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JUST TRY IT AND SEE how much better you feel in the morning. That "loggy," headachy, tired, don't-know-what's-the-matter feeling will be gone-you'll feel fine.

ROUBLE IS, your system is

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Better Your 9 OUT OF 10 HENS

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Mr. Boros Had ດ Run-Down Lot, but Now They're Healthy and Laying.

My hens were in a very poor condition;

had colorless combs, and were not laying.

In less than three weeks from the time I started feeding them Don Sung I began to receive eggs each day and am NOW receiving, on the average, eggs from ninetenths of my hens every day.”—John Boros. R. F. D. 7. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. People whose hens are run down and them laying. not laying can start them laying and keep Accept our offer a8 Mr. Boros did.

egg-laying) {

Give your hens Don Sung and watch 16. sults for one month. If you don't find that Don Sune pays for itself, and a good profit besides, your money will be refunded. Don Sung (Chinese for works on the egg-laying organs and is also a splendid tonic. It is easily given in the feed, improves the hen's health, makes her stronger and more active in any weather.

Try Don Sung for 30 days and if it doesn't get you the eggs. no matter how cold or wet the weather, your money will be refunded by return mail. Send 50 cents for a_package mail by prepaid. Burrell-Dugger Co.. 231 Columbia Bldg. Indianapolis. Ind.




Get in Solid Gold


Yes, mail us only $1, and we will send you prepaid on 10 days' free trial, a lacanite mounted in solid gold. When it comes merely deposit $3.75 with the postman and then wear the ring 10 full days.

Free Trial If you or any of your friends can tell

it from a diamond send it back and all your money will be returned at once. But if you keep it send us $2.50 a month until $18.75 has been paid.

Write To-day Send $1 to-day and tell us which

of the two rings Illustrated abore (ladies' or men's) you wish. Be sure to send the size of your finger. HAROLD LACHMAN CO., Dept. 3401. 12 N. Michigan Av.. Chicago


A BOOK TO KEEP ON YOUR DESK By Dr. John L. Haney. Head of Dept. of English, Central High School, Phila,

A handy reference work, more convenient than the dictionary. Explains OVER 1000 misused words and phrases in clear language that anyone can understand.

The best book of its kind in print. Why be kept down by mistakes in speaking and writing?”

Cloth Bound. 544 pages. Only $1 postpaid.

Newly revised edition now ready. Let us send you a copy on approval.

The Egerton Press, 934 North 11th St, Phila, Pa.


To Relieve Catarrhal Deaf

ness and Head Noises

If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength) and add to it.14 pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day.

This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Any one who has Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial.


CAN BE CURED Free Proof to You

All I want is your name and address so I can send you a free trial treatment. I want you just to try this treatment-that's all -just try it. That's my only argument.


J. C. Hutzell, R. P.

I've been in the drug business in Fort Wayne for 20 years, nearly everyone knows me and knows about my successful treatment. Over six thousand five hundred people outside of Fort Wayne have, according to their own statements, been cured by this treatment since I first made this offer public.

If you have Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum, Tetter-never mind how bad-ny treatment has cured the worst cases I ever saw-give me a chance to prove my claim. Send me your name and address on the coupon below and get the trial treatment I want to send you FREE. The wonders accomplished in your own case will be proof. CUT OUT AND MAIL TO-DAY W

J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 2894 West Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Flease send without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment.


Post Office.



Street and No..

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