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Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Honorable EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, a Senator of the United States from the State of Illinois.

Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased Senator.

Resolved, That a committee of thirty-two Members be appointed on the part of the House to join the committee appointed on the part of the Senate to attend the funeral.

Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the House do now adjourn.

Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, our hearts are a little empty today as we pay tribute to one of the greatest Senators and truly great Americans who ever graced this Chamber with his presence. EVERETT DIRKSEN, as much as anything, was a Senator's Senator and as such was respected by everyone who met him. Senator DIRKSEN's mark on history will be recorded not so much for his stand as an unflinching Republican leader, but as a man who was able to see needs and fulfill them, see trends and interpret them, see humor in serious problems and lighten our load with his quick smile and ready wit. As a politician, he was without peer. But I think what endeared him to most of us was his humanity, his gentleness, and his everlasting spirit. The Senate will not be the same without him because no one can fill his shoes. To many of us, EVERETT DIRKSEN Symbolized what is great about the U.S. Senate. He had the affection of his fellow Senators and the admiration of the American people. The last page has been turned in one of the unique chapters of American political history. I fear we will not see his equal for a long time to come.

Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, our flags are at half staff for a great American and a great public servant. I dare say the Senate of the United States has lost one of its all-time favorites with the death of EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN. Commentators are recalling that Senator DIRKSEN, who often allowed as how he had aspired to a career as an actor, provided a dash of theatrics to the national capital scene. Indeed, he did, and he was probably more beloved for doing so. To those of us who worked with EV DIRKSEN, however, there is much more to remember than his flamboyant eloquence. It masked but could not hide a serious dedication to this country and its people.

It was the finishing touch to a thorough and wily knowledge of parliamentary maneuver a skill in which Ev DIRKSEN was unmatched.

Senator DIRKSEN was not without honors, of course. As the leader of his party in the Senate, he proved an able, articulate spokesman and a capable tactician. We who live on the other side of the political fence, however, remember well that EV DIRKSEN's philosophy could not abide blind opposition for opposition's sake. We can recall that his word was his bond and that his graciousness was as great in defeat as it was in victory. And we know well that one never dared count him out until all the votes were in, for he was tenacious, adaptable, convincing, and persuasive.

EV DIRKSEN's passing is hard to believe and harder to accept. It will be difficult to replace him and, no doubt, impossible to do so in kind. This great Capitol itself has taken on a new historical presence and will echo the distinctive voice of the Senator from Illinois for thousands upon thousands of Americans from this day on.

EV DIRKSEN's passing, then, is like a death in the family, for the Senate and for the entire country. With my colleagues, I mourn his loss, and particularly grieve for his widow and his daughter, the wife of our distinguished colleague from Tennessee (Mr. Baker).

Mr. PASTORE. Mr. President, the whole world was shocked into sadness Sunday by the unexpected death of U.S. Senator EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN.

For the whole world had a deep affection for this great orator— this "old-fashioned American" as he liked to call himself-distinguished statesman as we knew him—and the stanch friend it was a privilege to possess through these 19 years of his and my Senate service.

With the DIRKSEN eloquence absent from this Chamber, the Senate cannot be the same. And we shall miss his priceless wit and wisdom.

His was a voice to charm, speaking out of a heart of courage and compassion. His was a kindness to encourage the ambitious-to understand and assist the weak—and not desert them.

His was a senatorial wisdom geared to the security of his country that he had served in uniform. His was a gift to contribute commonsense to a worried land—a land that loved him personally regardless of party.

EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN believed as he said-in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

He understood the challenges of our changing times—and he met them. He could talk down the high and haughty, and he could speak up for the underdog.

Great legislation of our time, more often than not, owed its enactment to the patriotic commitment of this man.

Each of us has a precious memory of his helpfulness. An aisle might divide us on issues, but no aisle divided the innate decency of this man-always the gentleman-ever the friend.

Many voices in many tongues will speak the eulogy of EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, and history will write the epitaph for this powerful figure of his times.

So-humbly-we shall speak of him as an old-fashioned American, with a love of family that inspired decency, a love of country that inspired dedication, grateful for freedom's blessings—concerned that these blessings might be preserved and shared by all-an able advocate of the American dream and the American destiny.

Out of our hearts we speak our sympathy to his dear ones—those who had the special fortune intimately to love him—and intensely to be loved by this good man.

Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, it is always difficult to bear the death of a close friend, but it is especially hard when the deceased friend was a symbol of vitality, spirit and life.

It is for this reason, therefore, that we suffer such deep and sincere distress at the passing of EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, for this beloved colleague of ours had that rare, divine gift of remaining intensely alive in his activities and of touching everything he did with the electrifying magic of his own philosophy and personality. In addition, he understood better than any other man the art of objective compromise.

Consequently, he got things done, and much of the major legislation of his era, for which others frequently received the credit, would never have come into being without the careful guidance and exceptional craftsmanship of this great leader.

Furthermore, he kept things in perspective and acted accordingly.

When assaults on old-fashioned patriotism were abroad in the land, the mellifluous and inspiring voice of the senior Senator from Illinois could be heard reminding our Nation of the "Gallant Men" whose past heroism he recommended as a course for our future.

When the business of the Senate seemed about to become submerged in a quagmire of procedural formalities, an ingenious quip or an aptly recited quotation from our colleague would return the proceedings to their appropriate course.

When the complex and conflicting considerations surrounding the major issues of our time piled one upon another to form seemingly insoluble dilemmas for those charged with the responsibility of voting on them, Ev DIRKSEN made his decisions honestly and courageously according to the dictates of his unshakeable integrity and his deep-rooted love of country, and in so doing he set an example of statesmanship which was both an inspiration and a guide. It is said that EV DIRKSEN thought he might have liked to be an


My former profession would have welcomed him proudly, for he would have done us a great honor and he would have been a great performer.

I say this not primarily because of his outstanding oratorical ability and his remarkable innate showmanship, but because he had that magnificent insight into life which permitted him to recognize that there are two thespians' masks, one for tragedy and one for comedy, and that even the gravest problems which confront us must be viewed not only through the mask of tragedy but also through the other mask, which symbolizes the essential, God-given joy of life and man's need to preserve it.

Yes, Ev DIRKSEN loved life and its happiness, and his enthusiasm was catching.

Therefore, he would have been a star in any field of endeavor.

If we are, as EV DIRKSEN would have reminded us with one of his frequent Shakespearean quotations, "merely players" on the stage of this world, then our colleague will always be remembered as one who accepted one of the most difficult parts ever presented to any Government leader in our history and whose performance in this vital and sensitive role will continue to make this a better land in which to live for untold generations to come.

More than all this, though, I shall miss his warm friendship, his wise counsel, and his deep dedication to his country, all of which, combined in my memory, will make me remember him as one of greatest Americans it has been my privilege to know.

My most heartfelt sympathies are extended to Mrs. Dirksen and our late colleague's entire family.

Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate now stand in recess subject to the call of the Chair.

The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and the Senate will stand in recess subject to the call of the Chair.

Accordingly, at 11:37 the Senate recessed, subject to the call of the Chair.

Thereupon, the Senate, preceded by its Secretary (Francis R. Valeo), its Sergeant at Arms (Robert G. Dunphy), and the Vice President, proceeded to the rotunda of the Capitol to attend the memorial services for the late Senator DIRKSEN of Illinois.



The Chaplain of the Senate, the Reverend Edward L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following Scripture readings and prayer:

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me. Bless His Holy Name.

The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no evil touch them. They are at peace.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.

Let us pray:

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