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his head. He led a funny monkey by a long string. The monkey wore a red cap, too. The man stopped in front of a large house and played his organ. He sang: "Boys and girls come and play,

Jump and run away, away."

With the above quotation as the subject-matter for a lesson, show in detail, as respects (a) preparation, (b) presentation, a good method of teaching reading. (16)


524. 1. In what respects may the senses of mental defectives be trained? (6)

2. Describe briefly typical exercises designed to train each of the senses respectively. (6)

525. Describe three exercises in physical training particularly suited to mental defectives, and indicate the value of each exercise. (9)

526. Give three illustrations of how to make "busy work" effective. Indicate clearly with respect to such work the duties of the teacher. (9)

527. Show in detail the way in which "The Ugly Duckling," "The Three Bears," or some other story should be taught to a class of middle grade children. (8)

528. Make a plan for a lesson on the study of germination of the bean, indicating the work of the teacher and the work of the pupils.


529. 1. What is meant by muscular co-ordination?


2. In what respects may muscular co-ordination be cultivated? (4)

3. Describe briefly four exercises designed to improve muscular co-ordination. (4)

4. Indicate the sequence to be followed in these exercises. (4)


530. Discuss speech defect in its relation to mental defect. (4)

Describe typical exercises for the cultivation of distinct articulation, of pure tone. (6)

531. Outline an exercise in physical training based on the principle of imitation. (4) What value has imitation work? (6)

532. (a) Discuss formal sense training as to its scope.


(b) Show how the muscular sense should be trained.


533. 1. Name five kinds or forms of manual training that you would use with a class of mentally defective children. (2)

2. Arrange these in a sequence on the basis of the degree of motor control found in a given child. (2) 3. Give reasons for your answer to 2. (6)

534. How would you treat mind-wandering? Lack of initiative; obstructed will? (12)

535. How should a lesson in subtraction be conducted with mentally defective children? (10)


Principles and Methods on Instruction.

536. 1. Classify atypical children and explain your classification.

2. Classify the causes and their condition.

3. What are the special peculiarities of the Cretin and Mongol types?

4. What are the "stygmata of degeneration."

5. What are the common "nerve signs" of mental defectives? (15)

537. What treatment is indicated for the several classes mentioned in your answer to question 536. 1? (15)

538. Describe five tests for motor control, including inhibition and co-ordination, stating the specific purpose of each. (15)

539. 1. What is the effect of doing on thinking? Illustrate fully.

2. How should work with defectives differ from work with normal children in respect to the preparation of objective work? Give reasons. (14)

540. Sketch the development of self-control in "disciplinary cases," indicating signs of lack of self-control and means to secure self-control. (14)

* * *

541. "The teacher often is confronted in the schoolroom with an abnormal type of will, which we may call a 'balky will.' Nineteen times out of twenty it is best for the teacher to apperceive the case as one of neural pathology rather than as one of moral culpability.”


1. Explain the underlined expressions. (6)

2. What should be the aim or procedure of the teacher in such a case? Give reasons. (6)

542. What should be the specific aims of an inspector of ungraded classes? What, in general, are the means to be used in accomplishing these aims? (15)


543. 1. Describe two kinds of speech defects to be found in ungraded classes.

2. Outline a series of exercises for the curative treatment of this disease.

544. Describe the form board and the method of using it.

545. Make a plan for a lesson, the aim of which is to lead to the recognition of figure 8.

546. Describe two exercises designed respectively to cultivate motor control in respect to (a) inhibition and (b) co-ordination. Give reasons for your choice of exercises.

547. Show how story telling may be successfully used for specific moral ends. Specify stories and indicate methods.

548. Give three illustrations of how to make "busy work" effective. Indicate clearly with respect to such work the duties of the teacher.

Part II


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