All You Need To Know About Action Research

SAGE Publications, 10.01.2006 - 274 Seiten
In All You Need to Know About Action Research, leading practitioners Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead are your guides to a vast and fast-moving field. They provide a brilliantly written and easy-to-follow introduction to action research that will be essential reading for students, practitioners and seasoned researchers alike.This book is essential reading for anyone interested in action research. It is equally essential reading for anyone interested in making a difference; in generating theory from research; and in learning from practice.

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Autoren-Profil (2006)

Jean McNiff is Professor of Educational Research at York St John University, UK. She is also a Visiting Professor at UiT the Arctic University of Norway, and at the Beijing Normal University and Ningxia Teachers’ University, People’s Republic of China. Jean took early retirement from her position as deputy head teacher of a large secondary school in Dorset, UK. She went into business for herself, and developed her writing. Her textbooks on action research and professional education are now used internationally on workplace-based professional education courses and on higher degree courses. Jean provides interdisciplinary consultancy work to institutions around the world where she gives lectures and conducts workshops on planning, doing and writing action research. Jean aims to contribute to personal and social betterment through educational research. She encourages everyone to make their stories public in the form of their personal and collaborative theories of practice; and she firmly believes that each individual is able to contribute to social and planetary wellbeing by explaining how they hold themselves accountable for what they do. In this way she links education with moral accountability. She tries to bring the university to everyday contexts, and everyday contexts into the university, for it is only by involving everyone, she feels, that the world will become a better place for us all. Visit Jean at, or contact her at

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