COSMOPOLITAN 231 West 50th St., New York Phone Circle 1754 War-Time Opportunities WOMEN. MEN. All day end evening classes in practical Through the Woman's Motor Vocational and theoretical gas engine knowledge. With and Industrial Corps. Mrs. Harper. Directress, headquarters at this school have the motor operation. construction, maintenance, use of our practical equipment at low rates. also repair, for owners and prospective pur- which include membership in the Corps. chasers and those men wanting to become JOIN NOW: RECRUITS WANTED. automobile or airplane engine mechanics. Splendid. healthful. Interesting training Advance classes for those with some expe-opportunity with motor preparedness and rience. Driving road lessons are included mechanical knowledge with driving. In all courses from one to eight weeks. tional military training in National Guard Tractor and truck demonstrations arranged Armory. Corps uniform and insignia. oath for those entering this branch of industry of allegiance and salute to flag required in when qualified. Send for booklet or call Military Division. You may become a any time. Home Soldier without owning a motor car. Op WOMEN.-There are occupational benefits and numerous opportunities to serve in War Work in the U. S. and abroad when qualified. Folder B will be sent on request. OUR BLUE BOOK ON PATENTS This 104-page book for inventors and manufacturers sent on COUNSELLORS IN PATENT LAW, ROBB, 300 30 Southem Bidge Washington, D.C. TRADE-MARKS REGISTERED IN ALL COUNTRIES ILAVING BIG MONEY IN PHOTOGRAPHY MOTION PICTURE-STUDIO-COMMERCIAL Earn $25 to $100 a weck in salary or in business of your own. Learn Now in New, Up-to-Date Studios Call or Write for Free Booklet.-Explains all about the opportu- N. Y. INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPILY, Dept. 201, 141 W. 36th St., New York City 1 WONDEREEN THE SKIN LOTION SUPREME Will improve a good complexion and make a bad one better. Should be on every Lady's Dressing Table Delightfully fragrant, it is not sticky or greasy and will keep the skin smooth and soft; very soothing, and relieves chapped or chafed skin, prickly heat, sunburn and windburn. For Gentlemen with tender skin and after shaving it soothes and 162 William St., R-U-DEAF? There is hope for every deaf person. The MEGA-EAR PHONE A Multiple Megaphone Sound Accumulating Not Metal or Rubber-Non-Irritating. New York City 1 i : How I Improved My Memory In One Evening 1. The Amazing Experience of Victor Jones "Of course I place you! Mr. Addison Sims of Seattle. • "If I remember correctly-and I do remember correctly-Mr. Burroughs, the lumberman, introduced you to me at the luncheon of the Seattle Rotary Club three years ago in May. This is a pleasure indeed! I haven't laid eyes on you since that day. How is the grain business? And how did that amalgamation work out?" The assurance of the speaker-in the crowded corridor of the Hotel McAlpin-compelled me to turn and look at him, though I must say it is not my usual habit to "listen in," even in a hotel lobby. "He is David M. Roth, the most famous memory expert in the United States," said my friend Kennedy, answering my question before I could get it out. "He will show you a lot more wonderful things than that before the evening is over.". And he did. As we went into the banquet room the toastmaster was introducing a long line of guests to Mr. Roth. I got in line and when it came my turn. Mr. Roth asked. "What are your initials. Mr. Jones. and your business connection and telephone number?" Why he asked this I learned later, when he picked out from the crowd the 60 men he had met two hours before and called each by name without a mistake. What is more, he mamed each man's business and telephone number. for good measure. I won't tell you all the other amazing things this man did except to tell how the called back, without a minute's hesitation, long lists of numbers, bank clearings, prices. lot numbers, parcel post rates and anything else the guests had given him in rapid order. "You can do this just as easily as I do. Anyone with an average, mind can learn quickly to do exactly the same things which seem so miraculous when I do them.. "My Own memory." continued Mr. Roth, was originally very faulty. Yes it was-a really poor memory. On meeting a man I would lose his name in thirty seconds, while now there are probably 10,000 men and women in the United.. States, many of whom I have met but once. whose names I can tell instantly on meeting them." "That is all night for you. Mr. Roth." I interrupted, "you have given years to it. But how about me?" "Mr. Jones," he replied, "I can teach you the secret of a good memory in one evening. This is not a guess, because I have done it with thousands of pupils, In the first of seven simple lessons whith I have prepared for home study. I show you the basic principle of my whole system and you will find it-not hard work as you might fear-but just like playing a fascinating game. I will prove it to you." He didn't have to prove it. His Course ddd; I got it the very next day from his publishers. the Independent Corporation. When I stackled the first lesson. I suppose I was the most surprised man in |