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EDUCATION. A Report by the National Committee on Mathematical Requirements; J. W. Young, chairman, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H.

For some years there has been much criticism of the content and method of certain subjects in some of the high school courses. Mathematics is one of these subjects. Fortunately, leading mathematics teachers listened to this criticism, realized the need for action, and appointed a National Committee on Mathematical Requirements. This committee was made up of representative teachers from Massachusetts to California and from New York to Texas, and had the assistance of over one hundred organizations interested in the subject. Its declared purpose was to give "national expression to the movement for reform in the teaching of mathematics." After several years' work, the result is this book, which is probably the most important publication in the field of mathematics teaching that has appeared in many years.

The book is divided into two parts: I, General Principles and Recommendations; II, Investigations Conducted for the Committee. Some of the topics in Part I are: 1. Aims in Mathematical Instruction; 2. Mathematics for years 7, 8 and 9; 3. Mathematics for years 10, 11 and 12; 4. College entrance requirements; 5. List of propositions in plane and solid geometry; 6. The function concept in secondary school mathematics; 7. Terms and symbols in elementary mathematics. There are also chapters on standard tests, the training of teachers, and a bibliography of the teaching of mathematics, consisting of over five hundred articles which appeared in American and English journals between the years 1911 and 1921.

In regard to arithmetic, the report says: "Accuracy and facility in numerical computation are of such vital importance to every individual that effective drill in this subject should be continued throughout the secondary school period, not in general as a separate topic, but in connection with the numerical problems arising in other work." "On the side of Algebra, the ability to understand its language and to use it intelligently, the ability to analyze a problem, to formulate it mathematically, and to interpret the result, must be dominant aims."

The book should be studied most carefully by every teacher of mathematics in junior and senior high schools.-ROBT. R. Goff.

THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF FOOD. The Story of the Foods by Which We Live. Where and How They Grow and are Marketed. Their Comparative Values and How Best to Use and Enjoy Them. Published by Artemas Ward, 50 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Price $10.00.

There are eighty (80) full page illustrations (color-plates), showing two hundred subjects, and made from direct studies from life, in this superb volume; these are supplemented by numerous half-tones. There are nearly 600 pages (to be exact 596 pages), each page sure to fascinate the reader, be he old or young, lettered or unlearned, since no subject is of such absolutely universal interest as the food that our bodies demand and that gives to everyone not only life and strength, but pleasure and satisfaction also. The author says, with truth, that "there is hardly a morsel of food but has the breath of romance in it.” All countries, all kinds of men, many animals and insects, on land and in the sea, microscopic creatures, forces of Nature unseen by the eye of man, the waves and the winds, the influence of the sun and of the tides, are working, and have been working since the creation of the Universe, to prepare food and place it within reach; and man's brain has comprehended and his hand has co-operated;-but there are still secrets of Nature to be discovered; and there are new processes to be perfected. The story to date is fully told in this book. No pains or money have been spared to make it inclusive of whatever is known about the foods which man craves, and what foods will best nourish him and minister to his well being. This book should take its place in every household along with the family Bible. The information which it contains will be as serviceable to man's physical life as the Bible is to his spiritual needs. It will surely be given a place of honor and interest in multitudes of homes and will contribute mightily, if used, to the family welfare. No public library will be complete without it. The painstaking care and thoroughness of the publisher, and the skill of the artists combined, have produced in this volume one of the most notable books of the century.

DAIRY FARMING PROJECTS. By Carl Edwin Ladd, Ph.D. The Macmillan Company.

A practical handbook for dairy farmers who wish to conduct their farms for profit. A text book for students in agricultural courses who are looking forward toward farming that includes dairying. The author is himself a successful dairy farmer, and his book has a basis of common sense and experience and is not simply theoretical. All phases of the subject, even to the keeping of accounts, are fully considered.

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Pan-Americanism Through Our Schools. Paul Tincher Smith

What Constitutes the Teaching of Composition, Zeta Cook Mayhew
Tragedy. (Poem). Frederick Herbert Adler

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A Humanized Course in a Women's College. Elizabeth B. Cowley
Outline Study of "Christabel" Esther G. Harrop

The New Dispensation. Henry Flury

America's Junior Delight-Makers.

American Notes-Editorial.

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Published by THE PALMER COMPANY, 120 Boylston Street

Entered at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., as second-class mail matter

Copyright 1923, in the United States and Canada, by The Palmer Company

Price 40 Cents

$4.00 a Year

These Notable One-volume Histories


Published in 1923


"The most readable, handy history of this country that has appeared." Its 998 pages extend from Columbus and the explorations to the present administration.

Revised School Edition

Hayes and Moon:


Contains as much of world history as can profitably be given to secondary school pupils in one year. The material is organized in such a way that it may be used for the standard course in Modern European History, or adapted easily for a course in World History.

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867 pages $2.40

Van Loon:


A story of the world from the earliest dawn up to our complex life of today. "It is well written in simple language, embellished with many pictures and so concise that it places no great tax on the student." Special instructions for teachers and a valuable bibliography.

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Devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy and Literature

of Education



No. 2

Modern Trends in Juvenile Mental Hygiene*



HE pedagogical and psychiatric literature of the past five years is replete with discussions of mental hygiene during childhood. Many of these articles have dealt with the psychology of the child, a few have indicated particular types of so-called problem children, while here and there, scattered through the literature, are found suggestions in regard to the application of mental health principles in childhood. It would seem that this mass of information might be collected, correlated, and placed in a usable form, not only for the purpose of practical application, but in order that the facts pertaining to the subject might be properly evaluated, the camouflage of fiction discarded, and with the decks thus cleared for action, it would be possible to proceed to a logical attack, assured of ultimate


The present paper was conceived with this purpose and the literature of the pedagogical, psychiatric and sociological sciences was consulted, with the result that it was found that while certain principles seemed to form the foundation of The Austen Riggs Foundation, Inc.

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