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New Hair Growth



My head at the top and back was absolutely bald. The scalp was shiny. An expert said that as he thought the hair roots were extinct, and there was no hope of my ever having a new hair growth. Yet now, at an age over 66, I have a luxuriant growth of soft, strong, lustrous hair! No trace of baldness. The pictures shown here are from my photographs.

Indians' Secret of Hair Growth Free


At a time when I had become discouraged at trying various hair lotions, tonics, specialists' treatments, etc., I came across, in my travels, a Cherokee Indian "medicine man' who had an elixir that he asseverated would grow my hair. Although I had but little faith, I gave it a trial, To my amazement a light fuzz soon appeared. It developed, day by day, into a healthy growth, and ere long my hair was as prolific as in my youthful days.

From recent photo.

That I was astonished and happy is expressing my state of mind mildly. Obviously, the hair roots had not been dead, but were dormant in the scalp, awaiting the fertilizing potency of the mysterious pomade. I negotiated for and came into possession of the principle for preparing this mysterious elixir, now called Kotalko, and later had

Photo when bald. the recipe put into practical form by a chemist.

That my own hair growth was permanent has been amply proved. Many men and women, also children, have reported satisfactory restilts from Kotalko.

How You May Grow YOUR Hair

My honest belief is that hair roots rarely die even when the hair falls out through dandruff, fever, excessive dryness or other disorders. I have been told by

experts that often when hair falls out

the roots become imbedded within the RECIPE


scalp, covered by hard skin, so that they remain for a time like bulbs or seeds in a bottle which will grow when fertilized. Shampoos (which contain alkalis) and hair lotions which contain alcohol are enemies to the hair, the hair, as they dry it, making it brittle. Kotalko contains those elements of nature which give new vitality to the scalp and hair. To prove the GENUINENESS of Kotalko, I will send the recipe FREE on request. Or I will mail a testing box of Kotalko with the recipe for 10 cents, silver or stamps. Satisfy yourself. You want to stop falling hair, eliminate dandruff or cover that bald spot with healthy hair. Get the testing box, apply once or twice daily-watch in your mirror! Address: JOHN HART BRITTAIN, BB-294, Station F, New York, N. Y


For women's hair.

Enclosed find 10 cents for which send a testing box of famous KOTALKO, also the genuine recipe.

Name and Address.


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How We

the Leaks

Stopped the
That Kept Us Poor

The Discovery Which Enabled Howard Lindsay and
His Wife to Save One-third of Their Income and
Later Aided Mr. Lindsay to Become President
ofa Large Corporation-A Secret
That Applies to Any Income


or other out of

Who should walk into
into the room but taken care of somehow
Howard Lindsay! Of all men perhaps the
last I had expected to find as the presi-
dent of this
of this great new company. They
had told me that Mr. Lindsay of the Con-
solidated was looking for a fine country
fine country
home and was interested in buying the
Dollard Place in Englewood; so as execu-
tor of the Dollard estate T had come to
discuss the terms with him.

futuro salary checks,
"When I asked myself the reason for all
this I found that I did not know the rea-
son, and no more did my wife, because e
hadn't the faintest idea what our money
had been spent for.

But Lindsay! Surely some miracle had miracle had happened. For it was the very man wao had come to me "dead broke" about four years back and had asked me to help him | get a new job. But how he had changed! The man I remembered was down at the heel, and timid and ill-kempt. The man now facing me was keen-eyed. alert. confident and well groomed.


"You are surprised, Mr. Otis, I can se that without your telling me. I was pretty sorry object the last time we metand you may be sure I have not forgotten the good turn you did me when I needed it so badly.


"Let that real estate matter rest for a moment while I tell you how the change happened. It won't take five minutes. It all seems simple as A B C as I look back on it now. And, come to think of it. it was simple and perfectly natural.

How It All Began.

"Our new life began when we discovered how to save money. That happened soon after I started in the new job you helped me secure. And it all came about right in my own home. Our family cash account was in terrible shape at that time. Both my wife and I had been used to luxuries at home and charge it to Dad' had been our easy way out of any money problem.

"Then We looked around among our friends and learned a great lesson,

The Weeds, I knew. were getting more than $5.000 á year. They lived in a modest apartment. did not wear fine clothes. seldom went to the theatre, did little ontertaining. vet we knew they barely had enough money to pay current bills. They found it out of the question to save any money and found themselves, so Weed fold me. in the same predicament that we had faced on New Year's Day.

In the case of the Wells I found a very different story and one that set me thinking hard. was Their income $2.000 a year. yet. to my amazement. they confided to us that they had saved $600 a They year ever since they were married. arry grand opera in their didn't have program-except on their little Victrolabut they did go to the theatre regularly. they wore good clothes, entertained their friends at their home and were about the happiest and most contented couple of all our married friends.

Our Great Discovery.

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"Then I discovered the magic secret. The Weeds never knew whether they could afford to make a given expenditure or not. Theirs, like others, was a careless. happygo-lucky existence. with the happiness cut out because they were always worried about money matters. They kept no accounts and just trusted to luck-and So had bad luck all the time.

"The Wells. on the other hand, were getting more real enjoyment out of fe

simply because they knew what they could afford to spend.

"But it was different now and our sole source of supply was my salary of $3.000. We never went to the theatre that we didn't have the uncomfortable feeling that We were using money that ought to gothan people with double their incomefor coal or clothes or food. We seldom bought anything without feeling as though were cheating ourselves out of something else. That year we didn't save one cent. Besides that we woke up on New Year's Day to find a big bunch of unpaid bills to be of unpaid bills to be

"The difference between these two familles was that in one case the expenditures were made without any plan-while in the other the income was regulated on a weekly budget system.

"Right there we got our Big Idea and The Ferrin Money Saving Account Book our key to success and happiness. is the first and only device of its kind. It "We sat down that evening and made is the only account book based on | the up a budget of all our, expenses for the expenses for the budget idea. It is the only one that bronext fifty-two weeks. We discovered leaks | vides for the income as well as the classi galore. We found a hundred ways where | fied items of expense.. It contains comlittle amounts could be saved.

"And in no time we were engaged in the most fascinating game either of us had ever played-the game of 'Money Saving.' "In one short month we had a 'strangie hold' on our expenses and knew just where We were going. In one year my wife proudly produced a bank book showing a tidy savings account of $800.

My New Grip on Business.

pact information on

Keening Expense Accounts.

Making an Inventory of Household Goods.
Making Safe Investments.
Making a Budget.

A Few Minutes a Day.

The Ferrin System takes only a few minutes a day. No knowledge of bookkeeping is required. Any grammar school boy or girl can keep the accounts in the Ferrin

"In the mean time an extraordinary | Book. This method is not a hard task. change had come over me in business. because of my not having to worry about my personal affairs. I was able to give my employer's affairs my full, undivided attention during business hours instead of being harassed and worried as I had always been before.

Now you need not worry about the money you spend, for clothes. food. rent or the. theatre. You will spend it freely because you will know how much you can afford to spend.

Read the following letter from Mr. Carleton F. Brown. Treasurer and General Manager of the Corona Typewriter Company:

"I didn't fully realize this until the president called me in one day and said. "I today received the Ferrin Money Sav'Lindsay, you have been doing exception- ing Account Book, and and on showing it to. ally well. I have been studying your work some of my friends they were very much for the last year and you have saved the impressed with the idea and requested me company a lot of money. We have decided to order, one for them. I would, therefore, to give you an interest in the business,' | appreciate it if you would send me five And besides that he doubled my salary. I more of these Ferrin Saving Account Books never told him what had worked the I am sending you herewith my check for change, but my wife and I know well. $12.00 to cover the cost of these five in "When you consider what my income is addition to the one which I have just enow, all that I have told you seems funny,ceived."


doesn't it? I can write my check in six Also the following from Mr. D. G. Shepfigures to-day, and my new salary here is hard. Publicity Manager of the Fairmont $25.000 a year. But I am still working | Gas Engine and Railway Motor Car Com"on the same plan that I used to keep track of that original $3,000. Result, I know just what I can subscribe to Liberty Bonds and the Red Cross and all the other war funds, and I never have to wonder whether I can afford to have a new motor car. because my budget tells me to a penny. "It all began when we got a grip on our family expenses.

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"So there you are. It is wonderful. isn't It? I often wish I might tell my story to the thousands of young married couples who are having the hardest time of their lives just when they ought to be having the best time.

"My wife and I have been making entries in the book only a little over one week, and already have discovered many household 'leaks' to an approximate sun. of $5.00. We have the Ferrin method to thank for these discoveries.

Send No Money.

See how magically the Ferrin Book works, no matter how much or how little income. We know what you will think of it when you see it. So we are willing to send you the book without your sending us any money in advance. Just "If you ever get a chance. do pass this mail the coupon and back will come the message on, for there are thousands who book by return mail. When you nave. don't know what the trouble is. who scen what big returns the Ferrin System would give everything to know one of the will pay you. send us only $2. If you secrets of the fat bank balance. feel that you you can afford not to have it, So now I have the opportunity, and you return the book and owe us nothing. Act are lucky if only you will act for the sake of your bank account the now. on wonderful message this story contains. and your future. HARRISON OTIS

The Magic Budget Plan.

The Ferrin Money Saving Account Book is built on the experience of Howard Lindsay. It is simplicity in itself. It contains 112 pages, size 8x10 inches, and is bound in dark blue seal grain imitation leather, semi-flexible. stamped in gold. This book has been prepared by an expert and fits any salary from the smallest to the largest.


Independent Corporation

Division of Business Education. Dept. 721,
119 West 40th St., New York.
Publishers of The Independent (and
Harper's Weekly).

Please send me the Ferrin Money Savings
Account Book on. Free Examination,
will send you $2 within 5 days after re-
ceipt or return the book.

This wonderful aid to money-making-
this watchdog of your income and expendi-
tures-properly kept will tell you to a
penny where your money goes. It will
keep absolute track of your expenditures.
It will keep you out of debt. It will help Name
put money in the bank. It will provide,
as nothing else can. a feeling of security,

self-confidence and independence that Address
comes only from the knowledge that vou
have a tidy and growing bank account.

W.A. 1-19

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Athol Manufacturing Co., Athol, Mass.




Any puncture or leak in boat, canoe or flying boat can be repaired in five minutes. It is as valuable to a canoeist as a repair kit to a bicyclist or automobilist. It is a Johnny-on-the-spot article that no boatman should be without. It does not dry up nor deterioriate in the can, but will be found equally ready for use in ten years as today. Friction top emergency cans, 35 cents each; by mail 40 cents each; Canada 47 cents each. Send for Booklets "Marine Glue, What to Use and How to Use It," and "How to Make Your Boat Leak-Proof." At all Hardware and Sporting Goods Houses. L. W. FERDINAND & CO.

152 Kneeland Street,

Boston, Mass., U. S. A.

V. S. Standard Army Pneumatic Pillow


when deflated. No pump required to Inflate. Cool, refreshing. sanitary. the ideal pillow for out-doors.

If you have a son, brother or sweetheart in the army give him a pillow: it will assure him a good night's rest and be a constant reminder of you.

Price $3.00. Postpaid Anywhere

Our special catalogue B fully describes complete line of pneumatic pillows, mattresses and sleeping bags.


126 Atlantic Avenue



"I Got the Job!"

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