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Published by The Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. FREDERICK J. ALLEN. Editor. This magazine has been recently established and is the only publication in the growing field of vocational guidance. It is our purpose to make it the efficient organ of the National Vocational Guidance Association through its service in the promotion and organization of the country-wide and world-wide movement of vocational guidance. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the Bulletin. Are you an administrator? This Bulletin will bring you the constructive developments of vocational guidance, the great modern and sympathetic ally of education. Are you a teacher? This Bulletin will aid you in equipment for efficiency in your daily work. Are you a vocational counselor? This Bulletin will, then, be indispensable to you. Are you a personnel officer? This Bulletin will inform you upon the best practice in personnel work in business and industry. Are you a social, civic, or other worker for the good of the community? This Bulletin will bring you timely information upon the service of vocational guidance to your work. Are you a friend of youth and of all struggling with life career choices and employ. ment problems? Then let this Bulletin tell you what the foremost workers in the field are doing. Subscription price, $2.00 a year-25 cents a number. THE VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE MAGAZINE HARVARD UNIVERSITY 1 LAWRENCE HALL, KIRKLAND STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. A New Angle to the Teaching of English Composition When Matthew Arnold, that great teacher of boys, was asked why he continually revised his courses, he replied: "Because I want my boys to drink at a fountain, not a stagnant pool." To you as educators this question of taking the drudgery out of rhetoric and composition and introducing dynamics in its place, is one of no little importance. But when you come to appreciate the color given this subject in "EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION" you will find many guide posts pointing to a solution. This book is the expansion, the development, of our definition of composition; "Composition is the process whereby the raw material of thoughts and emotions is made into the finished product of effective expression." After fifteen years of experience with high school pupils, and with teachers in a leading summer school, the author, Dr, Charles E. Rhodes, Principal, Bennett High School, Buffalo, New York, was convinced that the conception of composition given in our definition does remove prejudices, does give a new point of view, and does give a new incentive to the pupil which makes him look upon composition writing as a challenge to all his power of brain and heart. The idea of producing something does appeal to all wide-awake pupils. The plan works. The theory has been thoroughly tested in abundant practice. If composition is presented as this book explains it, most of the difficulties of the subject vanish, and in their place comes the joy of accomplishment. As Dr. Spaeth of Princeton University says: "There is a freshness in the treatment of old material, and a richness of new material in illustration of old principles that make the book interesting reading to any lover of good English. Every page shows the experienced teacher, who has not devised a priori definitions and made schemes and systems to satisfy his sense of logic, but constantly keeps in mind the needs of minds struggling with actual problems of composition. To those whose business it is to instruct others in the art of writing, as well as to those who wish to make their own writing and speaking more effective, we can cordially recommend EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION." Bound in cloth, 532 pages, $1.40 THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY New York Chicago Boston San Francisco London BULLETIN BOARD In closing Volume XLIV of Education with this number we desire to thank all our readers for their loyal appreciation of our Magazine. Many have written us their approval, at the time of renewing their subscriptions. We are heartened by such messages, and go forward with new courage and zeal. Coming to this impersonal editorial work out of another profession which involved close daily contact with individuals, the Editor has particularly valued the occasional letters or personal calls which he has received from subscribers and readers. They help us in making and keeping our work human. We heartily wish you all a very restful and inspiring vacation. THE EDITOR. MANY GOOD TEACHING POSITIONS FOR NEXT FALL-in Penna., N. J., Del., Md., and N. Y. 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