Easter Sunday. TABLE OF DAYS BETWEEN TWO: DATES. A TABLE OF THE NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN ANY TWO DAYS WITHIN TWO YEARS. 37 Aug. 3462 93 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 1366 397 425 456 486 517 547 578 609 639.670 700 2367 398 426 457 487 518 548 579 610 640 671701 3368 399 427 458 488 519 549 580 611 641 672 702 35 63 5 36 64 1 4369 400 428 459 489 520 550 581 612 642 673 703 5370 401 429 460 490 521551582 613 643 674 704 37 65 7 38 66 1234567 |123456789 839 67 9 40 68 94 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 69 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 71 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316.346 77 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 79 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 15 15 46 74 105 135 166/196227 258 288/319349 76 107 137163198 229 260 290 321 351 78 109 139 170 200 231 262 292 323 353 20 20 51 21 21 52 22 22 53 80 111 141 172 202 233 264 294 325 355 23 23 54 2424 55 25 25 56 26 26 57 27 27 58 28 28 59 29 29 ... 82 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 83 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 84 115 145/176 206 237 268 298 329 359 86 117 147 178 208 239 270 300 331 361 87 118 148 179 209 240 271 301 332 362 88 119 149 180 210 241 272 302 333 363 3651 6371 402 430 461 491 522 552583 614 644 675 705 7372 403 431 462 492 523 553 584 615 645 676 706 8373404 432 463 493 524 554 585 616 646 677 707 9374405 433 464 494 525 555 586 617 647 678 708 10375 406 434 465 495 526 556 587 618 648 679 709 11376 407 435 466 496 527 557 588 619 649 680 710 12 377 408 436 467 497 528 558 589 620 650 681 711 13 378 409 437 468 498 529 559 590 621 651 682 712 14379 410 438 469 499 530 560 591 622 652 683 713 15 380 411 439 470 500 531 561 592 623 653 684 714 16381 412 440 471 501 532 562 593 624 654 685 715 17/382/413 441472 502 533 563 594 325 655 686 716 18/383 414 442 473 503 534 564 595 626 656 687 717 19384415443 474504535 565 596 627 657 688 718 20/385 416 444 475 505 536 566 597 628 658 689 719 21/386 417 445 476 506 537 567 598 629 659 690 720 22 387 418 446 477 507 538 568 599 630 660 691/721 ... ... 455 The above table applies to ordinary years only. For leap year, one day must be added to each number of days after February 28. EXAMPLE.-To find the number of days between June 3, 1900, and February 16, 1901: The tigures opposite the third day in the first June column are 154; those opposite the sixteenth day in the second February column are 412. Subtract the first from the second product-1. c., 154 from 412, and the result is 258, the number of days between the two dates. A TABLE SHOWING THE DATE OF EASTER SUNDAY IN EACH YEAR OF THE NINETEENTH AND 38 Ready-Reference Calendar. 1 READY-REFERENCE CALENDAR. For ascertaining any Day of the Week for any given Time within Two Hundred Years from the introduction of the New Style, 1752, * to 1952 inclusive. 1W 2 Th 3 Fr 4 Sa 5 S 6 M 730 442950 7 Tu 8 W 7 29 4 44 Α.Μ. 9 Th 10 Fr 11 Sa 12 S 13 M 14 Tu 15 W 16 Th 17 Fr 18 Sa 19 S 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 Fr 25 Sa 26 S 27 M 719 5 7 344 Calendar for CHARLESTON, Georgia, Alabama. Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California. SUN SUN MOON SUN SUN MOON Н. м. н. Μ.Η. M. Η. Μ. H. M. H. M. 725 445 734 7194517387357747 73044311 1725 7 29 4 45 12 12 725446842 719 452845 735 8850 725447 9517194529527358954 448110719 453110735 910 57 725 449 Α.Μ. 719 454 Α.Μ. 73510 Α.Μ. 724 4 50 12 10 7 19 4551287351112 2 724 451 121719456 118 735 12 1 8 7 29 447236724452232719457 228735132 15 728 448 346 724453341719458336735143 21 728 450 451 723 454 446 718 459 44173514 4 24 727 451548 723455544 71850538735 155 22 727452638723456633 7185162973516 6 14 7 27 453 rises. 726 454644 726 455 750 722 458 rises. 717 5 2 rises. 73517 rises. 722459647 71753650 72518 6 58 7215 0 751 7175575372519 7 58 721 5185371656853 725.20 8 55 72052953 716 5 7953715 21 9 50 7205 310 52 7155810517152210 45 719 541150 715 5 911 48 7 15 2311 39 7185 6 Α.Μ. 714 5 10 Α.Μ. 70524 Α.Μ. 718 5 7 12 49 713511124570524 12 34 71758147 713512142705251 29 71659244 712514 2396595262 23 716 510 339711515 334 658 5 27 3 17 28 Tu 7195 8435715512431 711 516 425 658528 4 9 714 5 13 5 18 710 517513657529458 713 5 146 1795 18 557 6575305 44 712 5 15 sets. 78519 sets. 6 565 31 sets. DAY OF ΜΟΝΤΗ Η. S. MONΤΗ Η. Μ. S. Calendar for CHARLESTON, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California. SUN SUN MOON RISES. SETS. R. & S. H. M. H. M. H. м. 656532 6.37 655 5 337 43 6545 348 48 6545 35 9 54 653 536 11 1 652536 Α.Μ. 6 5 23 Α.Μ. 73526 Α.Μ. 7 5 5 24 12 23 72527 12 20 651 5 37 12 8 745 25 13271529 128650538113 73526 2377 0 5302326505392 16 72528336658531331 657532423 649540314 648 54148 6465435 36 65653357647542454 655 534 546 6545 35 rises. 645 544 rises. 7.35 26 43270529 428 6 Th 7 Fr 7 8 5 21 1226 8 Sa 77 522 136 9S 7 6 5 24 10 M 745 25 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 Fr 15 Sa 16 S 17 M 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 64654211306395 49 11 18 21 Fr 649 5 39 Α.Μ. 647 5 41 Α.Μ. 645 543 Α.Μ. 638 550 Α.Μ. 645 543 2246 435 44 219 641 546 214 635552157 6 435 44 313642546 38640 54833634553 2 47 642545357 640 547352638549348632554 334 640 546 436639548433 637 550429 631555 4 17 639548 512 637 549 5963555157 630 556 4.58 1 Sa 2S 3 M 4 Tu 3d Month. Calendar for New England, Michigan, Wisconsin, SUN SUN MOON MARCH, 1919. Calendar for NEW YORK CITY, SUN SUN MOON Calendar for 31 Days. Calendar for CHARLESTON, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California. SUN SUN MOON SUN SUN MOON RISES. SETS. R. & S. RISES. SETS. R. & S. RISES. SETS. R. & S. H. Μ.Η. M. H. M. H. Μ. Η. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. Н. М. Н. м. н. м.н. м. 637549545636 5505446345525426295565 36 635550 sets. 634 551 sets. 633553 sets. 6 285 57 sets. 634551743632553742 631554742627558739 619 6 2352 618 633496186334661665335 61763425 616 64423 616 64420 614 6 6 412 6 5 6 1110 22 6 5 6 11 10 17 6 5 6 1110 3 636121117 6 4 6121112 646 12 10 57 62613 Α.Μ. 62613 Α.Μ. 6 2 6 12 11 49 6 061412106061412 56 16 13 Α.Μ. 558 616105596151254 6 0 614 12 38 557 617 145 557 616 140 559614 1 25 555618 226556617 222 5536 193655461933554618 30 556 6 16 2 49 551 620340552620338 5536193365556163 28 5 50 6 21 412 550 621411 551 620 410553617 4 6 548622443549621443552618 4 43 5476 23 sets. 5 48 6 22 sets. 5 51 6 18 sets. 55761528 MONTH H. M. S. MONTH Η. м. S. MONΤΗ Η. Μ. S. MONTH Η. м. S. MONTH H. м. S. 1 12 12 36 8 12 11 5 14 12 9 30. 2 12 12 25 9 12 10 50 15 12 9 13 3 12 12 12 10 12 10 34 16 12 PLACES. Mar. Begins, A.M. Ends, P.M. Mar. | Begins, A.M. Ends, P.M. Mar. | Begins, A.M.) Enas, P.M. |