Abbildungen der Seite


foon, I conftructed upon two thick planks, well pinned together, a map of the world; it was 8 feet by 44, allowing a margin; and when finished, by cutting a strong outline to mark both continents and iflands, (taken from a fmall plain chart,) it was hung up in Rajab Moodo's hall, where, unless deftroyed by fire, it is likely long to remain; while paper maps, had I had fuch to prefent him, would, it is meft likely, be loft, tore, or neglected.

Since then, I have often faid to myfelf, during my folitary aquatic travels, Why does nobody turn a level verdant plain of a very few acres into a map of the world? When fometimes inven. tion is ftretched to lay out grounds with tafte in the gardens of men of fortune, fuch a thing furely would not either be abfurd or onufeful. I rather think the contrary; the project could not be attended with great expence, would be pleafant and healthful to young folks, especially in the execution, and make very young perfons expert in fimple geography, far beyond what they get from books and maps even at a more advanced age.

Let a fpot of level ground, 360 yards in length from east to weft, and 180 yards in breadth from north to fouth, be inclosed by a wall (in thefe directions) of a very fmall height, perhaps one or two feet; let 36 marks be made on the eaft and wet walls, and 18 be made on the north and fouth walls, to fix the degrees of longitude and latitude at 10 degrees, or 600 miles afunder; let 4 pieces of oak timber be made, 30 feet long, and 8 inches fquare, with holes bored in them at the distance of 3 inches, or 5 miles, from one another: thus, 36 inches, or 3 feet, on this piece of timber (which is eafily tranfported and put under cover, and which 1 call scale) are a degree; and the whole fcale to degrees or 600 miles in length*.

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Thefe fcales being placed upon or ftuck in the ground, at any of the large divifions of 10 degrees made on the walls, and oppofite to each other, afford an opportunity, by crofs log-lines, or packthread, of determining the particular town, city, or head-land, that is to be marked on this map, in the fame manner as upon a sheet of paper on a table, with a Gunter fcale and a pair of compaffes.

The continents and iflands may be made in turf, the fea in gravel: the boundary or outline may be a hard terrace made of mortar, pieces of flate fixed in mortar, or the marrow-bones of bullocks; which fome forty years ago I have feen beyond Whitechapel ufed as a kind of fence near the turnpike-road (this may be remembered by many); or a border of common box may be planted, as is ufual in many gardens..

At particular places on this ocean of gravel, pofts may be fixed up, indicating particular circumftances of mon foons, trade-winds,

An equator and middle meridian of terras, made narrow and low, and graduated at each 10 degrees, would facilitate the conftruction of the map, dividing the whole into four, and admit the loglines to be shorter.'


and currents, &c. prevailing in particular parts, to amuse the contemplative owner, who, taking a few turns before breakfaft on the furface of this flat globe, where Nature's volume is attempted to be widely expofed to view, (as Thomson says,) the powers of his mind expand; and he will, I am perfuaded, be often inclined to fay, This is obvious; I fee this circumftance in a new light from what I formerly learned from books and maps only. I fee a paffage from the Downs to India is nothing: the difficulty difappears, compared with the hardships and fatigue of failing in narrow feas. Here feems to live kind eafe; while in a paffage from London to Newcastle, what with anchoring and weighing every twelve hours, reefing and handing of fails, heaving the lead, &c. in a diftance of lefs than 300 miles, and perhaps feven or eight times in a fummer, a young man muft learn the duty of a feaman. Such reflections will naturally occur to the contemplative mind, and many others of the fame nature. I therefore take upon me to fay, that the idea of making fuch a map is worthy of a prince, and within the reach of a private gentleman to put in execution. I think it would very much adorn the villa of the Minister of a great commercial nation; nay, even the palace of Royalty itself.'

For our account of Capt. Forreft's Voyage to New Guinea, and the Moluccas, from Balambangam, see Rev. vol. Ixx. p. 264 W...s.

ART. XII. Views taken on or near the River Rhine, at Aix la
Chapelle, and on the River Maefe, by the Rev. J. Gardnor; en-
graved in Aqua Tinta by the Rev. J. Gardnor, and Richard
Gardnor, jun. 4to. l. 11s. 6d. in English. Proofs, 2 Guineas.
In French 4s. 6d. extra. Walter, Charing-crofs. 1792.


HIS elegant work confifts of upward of thirty views of the moft picturesque caftles, abbeys, and other ftriking objects, on the banks of the Rhine; objects which have often been viewed at a diftance with delight, but which few travellers have had the courage to approach, and which none, as far as we know, have hitherto taken the pains to delineate. The work therefore enjoys the advantage of novelty, to whieh (if it be allowable to judge in matters of this kind from recolfection, merely,) we would fay, that it joins the merit of fidelity. To the views in acqua tinta, Mr. Gardnor has added verbal descriptions, which are fhort, perfpicuous, and enlivened by entertaining hints of the occurrences that took place in his tour. As a fpecimen of the defcriptive part of the work, we infert the following paffage, because it contains a general view of thefe romantic fcenes, as well as an account of the kind of labour in which their inhabitants are chiefly employed:

Of the engravings, fpecimens are not to be expected in a terary journal.

Gg 2

• In

In the excursion we made, during our ftay at Baccharah, we took a complete furvey of the many striking objects and romantic fcenes which are found in the admired environs of that city. Amongst thefe, the vine-grounds particularly attracted our notice: they were the first, indeed, of any extent, we had paffed through; but even in a diftant or tranfient view, they far excelled any others we had feen, in pittorefque beauty. In our walks through them, we traverfed the almoft perpendicular fides of an immenfe mountain, which extends upwards of three miles below Baccharah, on the western bank of the Rhine; the vines overspreading it in many parts, from the fummit to the water's edge; in others, the verdant cloathing was broken by tremendous rocks, projecting from the bofom of the mountain, and bending o'er its fides, as if in fond contemplation of the beauty and luxuriance of their drefs. Groves of walnut-trees interfperfed among the vines, with frequent and varied views of the river, contributed very greatly to the embellishments of this enchanting place. We had not intended to proceed further in our prefent expedition, than the end of the vineyards; but, when we arrived at that point, the town of Pfaltz, with a caftle on a rock in the middle of the Rhine, prefented a view which I could not fuffer to efcape me. I defcended therefore to the river fide, and made the drawing from which the fifth plate is engraved.

The vineyards of Baccharah were formerly esteemed above all others for the excellence of the wine they produced; but the wines of Heidleberg, Hoygefteim, and the Rhinegau, are at present in much greater vogue. Whether this be owing to any real fuperiority in their quality I know not; for I had no opportunity of giving my opinion of the Baccharah wine, being unable, either by money or favor, to procure a fingle bottle; but if its qualities be at all proportioned to the labour employed in producing it, there can be no doubt of its excellence for unlefs Providence had wifely formed the bodies and difpofed the minds of men in all countries to the local offices to be performed, the cultivation of the vineyards of Baccharah would be too arduous for human patience or ftrength to endure. The fide of the mountain on which the vines are planted, is cut into a great number of fhallow terraces, which are carried quite to its fummit; forming an afcent, almoft perpendicular, of at leaft half a mile: by thefe terraces, the pealants akcend the mountain, and convey manure, which they carry on their fhoulders to every part of the vineyard. When properly distributed, they fecure it, in the best manner the nature of the ground will admit, by a flight fence; but they have often the mortification to fee their labours fruftrated by violent rains, which fweep away both foil and manure, and leave the roots of the vines bare. This produces a failure of the vintage; which, from whatever caufe it happens, generally reduces the proprietors of vineyards to the humble fituation of day-labourers, whofe poverty and wretchedness are not to be conceived from any condition or circumstances to which the lowest of the people of England either are or can be expofed.'

The views are executed with minute diligence, not devoid of taste: but the black colour, we think, too strongly predominates;

dominates; which often gives them an afpect rather gloomy than agreeably romantic. This fable hue is fometimes, indeed, in its proper place; as in the views of the Caftle of the Cat: but the views, where it lefs prevails, as that of Hui, and feveral others, are, on this account, the more pleafing.

Mr. Gardnor's ftyle of writing is generally good, though he is fometimes chargeable with a degree of obfcurity. Thus, in page 150, he tells us, There is a fingular part of Bruffels, which is in fact a little town; for it is inclosed by a wall and a ditch, and divided into ftreets. It is called the Bequinage. The number of Bequines is near a thousand, governed by matrons, and under the fpiritual direction of the Bishop of Antwerp.' It would have been useful to most readers to have faid, that, in the Low Countries, Bequines are widows or maidens, who, without taking religious vows, retire from the fociety of the male fex, with a view to avoid the temptations of the world, and to lead a life of purity and devotion.

The paper, and the prefs-work, of this publication are very neat. We have feen an advertisement which mentions, that the prints may be had, ftained yellow, at 11. 16s.; in colours, 51. 55.; mounted for frames, 61. 6s.; which are very little, if at all, inferior to drawings.-The fame views, unbound, 20 inches by 17, price 81. 8s.; proofs, 12l. 125.; coloured, 251. The English letter-prefs alone, in a pocket volume, 3s. 6d.'



ART. XIII. Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the Expediency and Propriety of Public or Social Worship. By Anna Lætitia Barbauld. 8vo. Pp. 76. 25. Johnson. 1792.

/HILE dulnefs plods on in a beaten track, and apologizes


for the feebleness of its expreffions, by lamenting that every topic is exhaufted, genius is continually making bold excurfions into new regions; and, on fubjects the most hackneyed, is capable of producing fomething original. Though the benefit of public worship has often furnifhed a theme for declamation, the fubject affumes, in the hands of Mrs. Barbauld, a new and interefting form. The practice of mankind, in all paft ages, with respect to public worship, is described; and fucceeding generations of men are brought before the reader's imagination, expreffing their homage to the divinity, by facrifices, feftivals, dancing, mufic, and prayers. natural propenfity of men to focial worship; its fuperiority, in many refpects, to folitary devotion; and the reasonablenefs of uniting in acts of prayer and praife; are well illuftrated. Se




veral juft obfervations are made on the argument for public worship, drawn from authority: but the confiderations chiefly difcuffed, are thofe derived from utility; and here much good fenfe and elegant writing are employed to fhew that publie worship, befide its obvious influence on the religious and moral ftate of the mind, is attended with many collateral advantages. Among these are confidered its effect in civilizing the lower orders of fociety; in affording them an agreeable relief from Jabour and fervitude; in furnishing them with opportunities of inftruction; and in bringing men together on the footing of equality. What is offered on this laft head is new, and worthy of the attention of our readers:

Let it be obferved, in the next place, that public worship is a civic meeting. The temple is the only place where human beings, of every rank and fex and age, meet together for one common purpose, and join together in one common act. Other meetings are either political, or formed for the purposes of fplendor and amufement; from both which, in this country, the bulk of inhabitants are of neceffity excluded. This is the only place, to enter which nothing more is neceffary than to be of the lame species;the only place where man meets man not only as an equal but a brother; and where, by contemplating his duties, he may bec me fenfible of his rights. So high and haughty is the fpirit of ariftocracy, and fuch the increafing pride of the privileged claffes, that it is to be feared, if men did not attend at the fame place here, it would hardly be believed they were meant to go to the fame place hereafter. It is of fervice to the caufe of freedom therefore, no less than to that of virtue, that there is one place where the invidious diftinctions of wealth and titles are not admitted; where all are equal, not by making the low, proud, but by making the great, humble. How many a man exiits who poffeffes not the fmalleft property in this earth of which you call him lord; who, from the narrowing fpirit of property, is circumfcribed and hemmed in by he poffeffions of his more opulent neighbours, till there is scarce y an unoccupied fpot of verdure on which he can fet his foot to admire the beauties of nature, or barren mountain on which he can draw the fresh air without a trefpafs. The enjoyments of life are for others, the labours of it are for him. He hears thofe of his clafs fpoken of collectively, as of machines, which are to be kept in repair indeed, but of which the fole ufe is to raise the happiness of the higher orders. Where, but in the temples of religion, fhall he learn that he is of the fame fpecies? He hears there (and were it for the first time, it would be with infinite aftonifiment) that all are conficered as alike ignorant and to be inftructed; all alike finful and needing forgiveness; all alike bound by the fame obligations, and animated by the fame hopes. In the intercourfes of the world the poor man is feen, but not noticed; he may be in the prefence of bis fuperiors, but he cannot be in their company. In every other place it would be prefumption in him to let his voice be heard along with theirs; here alone they are both raifed together, and blended

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