THE ENGLISH PARTY'S EXCURSION TO PARIS, IN EASTER WEEK 1849. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A TRIP TO AMERICA, ETC. ETC. ETC., BY J. B. Esq., BARRISTER-AT-LAW. "Felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum." LONDON: LONGMAN AND Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCL. "I now regret that I did not throw upon paper the things that occurred every day. I have often regretted the omission. I would advise you to keep a journal of that kind. It will cost very little trouble, and will have the freshness of being ready gathered-not faded by forgetfulness, or cold and laboured recollection. Even while I have been scribbling this, many incidents that glowed with life at the moment, have so lost their life, that, though I rolled them, they threw up nothing but water, and would be rotten before they could reach you, so I ceased all attempt to revive them." CURRAN'S LETTER FROM PARIS, 1814. TO CHARLES BOWYER ADDERLEY Esq., M. P., AUTHOR OF "AN ESSAY ON HUMAN HAPPINESS," THIS LITTLE WORK IS INSCRIBED, AS A SMALL TRIBUTE OF RESPECT AND ESTEEM FOR HIS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CHARACTER; AND MORE ESPECIALLY, FOR HIS INDEPENDENT AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT, AS ONE OF THE REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT, FOR THE NORTHERN DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD, BY HIS FAITHFUL AND OBEDIENT SERVANT AND CONSTITUENT, Farley Hall, 1st May, 1850. THE AUTHOR. |