy years on earth, and that you may eventually reap in heaven the rewards promised to every good and faithful servant of the Lord Jesus."

The presentation was made by Mr. Presland, the leader of the Society, who testified to the services Mr. Austin had rendered in the school, alluding to the fact that while he filled the post of superintendent, he was on extremely few occasions absent and never late. Mr. Clemson, the present superintendent, Mr. E. Morley, and Mr. Smithard expressed their entire concurrence with the feelings and sentiments of the address. Mr. Austin, in thanking the teachers, said that Sunday-School work had been to him a labour of love, and that as to his regular attendance he had always been firmly convinced that to have a regular school it is necessary to have regular teachers, and he had therefore endeavoured to set a good example.

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them by a benevolent gentleman in the neighbourhood; and they are anxious to commence building. All the Members are contributing towards this object; but being only working men, with small wages and anything but regular employment, their united efforts are far from being adequate for the purpose. Under

these circumstances, they have deemed it right to appeal to those in the Church who feel interested in its success to render them assistance. The Society has been established 33 years, and the day-school 21 years, and both have performed, and are still performing an important use in the village. Any donations will be gratefully received and acknowledged by the Secretary, MR. RICHARD SHACKLOCK, Centenaryplace, Embsay, near Skipton, Yorkshire.

BIRMINGHAM-HOCKLEY.-A bazaar in connection with this society was held during the Easter week, in the schoolroom, and (although all those practices usually considered so objectionable at bazaars were avoided) has proved very successful. The object was to assist in raising funds to pay off an old floating debt of £200 in connection with the build ing.

In the early part of last year the leader of the society promised the sum of £50, conditionally that the entire

amount was raised. Towards this object £127 (including about £20 in donations) has been realized by the bazaar, so that there is still required a further sum of £23 before the promised £50 can be claimed.

The bazaar committee appeal to the New Church friends generally to assist them to accomplish their object. The treasurer, Mr. S. H. Johnstone, Hall Road, Handsworth, or the secretary, Mr. J. Page, Mott Street, Birmingham, will thankfully receive and acknowledge contributions.

LIVERPOOL. The society in this town was visited by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, on the 18th ult., the occasion being the opening of a new gallery and organ. The friends have long felt the desirability of better music in their public worship, and resolved upon the purchase of a new organ. By the liberality of subscribers this end was attained, and then it was suggested that a gallery should also be erected.


withstanding the largeness of the endeavour it was heartily entered upon and successfully accomplished. The Rev. Dr. preached most impressive and eloquent discourses to full congregations, and on the Monday following, after a tea meeting, which was well attended, delivered a lecture in the Church. From the collections and donations, after paying all expenses, there is a surplus of about £6 in favour of the society. The gallery which has been erected is not at present required by the general congregation, and is therefore exclusively occupied by the choir. It is a great improvement to the building and adds materially to the comfort of the congregation. The committee desire to express their warmest thanks to the friends at Argyle Square for the company of their minister, which was so much enjoyed by all that the wish and hope are to have him here again soon.

SOUTH LONDON.-The second annual social meeting of this society was held on Good Friday, March 26th. The accommodation in the school-room proving inadequate, the friends present adjourned after tea to the church, where the chair was taken by the leader, Mr. E. Austin, at seven o'clock. Instructive and impressive addresses were delivered by Messrs. Alvey, Braby, Skelton, and M'Dowall of South London, and the following representatives of other metropolitan societies, Messrs. E. Madeley, J. Smith, and D. J. Smithson. The latter gentleman, who is son of the late respected Rev. J. H. Smithson, is understood to be wishful to devote himself to the New Church ministry, and his speech was generally felt to be one full of promise for the future. The proceedings were varied by appropriate musical selections, and at half-past nine all retired, gratified to have participated in such an agreeable gathering.

At the April quarterly meeting of the society, it was decided to forthwith establish a Sunday-school for the systematic instruction of the children of members and friends in the distinctive doctrines of our religion. The requisite preliminaries having been arranged, the school was opened under favourable auspices on Sunday afternoon, May 22d, Mr. J. Williams consenting to

act as superintendent, and Mr. H. Edwards as secretary.

On the same occasion, action was taken with a view of diminishing the existing debt on the church (£885). It is a cheering evidence of the energy which has characterized all the past operations of the society, that since its establishment in 1864 it has, besides meeting its current expenses, raised the handsome sum of £2187 towards the erection of an edifice devoted to the exclusive worship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

At the meeting the subject of the library was also discussed, and it was resolved that it should remain a free library. An increased demand for books has sprung up, and it is therefore very desirable that the library should be extended, and made as efficient a means of disseminating the "glad tidings of great joy" as possible. We are, however, in great need of books to keep up the interest already excited, and any spare volume of New Church literature would, if presented to us, confer the right kind of assistance, and would be thankfully received by the librarian at the church in the Brunswick Road, Camberwell New Road, or through the post to No. 2 Hereford Place, Bird-inBush Road, Peckham, S. E.

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rienced minister is of a twofold character. In the first place, he is enabled to present truths in such a way that a stranger almost necessarily hears something from his lips that awakens inquiry, and which may prove the first step towards introduction into the New Church; and in the second place, it tends greatly to strengthen and confirm the faith and love of those who are spiritually children within the Church itself.

On Wednesday evening, April 14th, a highly interesting meeting was held, to present Mr. Berry, the respected leader of the Northampton Society, with a testimonial of the esteem in which he was held by those to whom he ministered, and of their appreciation of the value of his services among them. A numerous party, including several friends not belonging to the Church, took tea together at some coffee-rooms in a portion of the house where the late Dr. Doddridge formerly resided, after which they adjourned to the room in the Exchange where the society holds its Sabbath services. The first portion of the proceedings of the evening was the baptism of seven infants and children. The special business of the evening was then proceeded with, when the Rev. W. Woodman was called to preside over the meeting. The chairman, who by the desire of the friends undertook the duty of making the presentation, commenced by briefly glancing at the history of the society since its resuscitation in 1860, and the unremitting exertions of their leader, who had supported the cause with unflinching constancy through the evil as well as the good report which it had been their lot to experience, and congratulated both on the successful issue of their joint labours. They had now lived down the contumely with which they had been assailed, and were gradually but surely winning the attention and esteem of the public. Especially he congratulated them on the harmony which had grown up among them, and the united feeling which prevailed. He then explained that the members of the society, being deeply sensible of the obligations conferred on them by the ministrations of their leader, felt desirous of presenting him with a mark of their esteem at once permanent and tangible, and it would be gratifying to their esteemed

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