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"Oh! 'tis a goodly sight, and fair,
To see the fields their produce bear,
Waved by the breeze's lingering wing,
So thick they seem to laugh and sing,
And call the heart to feel delight,
Rejoicing in the bounteous sight;
And call the reaper's skilful hand
To cull the riches of the land.”



Climbers have thrown out a great number of strong succulent shoots; these should be cut out, unless required to fill up vacancies, in which case let them be secured to the wall or trellis. Where the flowers are quite decayed the trees will be benefited by a strong syringing, unless we get heavy rains. Follow

The stock of Chinese Primroses will now require particular attention, and must be grown on in a liberal manner. The seedling plants will now be ready for another shift: give them plenty of room in the cold pits, and keep them shaded from the sun at noon. Be sure that the drainage is perfect. Cine-up vigorously the budding of stocks, and do not let rarias which have been standing out of doors to perthem want for water. Take care that hollyhocks are fect their seeds should now have the flower stems cut securely staked in time, as they are very liable to be off, to induce a good crop of suckers. The earliest broken off by high winds. Dahlias will also require plants, headed some time past, will be ready for di- the same attention. Use one good strong centre vision: shake them out of the old soil, and divide stake, and three or four smaller ones for the the roots into single pieces with only one growing branches. Lay traps for carwigs in time. Cut off shoot; select the strongest, and pot them in four- the flowering stems from white and purple double inch pots, and place in a cool frame or pit, and keep rockets, to induce a good supply of young shoots for future division. Train and peg out bedding plants generally, and apply stakes to Phloxes; also to Salvias, and most of the advancing plants for autumn blooming.

them shaded until well established. Go over the stock of Calceolarias, placed, as formerly recommended, under a north wall, and remove the flower stems from all which it is desirable to retain, and throw the rest to the rubbish heap. The seedling plants on the north border will now be advancing into full bloom, and should be carefully watched to see that the best varieties do not weaken themselves by over-flowering; they may also be crossed with each other, and will produce seed for autumn sowing, by which means a season is saved. Plants of Lilium lancifolium stand

ing in a sheltered place may now be removed to the conservatory to expand the bloom: let them have plenty of water. Achimenes and Gloxinias in full bloom may now be removed to the conservatory. Begonia Martyniana should also be placed there. Plants in cold pits or out of doors should have a good syringing every evening. The present is a good time to go over the stock of Camellias in pots: examine thoroughly the state of the drainage, and also the roots: a shift may be afforded to such as are potbound, but, as a general rule, keep the roots rather cramped than otherwise.

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The principal operation here is to keep the superabundant growth in check, and the wood well nailed-in. From what I can see of the present state of things, there will be a great amount of unripened wood, involving the necessity of keeping the trees as thin of wood as possible, and the remainder well nailed-in to give it the full benefit of solar influences. Apricots and Peaches, although a good crop set and swelled up to the stoning point, have lately been falling off by dozens, so that there will not be one-third of an average crop. I find that Peaches which were treated with liquid manure at the time I recommended in a former calendar, are in a very supe rior state as regards both fruit and wood to others not so treated.


Make a sowing of Cabbage for autumn use: also get in the first of the main sowing of Turnips for autumn and winter use. Keep up successional sownach. See also that a bed is thrown up for the ings of Lettuces, Radishes, and Endive; also Spiwinter Spinach to be sown early next month. Make up all vacancies in the beds of Broccoli and Winter becomes vacant. See that there is a sufficiency of Greens, and plant out any which remain as ground Celery planted out for the main crops; if not, lose no time. That which is already established should have plenty of water and liquid manure. Examine the state of growing crops generally, and, if water is required, let it be applied copiously. Throw up beds roughly for sowing Cabbage for winter in a few weeks: also for American Cress. This hot sun

will do the ground as much good as severe frost. Keep Tomatoes nailed.



CEDRELLA CANA (Hook.)-Labiataceae (Bot. Mag., Dec., 1851.) - A herbaceous perennial border plant, growing from 2 to 3 feet in height, with numerous opposite square pubescent branches, and small entire ovate, or ovate lanceolate leaves, which are larger towards the base, where they become cordateovate, sometimes hastate, rather obtuse at the apex, and dentate, or dentatoserrate at the margins, except near the point; whorls of flowers in axillary racemes, deep red. This species is distinguished by its entirely glaucous stem, occasioned by a minute hoary pubescence. Native of New Mexico, where it was found by Mr. C.

Introduced in

Cedronella cana (reduced). Wright. 1851. Flowers in summer. From the rosy purple colour of its flowers, and the fragrance of its leaves, it forms a very desirable border plant.

THE TRANSMISSION OF FOREIGN SEEDS IN SOIL. At a recent meeting of the Edinburgh Botanic Society, Mr. M'Nab read a paper in which


he stated that he had been long in the belief that the transmission of fruits and seeds in a fit state for germination would be better accomplished by being packed in soil than by any other known method. This experiment was fully tested by himself during 1834, when he brought over the seeds of many of the rarer American oaks and other trees in boxes filled with soil, while portions of the same kinds of seeds packed, both in brown paper and cloth bags, were, in many instances, totally useless. The method follows:-He purchased several strong deal boxes he adopted for the American tree-seeds, was as about 14 inches in diameter, and made of threequarter inch wood. He afterwards procured a quantity of soil taken from a depth of eight or ten inches under the surface so as to possess only a natural dampness. A layer of the soil two inches deep was placed on the bottom of the boxes, above which a layer of seeds was distributed; another ayer of soil and then seed, and so on till the boxes when the lids were nailed on, allowing no possible were full; the whole was pressed very firmly down, room to shake about. When they reached Edinburgh, December, 1834, the seeds and soil were During the following spring they grew freely; sown over the surface of shallow pans and boxes. while of those brought home in the paper and cloth bags, comparatively few of the varieties grew, the acorns being without an exception perforated with insects. The kinds which grew were from four to five weeks later of vegetating than those brought home in soil. Acorns brought home in a box of sphagnum moss, after the superfluous moisture had been wrung from it, were equally successful with those in soil.-Newspaper paragraph.



A.B.Y.Z.-The Ladies' Guild progresses steadily. Ladies who have once learned the art of painting on glass can work for the Guild in the country; but no other of the works of the Guild can be done out of the Institution. The name and address of the Manager are-J. B. Wood, Esq., 4, Russell-place, Fitzroy-square.



A.M.J.-"The Daisy, the Poet's Love: after the Danish of H. C. Andersen," is not without merit; but we have no room for long poems unless they are of a very superior character.

ELIZA W.-We regret that we cannot comply with your request and publish the mode of working the crest you have sent us; but if you will apply to AIGUILLETTE, 126, Albany-street, Regent-street, she will be happy to attend to your commission privately.

A CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER.-The address of the

Editor of the "United Service Gazette," is No. 6, Wellington-street South, Strand.

A NEW CONTRIBUTOR sends us the following scraps, original and selected :

Epitaph on a writing-master.

He flourished in the 16th century.

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Now this arrangement chafed the borrowed nymph, for, be it known,

Her kitchen was a boarded one-Miss Thompson's was of stone:

To Mrs. Rule, a lady who has a large family of Her looks bespoke her wretchedness-she felt she

sons, but no daughter.

Yours is a happy destiny

Your boys are all at school

And, in your youthful family,

It seems there's no Miss Rule.

Ridicule is the dry-rot of society. (L.E.L.) What two figures are those which, added to 71, will lessen the amount?

[blocks in formation]

Printed by Rogerson & Tuxford, 246, Strand, London.

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The old town of Appleby was a borough of some note, at least to its Parliamentary representative, till the passing of the Reform Bill; which occurrence is said to have made the inhabitants, man, woman, and child, high Tories for many a year. But long before a Reform Bill was dreamt of, Appleby was, as it is still, an antiquated village, known as their assize town to all the dwellers on the wild fells and pastoral valleys of Westmoreland. The chiefs of its gentility at that period were the Jacksons, a family who occupied a comfortable-looking brick house, with green palings and flowers in front, situated at the foot of the main street, and almost among the fields, on a spot where antiquaries believed a Roman temple to the rural gods had stood, long centuries ago, when the town had a Latin name. Mr. Jackson had been Mayor of Appleby, and owned property enough to retain a considerable farm under his own management, besides having two or three respectable tenants. Mrs. Jackson's family had been allied to some of the local gentry, and she was a noted housekeeper of the profitable order. Their neighbours regarded both as examples of thrift, without its too frequent drawbacks of grasping or stinginess; they kept a respectable and rather stylish house for that locality, and were known to be a friendly, hospitable, good-natured pair, whose views, at least in this world, were bounded by an exalted match for their only daughter Diana -more universally known as Die--and the proper maintenance of what seemed to them their unalienable consequence.

There was another of their household who came next to Diana in the thoughts of the parent pair. This was Clara, also an only daughter, but an orphan; the child of the ex-Mayor's younger brother, who, being put to business in Leeds, with a singular stock of worldly wisdom and the promise of a long, money-making life, had opened his own warehouse, married respectably, and died just in time to leave his entire capital staked on a mercantile speculation, with the exception of a few hundreds which he had prudently vested in a city fund, as the commencement of Clara's fortune. His widow was

inconsolable for some time, but she married his London salesman within the year, at which mésalliance the Mayor of Appleby signified his indignation by carrying home his young niece while the pair were on their bridal tour; and as her father's speculation turned out a total failure, and sundry sisters and brothers came in quick succession to fill the house at Leeds, Clara was allowed to form one of the Jacksons; from that time forward, her mother taking no further note of the girl's existence, than by writing her an affectionate letter always about Midsummer, and coming to see her every Christmas; for the woman and her husband kept perpetually poor, and Jackson had forgiven her long ago.

He and his wife early agreed that it was a special work of Providence to send Clara home as a playmate and companion for their little lonely Diana; and as the girls grew up like sisters in their house, it seemed to them that they had indeed two daughters. The father, on all fitting occasions, reiterated a vow of providing for his niece, and the mother never bought Diana so much as a ribbon without a similar purchase for Clara. Thus-dressed and regarded in all respects alike—the girls had gone to school, to church, and to country parties together; each was by this time a grown Miss Jackson, and had an equal share in the assistance of Mrs. Jackson's domestic government; though, to do that good lady justice, it was but a small one, for she committed little to deputies. It is possible that surrounding bachelors might have been alive to a prospective difference in their portions, but neighbours in general saw little distinction between the dependent cousin and the heiress daughter of the house, except in the annual visit of that goodly matron, now far advanced in the shabby genteel, with her husband, looking more subdued and careworn every Christmas, and their chaise load of little boys and girls.

Y there was between Diana and her cousin a radical difference of character, and even appearance, which no similarity of education could efface. Diana was a rosy brunette, who liked gay colours, new fashions, and all of life that glittered, let it be gold or not; she had a natural vocation for playing the country belle, would


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