Capitals. 363 Rudolstadt Philippines. Porto Rico. 3,604San Juan 333 Sond'shausen Hawall. 6.449 Honolulu Pan'maCanalZone 7,534 Stuttgart Virgin Islands....... Tutuila, Samoa. Guam.. Abyssinia. 390.000 Adis Ababa Afghanistan. 48,290 Guatemala Albania. 11,000 Durazzo Andorra. 3,500,000 1,000,000 8,574,000 1,139,196 Buenos Ayres 115,882 Vienna 11,373 Brussels 46,250 Tegucigalpa Belgian Congo 140,000 Mogadisho Bhutan. Brazil. British Empire. Bulgaria. Chile. China. 24.618.429 3,292,000 Rio de Janeiro 37,947,432 13,153,712 London 5,517,700 43,000 Sofla 292,100 Santiago 44,164 Havana Iceland. 39,800 Reykjavik Dominican Republic 19,325 San Domingo Ecuador. France (Continental) 194,950 Algiers 51,000 Tunis 227,000 Antananarivol 60, Vaduz 999 Luxemburg 767,097 City of Mexico 3,000,000 1,076,000 Urga 5.650 Cettinje 200.000 Fez 54,000 Khatmandu 12,648 Amsterdam 284,000). 72,000 Menado 50,100 Batavia す 208,780 Berlin 5,604 Strassburg 888 Dessau 5,823 Karlsruhe Anhalt.. 29,292 Munich NOTE-The Danish Islands in 1917 came under possession, by purchase for $25,000,000, of the United States and have been renamed the Virgin Islands. The population of Continental United States does not include Alaska, the Canal Zone, or any of the colonies, nor 45,123 credited by the Census to "military and naval" forces in 1910. The area of Continental United States, as given, does not include Alaska, Hawaii, the Canal Zone, or any of the colonies, for which separate totals appear. The so-called independent Russian Governments set up by Germany and Austria-Hungary as buffer states on their eastern borders are not separately enumerated in the above table because of their indefinite boundaries, and the vague estimates as to their actual area and population. They include Courland, Finland, New Poland, Esthonia, Livonia, Ukrainia, etc. 7,508,009 54,000 Bucharest 182,182,600 8,647,657 Petrograd Total Area and Cultivated Land in the World. WORLD'S DEVELOPMENT OF POPULATION, PRODUCTION, VESSEL 259. YEAR. 1,000 Total Com. Ships, Ships, Rail- Tele- Million Dollars. Dollars. ways. 1.000 1,000 Miles. Cotton Coal Pig Iron 1,000 Million Million Million Miles.Pounds. S. Tons. 1800. 1820. 2.31 4,026 520 11.6 • . 630 17.2 1830. 1840. 1850. 1860. 0.2 1-401,435, 81.4 11⁄2 2,551 142.3 8.14 12,900 3,040 2,775 213.4 9.166 8.295 390.0 5,600 446.0 1.543 20,105 13.02 6,674 13,857 6.247 800.0 19,713 7,650 885.0 9.013 1,141.6 10.634 1.309.6 24.47 11,099 1.478.0 3,686) 27.988 703.5 12.418 1,346.0 3.435 27,858) 720.31 1.3221 9.1821 The population figures do not include unimportant subdivisions of the earth. with 1916 the world's gold production was $4,575,000,000. TOTAL AREA AND CULTIVATED LAND IN THE WORLD. Total area includes, besides cultivated land, also natural meadows and pastures, forests, woodlots, and lands devoted to cultivated trees and shrubs. Cultivated land includes fallow lands; also artificial grass lauds. The figure for "cultivated land" in Switzerland excludes artificial meadows and pastures. 260 Territorial Expansion of the United States. LIST OF COLONIES ETC. OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE AND ITALY. THE following is an official list of colonies, possessions, and protectorates of Great Britain, France, and Italy used by the War Trade Board and its branch offices in considering applications and the issuance - of export and import licenses. FRENCH POSSESSIONS. In Africa-Algeria, French Congo, Madagascar (including the Comoro Islands), Island of Réunion, Somali Coast Protectorate, Soudan; French West Africa, comprising the colonies of Senegal, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Senegal, Niger (French Soudan), and the Civilian Territory of Mauritania; Tunis. In America-Guadaloupe and dependencies, consisting of the smaller islands, Marie Galanti, Les Saintes, Deserade, St. Barthelemy, and St. Martin; French Guiana, Martinique, St. Pierre, and Miquelon. In Australasia and Oceania-New Caledonia and dependencies, consisting of the Islands of Pines, the Wallis Archipelago, the Loyalty Islands, the Huon Islands, and the Islands of Futuna and Alaf; Society Islands, Marquezas Islands, the Tuamotu Group, Leeward Islands, the Gambier Island, Tubuai Island, Rapa Island. In Asia French India, consisting of the five colonies of Pondichery, Karikal, Chandernagar, Mahe, Yananon; French Indo-China, comprising the colony of Cochin-China, the protectorates of Annam, Cambodia, Tonking and Laos, and Kwang-Chau-Wan. ITALIAN POSSESSIONS. In Africa-Colony of Eritrea, Italian Somaliland, Tripoli, and Cyrenaica. BRITISH POSSESSIONS, DOMINIONS, CROWN COLONIES, ETC. Europe-Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus. Asia Ceylon, Hongkong. Weihalwei, Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States; Malay States not included in the Federation, Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis. Trengganu, North Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak. Africa-Ascension, Union of South Africa, Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland, Mauritius, etc., Seychelles, St. Helena, Sierra Leone and Protectorate, Gambla. Gold Coast Colony, Nigeria, Nyassaland Protectorate, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, East Africa Protectorate, Somaliland Protectorate, Uganda Protectorate, Zanzibar Protectorate. land Islands. America-Bermuda, Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, British Guiana, British Honduras, FalkWest Indies-Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos Islands, Trinidad and Tobago; Windward Isles, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Leeward Islands, Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis. Australia-New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australla, Northern Territory, Tasmania, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua, Solomon Islands Protectorate. THE total catch of seals amounted to 151,431, weighing 3,867 tons 10 hundredweight net, valued at $863,552. This makes a decrease of 44,797 in number over that of 1917, but an increase in weight of 608 tons 15 hundredweight and an increase in value of $346,836. Owing to the great demand for all kinds of oils, the price paid for seals has been the highest on record-$12 per hundredweight for young seals, $9.40. for bedlamers, and $9 for old seals. About 2,000 seals were taken by landsmen in 1918, and they were found between Cape Spear and Cape Bonavista. TERRITORIAL EXPANSION OF THE UNITED STATES. The area of the original thirteen States (years 1783-1817) was 892,135 square miles. Texas. 1845 389,166 Guam. 1898 210 1846 Mexican cession 286,541| Philippine Islands. 18-18 529,189 Samoa. 1898 114,958 2,851,313 1899 77 Total added area.. Total United States inIcluding original 13 States, 3,743,448 Payments for above were made by the United States as follows: Louisiana purchase. $15,440,000; Gadsden purchase, $10,000,000; Alaska, $7,200,000: Florida, $5,000,000; Hawaiian Islands, public debt assumed to the amount of $4,000,000, Mexican cession, $8,250,000 1 The Treaty of Paris, of December 10, 1898 terminating the Spanish-American War, provided for a money payment to Spain (for relinquishing claim to Porto Rico, Guam, and Philippine Islands) of $20,000,000, and a subsequent treaty of November 7, 1900, provided for a further payment of $100.000 for other Philippine Islands. By the first treaty the Philippine Islands were ceded to the United States, and the later treaty of November 7, 1900, ceded certain outlying islands of the Philippines not included in the first cession. The United States did not acquire by the Isthmian Canal Convention of November 18, 1903. any title to territory in the Republic of Panama, but merely a perpetual right of occupation, use, and control of and over a zone of land ten miles in width For this privilege it paid to the Republic of Panama the sum of $10,000,000. and undertook to pay the sum of $250.000 annually so long as such occupancy continued such payments beginning on February 26, 1913. For the Danish West Indies, consisting of the Islands of St Croix, St. Thomas and St John, the United States paid $25,000,000, and took possession on March 31, 1917. They then had 32.000 population No money payments were made upon the acquisition of the other Territories mentioned in the ilst Progress of the United States. PROGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. 261 (Statement prepared by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce.) All Per capita estimates are got by dividing the item in question by the United States population. the figures in 1918 column are somewhat preliminary. Population is continental. Gold and silver cannot be stated separately prior to 1876. Net ordinary receipts and disbursements do not include loans, Treasury notes, or Postal expenses or revenues. 1918 commercial failures cover first six months. On July 1, 1907, there was an arbitrary reduction of $135,000,000 in circulation of money. Before 1900 the value of farm buildings, over $6,000,000, was not considered. Metallic production is 1917. |