From the President of the American Commerce Association CHICAGO, Ill.-I am writing this, now being wasted through lack of letter as a last resort to see if we can efficiency in applying the Governnot secure more men willing to ment Freight Rate System. qualify for traffic positions paying $2,500 to $10,000 a year. Realizing the crying demand for trained traffic experts, and seeking relief, the American Commerce Association-a national organization OF traffic men, FOR traffic men, BY traffic men, offers to give men the How important is the trained traffic man's work can be seen by these few cases out of thousands which occur every day. A. concern in South Chicago had been shipping about 200 | training required to make them comcars of Coke from Connellsville to their smelters. Some time ago a traffic expert succeeded in getting a rate adjustment which resulted in a saving of about $5.00 on each car. Thus' on this one item alone a saving of over $300,000 a year was effected. petent to handle the problems of most Through its Advisory Council, It is impossible to go into details in this letter, but the Association has published a remarkable book for distribution without cost which explains everything in detail and tells how any one may learn the new profession of traffic manager. If you are at all interested in getting into this highly profitable field, paying good salaries, write for the remarkable book, for which we make no charge. Please state whether you are a beginner or whether you have had previous traffic experience, and give your present age and occupation. Address American Commerce Association, Dept. 121, 206 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. (American Commerce Building.), 192 ADVERTISERS IN THE WORLD ALMANAC Pages 1 to 196, Pink Section. Pages 16-A to 16-Q, Special UARANTEED A Aaron, D. C. Pen Co.. Adipo Co.. Adder Machine Co... Akron Truss Co. Alexander Hamilton H 60 74 Columbia School of Drafting....86 Haanel, Chas. F... zine Agency. 91-923 Harris Mfg. Co. 57 ..168 934 Connors, Wm., Paint Mfg. Co...68 Harrison Real Estate Corpn...922 Institute..161 Corona Typewriter Co.. 161 Corona Typewriter Co., Cover 2 Harrison's Town & Country Paint.7 .40 Cosmopolitan Automobile School Hartshorn & Picabia.. ..920 113 .163 Hawaiian Institute of Music 132-168 112 Haverford Cycle Co... D .192 Dale Mfg. Co... Designing and Academy... American Automobile Digest...148 American School of Music...68-925 American Technical Society, .28-29 American University Danderine. 49-928 American Woolen Mills Co..... Anchor Corrugating Construction Co. Anheuser-Busch. Antikamnia Chemical Co. 165-178 20-922 156 ..174 84-92 Hinman Milking Machine Co....22 927 Home Correspondence School...62 137 Home Insurance Co.. Opposite text index. 73 Hughes & Dier.. Denison, T. S. & Co. Army & Navy Equipment Co...99 Atkinson Auto School, Atlas Powder Co. 173 Dorrety. 149 174-922 Drake, Frederick J. Co. Dun, R. G. & Co. Dupell Selling Corporation. 150 Duplex Printing Press Co.. Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co. 146 DuPont, E. I. de Nemours & Bateman Mfg. Co.. Beggs, John E. Corpn Belber Trunk & Bag Co. Bisurated Magnesia. Bitro-Phosphate... Blackburn Products Co. Boston Mall Order House.. 182-918 172 E 193 Evans, Victor J. & Co .74-119-928-932 Fashion Academy. Brittain, John Hart. Brooks, C. E..... Bromo Seltzer. Brown, John 1. A. Sons 88-114-166|Kenyon, F. Co. 72 Kintho Cream and Soap. 16-0 Knox School Kolb Portable Bullding Co. 41-61-81 922 196 2-3 122 146 164 A 155-176 K .88 27 Kawnear Cabinet Co. 72 110 942 172 153-16L .75 .99 |