PAGE) 503 Armistice Terms to Germany. 576 Base Hospitals. PACE 610 ..847 to Austria. .. 4 609 " Turkish ... .. ... 610 548 Army Camps ..... 610 491 Casualties: ... 609 Battles, American Revolution Expeditionary Forces 215 Health of. 703 Bauxite Produccion. 406 ... 697 Beef, Impts. & Expts. 363-364,366 Hospitals. .. 697 "Production, U. S.. 252 National. .. 617 Beer Brewing, Ends. Operations, France, .. Consumption of.. .... 4 660 ... 237 695-703-706-707,725) Production of, U. S 609 Belgian Mines Ruined. 675 Pay..... 14,694 "Nat. Wealth. 449 368 Regular and Reserve. Training Camps. 619 Peace Message From U.S 653 ... .. 697 Bell 7 elephone System ......399,334 398 4 578 and Navy Union 114 220 Arrests in Civil Action 292,296,299 Arsenic Comp 578 Arson, Penalties. Art Museum. St. Louis. 609 Articles of War. 609 Big Brother Movement. 406 Asphalt Prod. ..... 406 Bigamy, Penalties 527 Assassinations, Political ..... 15 Bird Count in U. S 473 Assault, Penalties. 545 Birth Rate, Germany .. 44 ..... .. 731 Assembly, Apport.. • 609 Dist. Bound., N. Y. City. N. Y. City. L .. .. Labor Alllance, Wilson to 655 Athletics, College.... 231 Track and Field. 431 Atlantic Passages, Fast. ..... Museum Natural History 878 Automobile Death Rate. Pub. Health Assoc. 236 Australia, Imports and Exports, Red Cross. 13,417 Area and Population .... 257,379 Bowling Records. 672 Boxer Troubles. Shios Lost in War.. ... Nat. Wealth.... on the 14 Points ... 645 Brazil, Coffee Trade. 77 Austria, Armistice to. ..... 54. Boiler Explosions, 1568-1915 904 Bonds, Dealt in, on Exchange...17 183 Books Published in U. S. 527,813,816 503 Borax, Production 231 Bosnia-Herzegovina. 209 Boston, Building in 33 Botanical Gardens, N. Y 849-850 Blind Population, U. S 283 .... .... 610 627 4 .. Acc. Scottish Rite Masons...842 Austria-Hungary, For'n Trade..375 Breadstufis, Exports of ..... .... 385 363.360 Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles Austrian Peace Moves, 1917 681 Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference.oit .612 Between Citles. 318-320 44 565 on Miss., O., & Mo. Riv's. 315-316 .585 on N. Y. Canals..... 325-328 795 Distilled Spirits Production.....235 795 District-Attorneys, U. S 205 ... ...206 Division (In Army) 613 ..612 Divorce Laws. 559 4 .. Cayuga Canal 189-193 "Statistics.. 1 .. Cement, Production .... 406 Congressional Apportionment... 143 Dixie Highway .. .... Census Bureau, U. S.... 199 Constitution, U. S. 129 Dog Racing... 66 Military, Ν. Υ.... 298 Amendmen's. 133 Dominican Rep., Impts. & Expts.370 Statistics, Begin on... 259 Consular Service Exams. .... .212 Dower (Widow's) Laws. 555 ..... .. Centre of Population. 139 Consuls, N. Y. City. .. 874 Draft, The. Century of Anthracite. 4 415 Container, U. S. Act...... ... 105 Law Registration Cereal Measures. 104,106 Contraband. 612 Upheld 589 Cettinje... 612 Contracts, Laws of.... Numbers. ......... ....... 592-603 Ceylon, Exports to U. S. ... 384 Contributions of Corporat'ns.580,582 Population 379 Copal, Imports and Exports. 364 "Dry" States. 603-607 31 .. Chamber of Commerce 916 Copper Statistics.... ... Champlain Canal. 327 Copyright Law. Cheese, Imports and Exports 364 Corcoran Art Gallery ... 377,406 Duties, Customs. ..227 Dwellings and Families in U. S..279 806 Dyes, U. S. Production .. 824 396 Chemistry, Progress in. 729 Corn Harvest Seasons....... .239 Dyewoods, Impts. and Expts...364 Chess.. Chewing Gum, Impts & Expts..364 Corners, Busy, N. Y. & London..316 E Chicle, Imports and Exports 364 Corporate Contributions....580,582 Earth, Area and Population 67 Child Labor Law, Decision On. 586 Costa Rica, Impts. and Expts...374 Earthquake Areas. ..... 4 67 Children, War's Effect on. 900 Cost of War.. 708,711,712 Easter Sunday Dates. 37 Chile, Imports and Exports. 374 Cotton Seed Oil, Exports....364,366 Felipses, 1919.. 44 China's Foreign Population China, Silk Exports. Trade, Etc. China-Japanese War 263 Prod., U. S. 246 Eggs, Imports and Exports 364 Statistics.241-'6,259,261,360-'1-'3-'6" in Storage ... 394 County Offices, N. Y. City 626 Courland.. ..... ...... 242 842 Egyptian War. 626 Chlorine.. Chromic Iron Ore Congress.. General 400 Court of Honor. 612 Elections, 1918, by States 161-184 823 New York. 32,183-185 Presidential. 140-150 Chronological Cycles and Eras.. 33 "United States... Chronology, Congress (See Also Fires, Floods) ........ ........ 204 Electrical Units. 95 .. 795 Crimes and Penalties. ...... 795 Cross Country Running ..... 4 764 Croton Water Supply. 880 Elements of Solar System 54 Wrecks, Cuba, Imp'ts and Exp'ts, etc. 373,805 1clgin-Nat'l Records. 737 Citles, Population 261 Embargo..... 613 737 Cuban Insurrection.. 626 Embassies 34 Curtailments of Industries. 33 Custom House, Exam. of Bag... 830 Emery Production.. 632 Ember and Rogation Days ........ 406 807-812 Collectors... 206' Emigration, Japan.... Beginning of...... Erie Canal.. 325,328,329 Esthonia. Property.. Engineering. " " ... .... .. .. Population Cities N. Y......289 104 Trade Act.... 5 ........ Trade, Belligerent and Neu- Grain Measures... tral Countries... ... 352,366,375 Prix de Paris Winners Trade, U. S... 33 Weights and Measures. 110 Grape Sugar, Exports 33 White Stock. N. Y. State...296 Graphite, Production ..... White Stock, United States..275 Great Britain's Colonies. Essen... .... Events of 1918... (see Chronology) Foreigners in U.S.......292-296,299 46 of the War........ ..... Exchanges, Manhattan. ....... 737 Forests, Fires In...... 840 Forgery, Penalties. Excise Revenue, New York 831 Fourteen Peace Points. " Exempt Realty, New York. Expenditures, N. V City States in U. S..... ..... .... Experience Tables.... .. .... D Exports, U.S.... Explosions, Boiler, 1868-1915.....108 ..... Express Companies Combined..349 Crops and Trade. Destroyed Industries. ..... ..... National Wealth.. ..... ... Population, Fluctuation Silk Products. ..... .... 562 France's Colonies 418-421 Franco-Prussian War. 420 Free Trade, Wilson on. ... ...... ....... Families in U. S. Owning Homes. 279 Freedom of Seas. Farmers Interest Tables..... National Congress. .............. 255 French Mortar... 255, 256 Fruits, Imports and Exports. 561 Fuel Administration, U. S... 231 Futurity Winners. Fast Atlantic Ocean Passages Imports and Exports.. .364 Federation American Zionists...436 Galicia.... 433 Garden Planting Map...... Farm Loan Building Law. .574 "Reserve Bkg. Statistics...432-434 Gas, Mustard.... Nat'l Production.... 406 Warfare. Feldspar Prod... Fire Commissioners, N. Y. Department, N. Y. City..... Depts., Statisties of.. Losses, N. Y....... Losses, New York City...... Fires, in National Forests. Fisheries, United States. Flag, American..... Desecration...... .. Flags, Service........ Floods (See Alse Chronology, and Wrecks) Florida, Allens (1915). Purchase... 462 Production... 354 Gatun Lake Evap... 613 Gelatin, Imports and Exports...364 Hindenburg Line.... 613 Gems, Production, U. S.. 895 General Chronology, Begins on. 764 Hockey.. 894 Generals In U. S. Army 542 Geographic Board... 423 Geography, Progress in. Flour, Imports & Exports.363-4,366 .... .. .... ....... ...... .. .. .... ......... ..... 154-161 352-367 6 .... General Index-Continued. PAGE Improved Order, Red Men.....184 Land, Cultivated, of World .. ...... PAGE PAGE .. ..... Indian Commissioners. ... Indians, N. Y. State. Indigo, Imports and Exports. .. Industrial Poisons... Population, U. S.. 384 Lansing on Prussianism. 203 Larceny, Penalties. 297 Lard, Exports of 364 Late News. 397 Latin-American Trade with U. S.370 Mean Humidity in U. S........ 81 263,264 Latitude and Longitude Tables.. 65 Meat Production, U. S.... 252 259 Marshals, U. S......... 205 732 ........ 294 362,366 Mayors, N. Y. City....... 835 616 .... Industries, Curtailment of 632 Latonia Derby Winners " Mortality, Ν. Υ. 848 Lawn Tennis. .. Infantry. Influenza.... Federal Control.. .. .... ... 477 Meats, Imports and Exports. 364,366 ... 616 528 Insects, Damage by ... ... Insurance Statistics.... Interest Tables.. 250 New Federal and State. ...... Signs and Abbreviations. 581 Memorable Dates. Newspaper Contempt...... 581 Merchant Marine, Losses ...... 831 Marine, Requirements for 579 .... 105 ..... 721 .. ...... ..... 321,720 International Law and Welfare Public Contracts ......... .916 of Nations.. 583 Lead Poison.. ...... Internal Revenue Collectors. 214 Production. 234,236 League for National Unity 4S6 of Nations, Wilson on Interstate Commerce Com. Inventions, Noted.. Iren Pillars, Resistance of Production, U. S Iowa, Enemy Aliens in...... ....... ..... 616 Metropolitan Museum of Art...877 616 ........ ..... .... 260 .. 225 Legislatures, States. 100 Lemons, Imports and Exports..364 407-409 Letter Rates- (See Postal Inform.) 268 Liberty Loans. .... .. 312 Bend Acts. 614 Librarian, Congress .... ... .... 712 Mexico, Imports and Exports .. .. 371 ... 406 ........ 628 Libraries, N. Y. City ......... 206 Mile, in Various Countries. 101 ........ .... 95 ....... 615 License Fees, New York .$98 Military Acad., U. S... .. 4 Census, N. Y 822,823 Milk, Cost of Production 298 .............. ........ 64 252 ...... 44 Trade and Finances. ...... .... 386 Lighthouses, in U. S ..... 363,366 ..... 260 Light Ships. .... Lime Production. Japanese-American Agreement..615 Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech, .. 376 406 ......... 19 Chinese War 626 Liquor and Tobacco Tax Rec'pts.235 Mines, Marine 617 237 Ministers, Diplomatic......... 627 Liquors, Consumption of.. ... "U. S. Action in Siberia.. Imports and Exports. .. 375 Lithuanian Republic. .... ....... 391-303 Livonia. .... 35 Loans, Liberty .... ......... .... 235,361 Mint, Superintendents.... U. S., Coinage of.. 252-255 Mississippi River Commerce....361 ..... .......... 781 206 426 315 ....... ....... 712 Missouri River, Distances on. 710-712 Mitchel, John Purroy (Mayor), 316 633 ..... 625 ..... .. 699,709 Molasses, Imports and Exports. .364 ... ..... ..... Jury Duty, New York .... 429 ... .. Jewish Calendar.............. ... Jockeys, Winning ....... Jugo-Slav Congress.... Jumping Records K 478,481 Logs, Exports.. ........ ........... ...... ...... ... 615 Longitude Tables. Production. Lusitania. ... Kaiser Agrees to Reforms...672 Luxemburg (See Also Germany, Armis tice, and Peace). .. .. ....... M Machine Gun Co.. 703 Magazines, Statistics. .. Kaiser's Abdication..... "Peace Offer. .. "Shining Sword" Speech Kangas, Allens (1915) ....... Kerosene, Exports of Kiaochow. Kieff, City of Killed, U. S. Army. Knights of Columbus " Pythias. " Templar. .... Knots and Miles "Kultur" ....... .. ... ........ L ........... 313 and Divorce in U. S. 115-123 Marriages, N. Y.. Voting and Military Age, N. Y. State. 295 Mother Tongues, U. S. Pop. Manganese Ore Production.. 406,407 806 Population (1914). 329 Marriage Laws. Lake Erie, Opening of N. Y. State ... ...... .... ... ............ 312 Married Persons in U. S... 834-848 Mutton, Impts. and Expos..361-366 ..201 N General Index-Continued. PAGE Nitroglycerin. Nobel Peace Prizes. 7 PAGE PAGE 102 Periodicals. Statistics of.....813-818 32 Periods, Beginning of. 33 ......... * Pay In.. National Academy Sciences. 561 Norway, Foreign Trade. Advisory Com. Aeronautics. 828 Norwegian Merchant Marine ....... ..... 275 Perjury, Penalties. 322 Pershing's Story of Our Army 99 in France. 617 Nursery Stock, Impts. & Expts. 364 Petrograd 129 .... ....364 Petroleum ..... Phenomenal Astronom (1919) Oats, Impts. and Expts. 363-364,366 Philippine Cession ... Capitol, The Catholic War Council 11 Nuts, Imports and Exports. 423 11 .... • .. 1 Production, U. S... 617 Officers Reserve Corps. 145 Training Camps. in Army. 817 " ...... 236 Ohio Prohibition Vote. 63 River, Distances on. 37! Oil Cake, Exports. Women's Trade Up'n League.558 and Foreign Population, J. S. (per cent.) .. Naturalization Laws......... Lands, Mexico... Old English Holidays. ... .... 278 Oleo, Exports of..... 153 Olives, Imports and Exports 578 Olympic Winners... 187 715 One Hundred Years Ago. .243,245 Imports and Exports. Week's Food for a Family 575 Open Door" Policy 717,721 Opening and Closing, Lake Erie, 821 Hudson River and Erie Canal. 617,714 Oranges, Exports... ........ Insurrection. Weights and Measures 700 Philippines, the. 142 Phosphate Rock Product 315 Phosphorus.. 142 Piave, River.. ..... ..... .... 626-627 .... .... ............. ......... ........... 364 Picric Acid. ..... 655 Piers, N. Y. City 36 Pig Iron Product... ....... World .... OF9. 100 474 Pipes, Area and Content. 78" and Cylinders, Contents of.. 100 206 Ordnance Department, U. S. A. .617 713 Oregon Acquisition. 713,714 Organizations (Misc. .617 Oswego Canal. 617,714 Overman Law. 202 719 15 ... .. ..... .). Oxford-Cambridge Races P ... Negro & For'n Pop. U.S. Cities. 282 Pacific Mail S. S. Anniversary. 324 Poles, Magnetic 245 Pistol Shooting. 512 617 Place in Sun" 618 .... Planetary Configs (1919) 329 Planting Dates............ 361 Plants, in Catskills 238-241 884 ... Regeneration of. 634 260 Platinum Product. 406 .... • 535 Plow Lands, Value of 327 "Poilu". 256 ........ 618 579 Poisons Industrial.. 397 A 466 Poland.... 618 |