Abbildungen der Seite

19. (sl)

And thou, O, silent mountain, sole and bare,
O, blacker than the darkness, all the night,
And visited all night by troops of stars-

Or when they climb the sky, (1) or when they sink-
(Initial Stress) Companion of the morning star at dawn,
Thyself earth's rosy star, and of the dawn
Co-herald! wake, oh! wake and utter praise!
Ye ice falls! ye that from your dizzy heights
Adown enormous ravines steeply slope, |
Torrents, methinks, that heard a mighty noise,
And stopped at once amid their maddest plunge!
Motionless torrents! silent cataracts!

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20. (·)



Who made you glorious as the gates of heaven,
Beneath the keen full moon? Who bade the sun
Clothe you with rainbows? Who with flowers
Of living blue spread garlands at your feet?
GOD! GOD! the torrents like a shout of nations
Utter: the ice-plain bursts and answers GOD.

To the deep, (.) To the deep;
() Down, (.) Down;

<) Through the shades of sleep
Through the cloudy strife
Of death and of life;

Through the veil and the bar

Of things that seem and are;

Even to the steps of the remotest THRONE,
Down! (.) Down!

(•) Down!

Oh time! Oh life! (.) Oh world!
On whose last steps I climb.

Trembling at that where I had stood before.
When will return the glory of your prime?
No more! oh, never more.

[blocks in formation]


() where hath been no sound;

There is a silence

(.) where no sound may be;

In the cold grave, under the DEEP, DEEP sea,

Or in wide desert,

() where no life is found;

(·) Which hath been mute,

(.) and still must sleep profound.
No voice is hushed, no foot treads silently;
But clouds and cloudy shadows wander free,
That never spoke over idle ground-

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But in green ruins, in the desolate walls of antique


Where man hath been,

Though the dun fox and wild hyena call,

And owls that flit continually between

SHRIEK to the echo, and the low winds moan;
There the true silence is self-conscious and alone.

[blocks in formation]


(-) HIGH on a THRONE of ROYAL state, which FAR
Outshone the WEALTH of ORMUS and of Ind,
Or WHERE the gorgeous east, with richest hand
SHOWERS on her kings, BARBARIC pearls and gold,
SATAN exalted sat



Setting aside his high blood's royalty,
And let him be no kinsman to my liege.

I do DEFY him and I SPIT at him,

Call him-a slanderous coward, and a villain;
Which to maintain, I would allow him odds,
And meet him, were I tied to run a-foot,
Even to the frozen ridges of the Alps,
Or any other ground inhabitable,
Wherever Englishman durst set his foot.
Meantime let this defend my loyalty;
By all my hopes most falsely doth he LIE.

[blocks in formation]

I hear them marching o'er the hill, I hear them fainter, fainter still!

I hear them marching o'er the hill, I hear them fainter, fainter still!

I hear them marching o'er the hill, I hear them
fainter, fainter still!

They stole, they stole, they stole my child away
They stole, they stole, they stole my child away!


Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,
Or close the wall up with our English dead!

O, when the blast of war blows in our ears,

Then imitate the action of the tiger,
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage;
Then lend to the eye a terrible aspect;

Aye, set the teeth and stretch the nostrils wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To its full height. ON! ON! you noble English,
Whose blood is set from fathers of war proof,


28. Charco

—o—oal, charcoal! Charco-o

oal, charcoal.

29. (Transitions in Force and Pitch.) 0000

Calisthenic Exercises, by giving grace and strength to the body, increase the power of the voice as well as render gesticulation more easy and natural.



Close the hands and allow them to rest easily on the chest, elbows down. Count to eight, and with every odd number throw the arm forcibly in the direction indicated, allowing it to return on the even count. Begin with the right hand, making four movements (eight counts); then use the left hand; then both hands simultaneously, then both hands alternately, letting them both rest on the last count.

[blocks in formation]

Place the hands in the same position, use slower time, throwing out the arms gracefully in a curved line, allowing the hands to open easily as they are thrown out, and to close as they return.

[blocks in formation]


Position same as before, similar to Exercise I; throw out the right hand twice, then the left hand twice, both hands together twice, then clap the hands three times.

[blocks in formation]

Place the tips of the fingers upon the shoulders; throw out the hands as in Exercise II.

1. Upward.

2. Laterally.

3. Downward.



Count as before, throwing the head forward twice, backward twice, then alternately four times, making sixteen counts in all.


Use sixteen counts and throw the head to the right, to the left, and alternate.


I. Bend the body forward twice, backward twice, then alternate.



Turn the body to the right twice, to the left twice, then alter


Place the tips of the fingers upon the shoulders, throw the arms outward bringing the hands back with the fingers resting upon the top of the head; then throw the arms upward, bringing the hands back to the shoulders. Repeat this eight times.

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