Abbildungen der Seite

such persons as are of nature bashful (as myself
is,) whereby they want that plausible familiarity
which others have, are often mistaken for proud.
But once I knew well, and I most humbly be-
seech your lordship to believe, that arrogancy
and overweening is so far from my nature, as if
I think well of myself in any thing, it is in this,
that I am free from that vice. And I hope upon
this your lordship's speech, I have entered into
those considerations, as my behaviour shall no
And so,
more deliver me for other than I am.
wishing unto your lordship all honour, and to
myself continuance of your good opinion, with
mind and means to deserve it, I humbly take
my leave.

of the person which recommendeth it. According | themselves, yet laborant invidia; I find, also, that to which trust of mine, if it may please your lordship both herein and elsewhere to be my patron, and to make account of me, as one in whose well doing your lordship hath interest, albeit, indeed, your lordship hath had place to benefit many, and wisdom to make due choice of lighting places for your goodness, yet do I not fear any of your lordship's former experiences for staying my thankfulness borne in heart, howsoever God's good pleasure shall enable me or disable me, outwardly, to make proof thereof; for I cannot account your lordship's service distinct from that which I owe to God and my prince; the performance whereof to best proof and purpose is the meeting point and rendezvous of all my thoughts. Thus I take my leave of your lordship, in humble manner, committing you, as daily in my prayers, so, likewise, at this present, to the merciful protection of the Almighty.

[blocks in formation]


Your lordship's most bounden nephew,

Grey's Inn, this 6th of May, 1586.

TO SIR ROBERT CECIL, KNIGHT.* SIR-I thank your honour very much for the signification which I received by Mr. Hickes, of your good opinion, good affection, and readiness; and as to the impediment which you mention, and I did forecast, I know you bear that honourable disposition, as it will rather give you appre

is in case of difficulty, but again, for that without
this circumstance, your honour should be only
esteemed a true friend and kinsman, whereas now
you shall be further judged a most honourable
counsellor; for pardons are each honourable,
because they come from mercy, but most honour-
able towards such offenders. My desire is, your
honour should break with my lord, your father
as soon as may stand with your convenience,
which was the cause why now I did write. And
so I wish your honour all happiness.

Your honour's in faithful affection
to be commanded,

I take it as an undoubted sign of your lord-hension to deal more effectually for me than ship's favour unto me, that, being hardly informed otherwise, not only because the trial of friends of me, you took occasion rather of good advice than of evil opinion thereby. And if your lordship had grounded only upon the said information of theirs, I might, and would truly have upholden that few of the matters were justly objected; as the very circumstances do induce, in that they were delivered by men that did misaffect me, and, besides, were to give colour to their own doings. But because your lordship did mingle therewith both a late motion of mine own, and somewhat which you had otherwise heard, I know it to be my duty, (and so do I stand affected,) rather to prove your lordship's admonition effectual in my doings hereafter, than causeless by excusing what is past. And yet, (with your lordship's pardon humbly asked,) it may please you to remember, that I did endeavour to set forth that said motion in such sort, as it might breed no harder effect than a denial. And I protest simply before God, that I sought therein an ease in coming within bars, and not any extraordinary or singular note of favour. And for that, your lordship may otherwise have heard of me, it shall make me more wary and circumspect in carriage of myself; indeed, I find in my simple observation, that they which live, as it were, in umbra and not in public or frequent action, how moderately and modestly soever they behave

*Lansd. MS. li. art. 5, Orig.

From Grey's Inn, this 16th of April, 1593



MR. HICKES, Still I hold opinion that a good solicitor is as good as a good counsellor, I pray as you have begun so continue, to put Sir Robert Cecil in mind. I write now because I understand, by occasion of Mr. Solicitor's ordering at the court, things are like to be deliberated, if not resolved. I pray learn what you can, both by your nearness

* Lansd. MS. lxxv. art. 36, Orig.
+ Lansd. MS. Ixxv. art. 56, Orig

to my lord, and by speech with Sir Robert, and | with more ease, practise the law, which, percase, write what you find. Thus, in haste, I wish you right well.

Your friend assured,


From Gorhambury, this 26th of September, 1593.

I pray send me word what is your day of payment, and whether you can be certain to renew, because my brother's land is not yet sold.


I may use now and then for my countenance,) yet, to speak plainly, though perhaps vainly, I do not think that the ordinary practice of the law, not serving the queen in place, will be admitted for a good account of the poor talent that God hath given me, so as I make reckoning, I shall reap no great benefit to myself in that course. Thus, again desiring the continuance of your lordship's goodness as I have hitherto found, and on my part, sought also to deserve, I commend your good lordship to God's good preservation.

Your lordship's most humbly bounden,

From Gray's Inn, this 21st of March, 1594.


AFTER the remembrance of my humble and bounden duty, it may please your good lordship, the last term I drew myself to my house in the country, expecting that the queen would have placed another solicitor, and so I confess a little TO MR. HENRY MAYNARD, AND MR. MICHAEL to help digestion, and to be out of eye, I absented myself, for I understood her majesty not only to continue in her delay, but, (as I was advertised chiefly by my Lord of Essex,) to be retrograde, (to use the term applied to the highest powers;) since which time, I have, as in mine own conceit, given over the suit, though I leave it to her majesty's tenderness, and the constancy of my honourable friends, so it be without pressing.

And now my writing to your lordship is chiefly to give you thanks. For, surely, if a man consider the travail and not the event, a man is often more bounden to his honourable friends for a suit denied than for a suit succeeding. Herewithal, I am bold to make unto your lordship three requests, which ought to be very reasonable, because they come so many at once. But I cannot call that reasonable, which is only grounded upon favour. The first is, that The first is, that your lordship would yet tueri opus tuum, and give as much life unto this present suit for the solicitor's place, as may be without offending the queen, (for that were not good for me.) The next is, that, if I did show myself too credulous to idle hearsays, in regard of my right honourable kinsman and good friend, Sir Robert Cecil, (whose good nature did well answer my honest liberty,) your lordship will impute it to the complexion of a suitor, and of a tired sea-sick suitor, and not to mine own inclination; lastly, that howsoever this matter go, yet I may enjoy your lordship's good favour and help, as I have done in regard of my private estate, which, as I have not altogether neglected, so I have but negligently attended, and which hath been bettered only by yourself, (the queen except,) and not by any other in matter of importance. This last request, I find it more necessary for rie to make, because, (though I am glad of her majesty's favour, that I may, * Lansd. MS. lxxviii. art. 31, Orig.

MR. MAYNARD and Mr. Hickes, I build somewhat, upon the conceit I have of your good wills, which maketh me direct my request to you in so pressing an occasion as is fallen unto me, by the strange slipping, and uncertain over-cunning dealing of a man in the city, who, having concluded a bargain with me for certain marsh lands, now in mortgage for a thousand pounds, and standing to be redeemed the 24th of this present, which is but twelve days hence, and being to give me sixteen hundred and odd pounds for the sale, doth now upon a point, as clear as any case in Littleton, and wherein Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Brograve, Mr. Heskett, Mr. Gerard, Mr. Altham, and all that I can speak with, make no manner of doubt, quarrel upon the assurance, and so in this time of difficulty for money pensions, and in so instant a quantity of time as twelve days, plunge me to seek my redemption money, or to forfeit my land to seven hundred pounds less and more. This maketh me desire the help of two so good friends as I esteem yourselves to be, the rather because the collateral pawn which I would offer, which is the assurance of my lease of Twickenham, being a thing which will pass with easy and short assurance, and is every way clear and unsubject to encumbrance, (because it is my pleasure and my dwelling,) I would not offer but to a private friend; upon which assurance my desire is, that upon your joint means or credit, I might be furnished at my day, and if either of you like the bargain of my marsh lands, you shall have their refusal, and I shall think you true and timely friends. So, in great haste, I bid you both farewell.

Your friend, loving and assured,
From my chamber, this 12th of March, 1595.
* Lansd. MS. lxxx. art. 71, Orig.


I am sorry the joint mask from the four inns
of court faileth, wherein I conceive there is no
other ground of that event but impossibility.
Nevertheless, because it falleth out that at this
time Gray's Inn is well furnished of gallant
young gentlemen, your lordship may be pleased
to know that rather than this occasion shall pass
without some demonstration of affection from the
inns of court; there are a dozen gentlemen of
Gray's Inn, that out of the honour which they
bear to your lordship and my lord chamberlain,
to whom at their last mask they were so much
bounden, will be ready to furnish a mask, wishing
it were in their powers to perform it according to
their minds. And so for the present I humbly
take my leave, resting

Your lordship's very humble

and much bounden,



SIR,-The queen hath done somewhat for me, though not in the proportion I hoped; but the order is given, only the moneys will not in any part come to my hand this fortnight; the later by reason of Mr. Attorney's absence, busied to ‡ the queen, and I am like to borrow the mean while. Thus hoping to take hold of your invitation some day this borrowing, I rest Your assured friend,



not but allow; for as I was even sorry that your
lordship should fly with waxen wings, doubting
Icarus's fortune, so, for the growing up of your
own feathers, specially ostrich's, or any other,
save of a bird of prey, no man shall be more glad;
and this is the axletree whereupon I have turned,
and shall turn, which to signify to you, though I
think you are of yourself persuaded as much, is
the cause of my writing; and so commend I your
lordship to God's goodness.
Your lordship's most humbly,

From Gray's Inn, this 20th of July, 1600.



MR. HICKES,-I thank you for your letter, testifying your kind care of my fortune, which when it mendeth, your thanks will likewise amend. In particular you write you would be in town as on Monday, which is passed, and that you would make proof of Mr. Billett, or some other friend for my supply, whereof I see you are the more sensible, because you concur in approving my purpose and resolution, of first freeing my credit from suits and speech, and so my estate by degrees, which in very truth was the cause which made me sub impudens in moving you for new help, when I should have helped you with your former money. I am desirous to know what success you have had since your coming to town, in your kind care. I have thought of two sureties for one hundred pounds a piece: the one Mr. Fra. Anger, of Gray's Inn, he that was the old Count of Lincoln's executor, a man very honest and very able, with whom I have spoken, and he hath promised; the other Sir Thomas Hobby, whom I have not spoken with, but do presume of, though I never used him in that kind. So leaving it to your good will, I rest


Your assured loving friend,



MY LORD,--No man can better expound my doings than your lordship, which maketh me need to say the less; only I humbly pray you to believe that I aspire to conscience and commendation, first of bonus civis, which with us is a good and true servant to the queen, and next of bonus vir, that is, an honest man. I desire your lordship also to think that though I confess I love some things much better than I love your lordship, as MR. HICKES,-Your remain shall be with you the queen's service, her quiet and contentment, this term, but I have now a further request, which, her honour, her favour, the good of my country, if you perform, I shall think you one of the best and the like, yet, I love few persons better than friends I have, and yet, the matter is not much to yourself, both for gratitude's sake, and for your own trueness, which cannot hurt but by accident you, but the timing of it is much to me; for I am or abuse, of which my good affection, I was ever now about this term to free myself from all debts, or abuse, of which my good affection, I was ever which are any ways in suit or urged, following a and am ready to yield testimony by any good which are any ways in suit or urged, following a faster pace to free my credit than my means can offers, but with such reservations as yourself canfollow to free my state, which yet cannot stay long after; I having resolved to spare no means

*Lansd. MS. cvii. art. 8, Orig.
Lansd. MS. cvii. art. 9, Orig.
Difficult to decypher, q. intercede ?
> Lansd. MS. Ixxxvii. art. 79, Orig.

*Lansd. MS. lxxxvii. art. 86, Orig.

+ Lansd. MS. Ixxxviii. art. 3 Orig

I have in hand (taking other possibilities for advantage) to clear myself from the discontent, speech, or danger of others. And some of my debts of most clamour and importunity I have this term, and some few days before, ordered, and in fact paid. I pray you to your former favours, which I do still remember, and may hereafter requite, help me out with two hundred pounds more for six months; I will put you in good sureties, and you shall do me a great deal of honesty and reputation; I have written to you the very truth and secret of my course, which to few others I would have done, thinking it may move you. And so, with my loving commendations,

I rest

Your assured, loving friend,

Jan. 21, 1600.


[blocks in formation]

TO SIR MICHAEL HICKES.+ SIR,-There is a commission, touching the king's service, to be executed at your house, on Tuesday next; the commissioners are Mr. Recorder of London, Sir John Bennet, Sir Thomas Bodley, and myself. There are blanks left for other names, such as you in your wisdom shall think fit to fill. Mr. Horden is wished, for the better countenance of the service, and Sir Thomas Lowe is spoken of, but these and others are wholly left unto you. It will take up a whole afternoon, and, therefore, no remedy but we must dine with you; but for that you are not so little in grace with Mr. Chancellor but you may have allowance, the Exchequer being first full; hereof SIR,-Finding, during Parliament, a willing-I thought most necessary to give you notice. So ness in you to confer with me in this great service | I remain Your assured guest and friend, concerning the union, I do now take hold thereof to excuse my boldness to desire that now which you offered then, for both the time as to leisure is more liberal, and as to the service itself is more urgent. Whether it will like you to come to me to Gray's Inn, or to appoint me where to meet with you, I am indifferent, and leave it to your choice, and accordingly desire to hear from you; so I remain your very loving friend,


Gray's Inn, this 8th of Sept., 1604.



SIR,-For your travel with all disadvantages, I will put it upon my account to travel twice so far, upon any occasion of yours; but your wits seemed not travelled, but fresh, by your letter, which is to me an infallible argument of heartsease, which doth so well with you, as I must entreat you to help me to some of the same. And, therefore, I will adjourn our conference to your return to the Strand, on Monday, where I will find you, if it chance right. And this day would I have come to your Friary,† but that I am commanded to attend the indictments at Westminster. And so I leave, to perceive your good disposition.

[blocks in formation]

This Sunday at afternoon, August 6, 1609.


TO SIR ROBERT COTTON.† SIR,-You may think the occasion was great and present, that made me defer a thing I took much to heart so long; I have in the blank leaf supplied some clauses, which, warranted by your kind respect and liberty, I wish were inserted for my father's honour, as a son, I confess; but yet, no farther than I have the two great champions, both truth and opinion, of my side. They be but three places, and that you may readily find them, I have turned down leaves; desiring you to reform the Latin or the sense by your better style and conceit, which done, if it please you (being but three pages) to have them written again, and so incorporate them into the copy you carry to the king, you shall content me much, who I think am no unfit man to give you some contribution or retribution to your worthy intention. So, in haste, Your assured friend,

I remain

[blocks in formation]

company here at my mother's funeral, which I
purpose on Thursday next, in the forenoon. I
lare promise you a good sermon, to be made by
Mr. Fenton, the preacher of Gray's Inn; for he
never maketh other feast; I make none: but if I
might have your company for two or three days
at my house, I should pass over this mournful
occasion with more comfort. If your son had
continued at St. Julian's, it might have been an
adamant to have drawn you; but now, if you
come, I must say it is only for my sake. I com-
mend myself to my lady, and commend my wife
to you both. And rest

Yours ever assured,
This Monday, 27th of
August, 1610.




I do use, as you know, to pay my debts with time; but, indeed, if you will have a good and perfect colour in a carnation stocking, it must be long in the dyeing: I have some scruple of conscience whether it was my lady's stockings or her daughter's, and I would have the restitution to be to the right person, else I shall not have absolution. Therefore, I have sent to them both, desiring them to wear them for my sake, as I did wear theirs for mine own sake. So, wishing you all a good new year, I rest Yours assured,

Gray's Inn, this 8th of Jan., 1611.


and gracious charters, are (under a pretence of dignity and honour to this university) either intended to be shaken, or wholly overthrown. We doubt not but your honour hath heard of a late petition preferred to his majesty by the mayor and others of Cambridge, (as they pretend,) to dignify the university in making the town a city; which, upon so fair a gloss, his majesty, out of his gracious favour to this university, hath referred to the order of Lord Chancellor of England, their high steward; the lord treasurer, our honourable and our most loving chancellor, and your honour. By this project, (though dignity and honour to us be the first colour they cast upon their suit, yet, by the cunning carriage of the business, and secret workings of friends,) we cannot but fear this shadow will be overcast with matter of such substance for them and their purpose, that it will either draw our former grants into question, or us to great inconvenience. Neither is this suspicion without a cause; first, for that, about six years past, the like petition was preferred and followed by them; at what time, by a secret view of their book, we perceived our best charters nearly touched: secondly, upon our earnest request to have a copy of such matters as they desire, they slight us, saying, "That were but to part the lion's skin :" thirdly, by experience we find the danger of trusting their kindness, for, upon our late sufferance of their last charter to pass, (without good advice of our council,) they both encroach upon our ancient grants, and enforce that charter not only against our privileges and customs, but the special proviso and reservation therein made for our former liberties. These

TO HIS VERY LOVING FRIEND, MR. JOHN MUR-peremptory answers and dealings of theirs, upon

[blocks in formation]

The special love and favour which your honour,

so kind and friendly usage and requests of ours, make us fear the sequel; for, that as yet we could never find, by any record, act, or wish of theirs, that this university ever received honour, dignity, or favour; in regard whereof, we earnestly entreat your honour to stand with our worthy chancellor and us in staying this suit, until we be truly informed how the town may receive grace and the university no dishonour. So, with our hearty thanks to your honour, for all your former favours showed us and this university, and with our daily prayers to the Almighty for your long life and happiness, we take our leave.

Your honour's in all duty.

This 9th of December, 1616.

by word and writing, hath ever professed to learn- TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL THE VICE-CHAN

ing and this university, makes us fly to your
protection in a present danger, where we fear the
chief nerves and foundation of all our jurisdiction,

*Lansd. MS. xci. art 81, Orig.
Harl. MSS. 6986, art. 114.
Sloan MS. 3562, art. 40.


AFTER my very hearty commendations, I have received your letter of the 9th of this present

* Sloan MS. No. 3562, art. 25.

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