Ane. Acc. Scottish Rite, F. M...841 901 Bonds, Dealt in, on Exchange...417 483 Books Published in U. S. 527.813,815 720 Boy Scouts of America Peace Pleas ....662,663,664,668,669 Austria-Hungary, For'n Trade. .375 Breadstuffs, Exports of.. Austrian Peace Moves, 1917...........681 Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference wit 232 Automobile Laws. Acc. Scottish Rite Masons...842 Animals, Imports and Exports. Mortality of........ Anniversaries, Wedding. Annulty Values.. .503 Borax, Production 231 Bosnia-Herzegovina 209 Boston, Building in. 383 Botanical Gardens, N. Y 471 .627 12,487 .211 37% 363,350 450-460 Bridgeport Strikers, Warned by 463 Wilson. .351 Brigade. GU 397 Automobiles, Number in U. S...319 Bridges. New York City 609 Records.. in New York. 112 Aviation. .364- Apportionment, Congressional. . 143 Bananas, Imports and Exports. 364 Bromine, Production Bankrupte -LIW 257-259-379]Banks, N. Y. City. Canada 421 Brooklyn Fed. Jewish Charities. .856 435-441 376 558 Brotherhood, St. Andrew "and Pop., the Earth...... 67 Baptist Young People's Union...239 Brussels.. 475 879 328 Buffalo Acad. Fine Arts. 363,366 Buffer States. 794 611 244,245) Buildings, Costly, N. Y. City 891 Barbed Wire Entanglements........610 Budgets, New York City + Argentina. Igiports and Exports. 371 Production, U. S. Natural Wealth .... Armistice Orders to Troops. 371,449|Barrage 679 Baseball.. Co Burian on "Enemy Obstinacy"..669 Civil Actions, Arrests. Bushel Measures.. 106 ..418-421 PAGE 905 Custom Dutics. 421 Customs Claims, Litig, of. 796 44 97 Revenues. Surveyors. 422 Cuxhaven. 115-123 Cyprus, Population 263 Czechoslovak Nat. Unity 529 530 D Burmah, Rubber Production. .384 Service Commission, U. S...206 Dairy Prod., Impts. & Expis 364,366 Service Rules, N. Y. City 888 Danish W. Indies, Census, Etc ..395 Service, N. Y. State.. 831 Dates, Memorable .... War Pensions.. .578 Daughters of Cincinnati. Business Failures. Busy Corners, N. Y. and London.317 Butter, Imports and Exports...364 Claims for Military Operations..580 Days Between Two Datcs. 76 .389 37 .36,580 .858 New York. Rate, War, in Germany .543. "Roll of 1918.. 415 Deaths in U. S. Navy 259,406,411-415) "In Street. Accidents. 39-50 Tar Chemical Prod., Ú. S.....396) 35 Coast Guard......... 35 "Line, U. S... 35 "and Geodetic Survey 38 Cocoa and Chocolate, 35 and Exports. "General Statistics. Officials of. Canals, Champlain Canal "N. Y., Dist., Tonn'e, Etc. United States. Cape Province, Population Carbolic Acid... Carbon Sulphurate. (Nat.) War Council. Catskill Water Supply 35 Cod Fisheries, Pacifie 611 Coffee Statistics.. 612 "Trade of Brazil. .317 Coin in Circulation. 376-379 Coins, Foreign, Value of .327 Cold Storage Data 325-328 College Alumni in War. New York... 188 Debt, N. Y. City 79 221 Imports .364 War, Canada. Debts of States. "of Belligerents. .251 Decimals and Fractions. 250,364 Declarat'n of Independence. 372 Signers...126 707 .556 99 . 197 42 Deeds, Acknowledgment of 424 Degree, Minutes of... 406,411,414 Democratic Nat'l Committee 242 Nat'l Convent'n, 1908-'12-'16 . . 145 206 "State Chairmen. 527 Denmark, Nat'l Wealth. 352,366,375 Diplomatic Service. 11 Compensation Laws. 197 .449 389 ...271 423 461 .613 ..731 259 Diplomats Dismissed by U. S...151 .418-421 Distances, Albany to Montreal. .327 612 .565 Between Cities. 318-320 on Miss., O., & Mo. Riv's.315-316 "on N. Y. Canals. ..585 325-328 795 Distilled Spirits Production. 235 795 District-Attorneys, U. S..... 205 612 "Democratic, Wilson's Plea for655 District Leaders, N. Y. City..862-864 612 Divorce Laws. .206 Division (in Army) Statistics.. 612 "Librarian of. 189-193 ་་ 143 Dixie_Highway .129 Dog Racing Amendments. 133 Dominican Rep., Impts. & Expts.370 259 Consular Service Exams. 104,106 Contraband. 212 Dower (Widow's) Laws.. 612 Contracts, Laws of. 327 Copyright Law 364"Dry" States.. .377,406 Duties, Customs. 603-607 227 Dwellings and Families in U. S..279 .396 Cheese, Imports and Exports...364 .502 Statistics......244-245,363-364-366 Chewing Gum, Impts & Expis. .364 Corners, Busy, N. Y. & London. .316 Chicle, Imports and Exports....364 Corporate Contributions....580,582 Earth, Area and Population Child Labor Law, Decision on...586|Costa Rica, Impts. and Expts...374 Earthquake Areas.. Children, War's Effect on. 708,711,712 Easter Sunday Dates. 374 Cotton Seed Oil, Exports 364,366 Eclipses, 1919.. 263 Prod., U. S. 367 Statistics. 241-'6,259,261,360-'1-'3-'6 394 County Offices, N. Y. City .204 Electrical Units. States.... 880 Elements of Solar System. Cuba, Imp'ts and Exp'ts, etc. 373,805 Elgin Nat'l Records. .737 "Cities, Population. 737 Cuban Insurrection.. 34 Curtailments of Industries 33 Custom House, Exam. of Bag...830 Emery Production. 807-8121 Collectors.. 301 "Peace Message from U. S. Silk Products.. .562 France's Colonies... 418-421 Franco-Prussian War. .420 Free Trade, Wilson on. Familles in U. S. Owning Homes. 279 Freedom of Seas. Farm Animals, U. S. "Crops, Prices of, Ete Horses, Average Weight. "Wealth, U. S... Farmers Interest Tables. "National Congress. 255, 256 Fruits, Imports and Exports. 561 Fuel Administration, U. S Fast Atlantic Ocean Passages...231 Fatigue, in British Munit. Wkg. 405 "Imports and Exports.. Federation American Zionists...436 Galicia.. "Farm Loan Bank.. 433 Garden Planting Map. "Farm Loan Building Law....574 Reserve Bkg. Statistics...432-134 Gas, Mustard. "Trade Commission. Feldspar Prod.: Females, 21 Yrs. and Over, U. S 277 Gasoline, Exports of. 613 Gelatin, Imports and Exports...364 Hindenburg Line.. 613 Gems, Production, U. S... 895 General Chronology, Regins on. .764 Hockey. 894 Generals in U. S. Army 542 Geographic Board... 895 Geological Epochs, Classif. of... 69 $95 Geology, Progress in... 423 George, Lloyd, on Peace. 792 German Armistice Terms (See Also Peace, War, Kaiser, 58 Capital in Russia "Feace Pleas, Wilson on. .656 664,668,670 "Ships Surrendered... Floods (See Also Chronology, and Wrecks) Florida, Allens (1915) Purchase.. Flour, Imports & Exports.363-4,366" Flowers, State. Fluorspar Products. Fog, Duration Average. Food, Administration. P Germany Asks U. S. for Food...680 Horses, Farin, Average Weight..360 National Wealth.. on 14 Peace Points "Peace Offer to Belgium 324 Glacial Age... 323|Glucose, Exports.. 211 Gold, Imports and Exports Open'g & Closing .329 .389 Humidity of Places. U. S. 68 Hungary, Silk Production. National Wealth. Hurdling Records.. Industrial Consumption of..427 "Production, Canada. 377 I "Production, U. S.. 261,429 Ice Harvest, Hudson 254 "Value and Weight of. 428 Iceland, Cost of Living. 12,512 "World's Production of. 428,430 Iiteracy in U. S... ..424 Golf. .485 literates in U. S. ....... 350 Immigration Statistics. 837 Imports, U. S............. Foods, Digest, and Energ. of....251 "Time in Stomach.. Football... Foreign Coins, Value of.. "Commerce,. U. S. Diplomats Dismissed by U. S.151 .719 P 322 "Canal Cession. PAGE! Nitroglycerin. Nobel Peace Prizes. National Academy Sciences.....561 Norway, Foreign Trade. Advisory Com. Aeronautics..828 U. S. Ariny). Capitol, The. PAGE PAGE 813-818 33 547 Norwegian Merchant Marine. 322 Pershing's Story of Our Army in France.. 689 36 Petrograd. "Production. 423 223 11 Council Congreg. Churches. .217 Catholic War Council. Phenomenal Astronom (1919) 617 Officers Reserve Corps. 145 Training Camps.. 817 in Army....... 20 Ohio Prohibition Vote. 63 449 371 River, Distances on. Oll Cake, Exports. Old English Holidays. 153 Olives, Imports and Exports. 578 187 Olympic Winners... One Hundred Years Ago 715 Week's Food for a Family .575 717.721 "Open Door" Policy... 617,714 Imports and Exports. "Insurrection. "Weights and Measures. 700 Philippines, the. 142 Phosphate Rock Product Ordnance Department, U. S. A. .617 Regeneration of. 260 Platinum Product. 535 Plow Lands, Value of. 579 Poisons Industrial. Necro & For'n Pop. U. S. Cities. .282 Pacific Mail S. S. Anniversary. 324 Poles, Magnetic. Netherlands. Foreign Trade.. 375 Panama Canal. Newfoundland Seal Fishery, 1918.260 Ships Taken by U. S.... New Incorporations.. "Jersey Allens, 1915. York Action on Amendments to U. S. Constitution.12 Pai Germanism.. and London St. Traffic. 316 Parks, N. Y. City Botanical Garden. 351 Passport Regulations. 618 Population (Alien) Boston (1915)294 315 Phosphorus.. 142 Piave, River. 364 Picric Acid. 404 655 Piers, N. Y. City 899 36 Pig Iron Product 407 World 259 .212 Pool.. 499 Florida (1915....... 20% S. Dak. (1915) 205 129 328 Paupers in Almshouses, U. S. 285 Wyoming (1915). 295 "Centre of U. S.. 133 China.. 263.394 672 County Offices. 342 Government. 929 Germany .676 672 Foreign, N. Y. Cities.. Counties, Aren & Pop. .297 Day of Prayer for. 650 Germany on the 14 Points 6421 "Females 21 and Over, U. S...277 White Stock, N. Y.306 and Native by Ages. White Stock, U. S. .375 296 New York.... 301 Foreign and Native "German Ideas of. 020 France 385 Population, by Ages.301 "Granted to Germany 6741 Hawaii (1917) 280 Foreign Whites. 296 Kaiser's Offer. 66 Indians, N. Y. State. "in Industries, U. S. Jewish, U. S., Etc Manila (1914) New York City Japan.. 392 275 847.848 650 More 652 U. S. .265-268 Legislature 4 836 Committees. .29 Males, Voting and Military Age. Russia... 297 Speech. 649 .657 H Points 641 **Rank of States in U. S. 648 Wilson's Appeal for Russia..6631 "Foree to Utmost" States (1910) Sex, Col., Nativ 270 "United States, 1790-1918 U. S. Blind . 276 261 263 State, Aliens in Villages.299| Red Cross Speech...651 by Mother Tongues..28:5 Rej, to Germany 646 Wilson at Tomb of Wash'ton .657 to C'ougress. 653 Citics. Negro & For. .282 Density of.. 271 Dwell's & Families 279 831 796 Farmers' Congress647 Famil's Own'g Homes 279 650 For. Sourcee Growth. .277 .382) Peat Production.. 406 Illiterates. 284 .286 578 Insane in Hospitals...286 p. c. (1890-1917). "Insane in N.Y.State (1917) 287-258 U. S. Males and School and Military “Age. 278 287 Females, |