STATISTICS OF AMERICAN CITIES-Continued. Statistics of American Cities—Continued. 533 Dato Term Expires. Government. dred. Jan. '21 Dec. '21 Ord. Jan. '32 Council. Dec. '19 Com. C. April '19 Comm. Comm. Jan. blon Ord. Jan. '22 Council. Dec. '19/Comm. 20 City Mgr. 1922 Comm. Jan. 201Comm. Dec. '18 Ord.. Com. Mgr. April '20 Comm. 269,697 George H. Hinuchs. 14,816,234 E. V. Babcock, R. 225,000 John L. Black. 2,033,587 C. B. Clarke, R. 3,276,427 George T. Baker, R.. 195,753 J. H. McIntyre. 4,380,977 George Ainslie. 136,997 Daniel A. Garber 5,221,047 Hiram H. Edgerton, R. 1,290,414 Robert Rew, R. 1,314,704 D. W. Carnuckael. 600,420 II. F. Paddock.. Associations and Societies in the United States. 535 ORGANIZATION, Actors' Equity Assn. Actors' Fund of America. Association for Advemt. of Sc.. Am. As. of Obs. and Gynecols. 19131476 Broadway, N. Y. C. 18821476 Broadway, N. Y. 1889 346 Broadway, N. Y. C.. 1917 297 Madison Ave., N. Y. 1905 297 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 1908 29 West 39th St., N. Y. C. 1907 Mass. Inst. of Tech., Camb'dge 1888 290 Broadway, N. Y. C 1904-5 347 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 1898 027 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. 1848 Smithsonlan Inst., Wash., D. C' 1891 17 East 38th St., N. Y. C. 1909 407 West 117th St., N. Y. C. 1884 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y 1906 131 East 23rd St., N. Y. C.. 1905 Sec'y Park Mus., Providence. 1888 14 West 7th St., N. Y. City.. 1911130 East 22d St., N. Y. C. 1898 Scattle, 'Wash. 375 3,000 Headquarters. of Members. M'bers nual Chief Executive. 7 Prof. R. R. Bensley. 2 Daniel Frohman. 5-10 Henry Moir.. 5-10 R. Adml. R. E. Peary varies.A. R. Hawley. Secretary. Howard Kyle. Prof. C. R. Stockwood|Dec. Dr. L. O. Howard D..B. S. Price, M. D.. H. S. Haskell 3 S. McC. Lindsay Dr. Albert Goldspohn. E. C. Pickering W. G. Smith. Am. Bible Society. 1816 Bible House, Astor Pl., N. Y Dr. W. P. Wilson.. 10 Mrs. W. L. Lothrop.. 6] 5 J. F. Foster. 10 Dr. Oskar Klotz. 2 Edmund Lyon 2F. N. Scott. 2 J. M. Coulter. David Jameson.. C. W. Chamberlain Rev. T. J. Villers. John B, Andrews. H. L. Madison Dr. E. G. Zenke. Am. Bison Society. 1905 145 Wall St., N. Y. O... 380 10 5 Edmund Seymour Am. Bureau of Shipping 1862 166 Beaver St., N. Y. C 93 Stevenson Taylor. Am. Chemical Society 1876 Sec., Washington, D. C. 12,000 1,500 10 Am. Civic Association Unton Trust Bldg., Wash., D. C. 2,500 200 5 J. H. McFarland. Am. Clima. & Clinical As. 176 W. H. Nichols, D. Se.. [C. L. Parsons, D. Se. 7.99 Guy Hinsdale, M. D.. JA. K. Stone... .Пone R. R. Bocoker, V. P. I T. H. Herndon Prof. J. W. Bright. 25 Augustus Thomas 5 Prof. Irving Fisher. 10 1.20 3 C. M. Barbeau. 3 C. L. Pack. 2 David Fairchild. John Greenough Miss Edna N. White.. Dr. W. O. Stillman. R. W. Johnson. A. M. Taylor. Dr. Percy Whoug. Charles Peabody Eleanor E. Marshall, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES-Continued. 536 Associations and Societies in the United States—Continued. Am. Inst. of Homeopathy Am. Irish Historical Society Am. Pediatric Society. Am. Philological Association.. Am. Proportional Rep. League. Am. Scandinavian Foundation. Am. Soc. Prev. Cruelty to An.. 1844 829-22 E. Wash. St., Chicago. 1881 17th & E Sts., N. W., Wash 1858 B'way, bet. 155-156th St., N. Y. 26,000,000 Headquarters. of 1 Woodrow Wilson E. H. Daly D. B. Delavan, M. D Dr. W. N. Wishard T. W. Yalloway. Stockton Axson. Mrs. A. B. Comstock.. Holiday Katharine De Witt. Dr. W. M. Sweet. S. F. Brothers, M. D.. Mrs. M. A. Apter. Secretary. T. E. Costain. H. L. Chiles. A. D. Call 75 14 Dr. H. C. Carpenter 2,900 5 Wm. B. Day |