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Wanted Ideas LIST OF PATENT BUYERS contains requests from MANUFACTURERS and PROMOTERS for patents secured by us, and suggestions as to New Ideas they wish to purchase. THIS MAN GOLD MEDAL (Highest DOES THESE THINGS WITH CARNES ARMS World-wide recognition of the usefulness of the Carnes Arm is shown by the fact that we have sold them in every State in the U. S. A.. every province of Canada. in England. France, Italy. Holland. Denmark. Belgium. Philippine Islands. Malay Peninsula. Argentine. Chili, Peru. S. A.. Africa. Australia. Cuba. New Zealand. Porto Rico, Mexico and Hawaii. It is THE Artificial Arm that you do work with, without the assistance of repulsive looking Hooks and accessories. You use the fingers, bend the wrist and elbow. grasp articles. carry objects, write. use telephones, run automobile. plow, shovel. hoe. witch hay, husk corn, run sewing machine, crochet, do fancy work, etc. The Carnes Arm may be made to fit any amputation, from the loss of only part of the hand to the entire loss of the shoulder. Catalog B 18, showing men and women with various amputations, using the arm, sent on request. Full instructions for taking cast and measurements for sending in orders by mail in catalog. Carnes Artificial Limb Company HOME OFFICE and FACTORY: 904 NEW YORK OFFICE: 501 Centurian Bldg., 1182 Broadway. CHICAGO OFFICE: 626 New York Life Bldg., La Salle and Monroe Streets. PITTSBURGH OFFICE: 702 Arrott Bldg., Wood & Fourth Sts. TORONTO OFFICE: 610 Lumsden Bldg., Cor, Yonge and Adelaide Streets. Cable Address: East 12th St.. Kansas City. Mo. OFFICE: Care of Queen Mary's ConvalescentAuxiliary Hospital, Roehampton. 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Take advantage of our Employment Service to secure better paying positionsmore congenial lines. Salary increases ranging from 50 per cent. to 500 per cent. have been gained by experienced salesmen through our training and service-write us and learn what we can do for you. FREE BOOK ON SALESMANSHIP Read our big free book full of valuable information on the Art and Science of Selling-it shows how you can become successful. Write for book and list showing lines of business with openings for salesmen-both will be sent FREE to your address, National Salesmer's Training Ass'n.. Dept. 50. MAIL THIS COUPON Chicago. Illinois. U. S. A. NATIONAL SALESMEN'S TRAINING ASS'N.. Dept. 30, Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. With no obligation on my part. please send me your illustrated book, "A Knight of the Grip," and list of lines in which positions are open. Name Address Pitmanic Shorthand practically the only system, and the standard used for VERBATIM REPORTING throughout the English Speaking World for nearly 80 years; used by reporters in Houses of Parliament, London; House of Representatives and U. S. Senate (Chief of the Senate Reporters receiving $25,000 yearly; highest salary paid any stenographer in the world); used by every Court Reporter in New York City and by all Court Experts in every State in the Union; the high rate of speed necessary for such positions formerly required many years of practice; with the modern Lusk Method, every stenographer now, in a few NEW 1919 400 Word-a-Minute LUSK SHORTHAND Pitmanic now Marvelously and Scientifically Greatest Improvement made in 40 years in A Lusk writer can record almost any sen- Beginners' Courses By the arrangement of these wonderful text books, beginners knowing absolutely nothing about shorthand are required to commence the dictation of letters at 100words-minute in the briefest reporting style, after five lessons. By the marvelous Simplification of Pitmanic Shorthand, only one-third of the time is now required to obtain double the speed Post-graduate Courses for Stenographers. Pitman, Graham. 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