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they that translated the words thee and thou, might have translated them you.'

A. The spirit gave to speak the proper language, singular and plural; and spake such words as cannot be condemned. And if translators that are out of that, translate the words given forth from the spirit into what form soever they will, yet the spirit will find it out; and the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world,' by which all things were made, the made lights, and created lights, Christ Jesus the light, which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, need not have these outward lights or discoveries; they were all made by the light, which light was before these were made. And they who are come into the reconciliation with God, are in perfection, out of the imperfection, from under the wrath. And the word reconciles, hammers down, cuts down, and burns up that which is contrary, and sanctifies, and makes clean. And Christ Jesus, his name is called the word of God; the scripture saith so; and they say that the scriptures are the word, but they are the words of God, and Christ the word, which was before they were given forth, comes to fulfil them; and that which is imperfect is done away.

P. To say that God is substantially in man, as essentially one with him, can be no other but the man of sin, the devil himself, having transformed himself into an angel of light, and if it were possible would deceive the very elect.'

A. The scripture saith, that God will dwell in man, and walk in him, and the saints had unity with the Father and the son; and all that hate the light which Christ the light hath enlightened them with, have not the Father and the son. In such the man of sin reigns, and in such the devil may transform; but the elect he cannot deceive, the elect have the victory and dominion, who were elected in him before the foundation of the world. Glory for ever! And as for all the other words in thy book, they are not worth mentioning, they will be thy own burthen, they will fall heavy upon thee in the day when thou shalt give an account to God.

James Brown's book, called, 'Antichrist in Spirit.' His expressions and principles as followeth.

P. THAT the light in every man is a certain guide and rule in all things; this is the means whereby scriptures are slighted.'

A. No one knows nor owns the scriptures, but as the light of Christ that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, doth guide

and teach him, the light of Christ within, which gives them "the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus,' and of the scriptures, and to see the scriptures, and doth not slight them.

P. To witness God, and Christ's glorious resurrection, and heaven, and the happiness of New Jerusalem,' this is looked upon as an error. A. Christ is within, who is the resurrection, the glory, the kingdom of heaven is there; and David who witnessed him was in hell, he was upon the earth too, and he that witnessed the New Jerusalem, and that happiness, was upon the earth. And they that have all these words, not possessing the life, they have no comfort in what they speak, nor in what they profess; and the babes and the children that are free, know their mother that is from above.

P. If there be no outward means but light within, what need of the scriptures?'

A. The light, Christ within, was in the saints before the scriptures were given forth, and that was it which was their guide to give forth the scriptures, wherein they walked, and did not stumble; and that is it which gives to see the scriptures again, to what condition they are spoken, and the use of them.

P. The day is not yet dawned, nor the day-star, the bright and morning-star.'

A. The apostle tells the saints of the day-star, and they were children of the day, and the night was over, the true light shined, and the darkness was past. Though some indeed were not come to the daystar, and the light shined in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. Where darkness rules, there are the works that are out of the light; and among such as have apostatized since the days of the apostles, the day-star is not risen to them, they see it not; but amongst the children of light it is seen, and they that see it not, are comprehended. The day-star is risen, and they are children of the day.

P. 'And them that bring people to look at the light within them, are as Corah, Dathan, and Abiram.'

A. All that go from the light within them are as Corah, Dathan, and Abiram amongst the Lord's prophets, exalting themselves, and persecuting.

P. All men are not so taught of God as they shall be at Israel's return.'

A. All men are taught of God that are in the covenant, whether Israel hear or not.

P. I know that many of the Quakers are temperate, sober, selfdenying people, but this is but the tithing of herbs.'

A. It was the doctrine of the apostle, who preached Christ the end of tithing and herbs; and self-denial, soberness, and temperance were

not called the tithing of herbs, for the spirit that gave forth the scriptures brought to these.

P. 'And the light within is darkness; and I never read of the churches of the saints that spoke by two.'

A. The apostles' doctrine to the Corinthians was, that they might speak by two or three; and the light within, which is the light of Christ, which doth 'enlighten every man that cometh into the world,' the darkness cannot comprehend it, though it shine in it, till it shine forth in the heart, to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.'

P. And that the kingdom that is in the saints, is in the Pharisees, I deny.'

A. The same that is in the saints is in the Pharisees, in measure, though it be but as a grain of mustard seed, which is like to the leaven, little.

P. The state of arising from sin to grace is never called a resurrection.'

A. They that arise from sin to grace, out of the first Adam into the second Adam, come into the resurrection, and the second death shall have no power over them; and the saints come to judge the world.

P. Such as trust to a light within them, forsake the holy oil, the Lord's spirit that speaks in the scriptures.'

A. The Lord's spirit spoke in them that gave forth the scriptures, who had the holy oil, the light within them. And the spirit speaks not from the scripture, but by that which gave it forth, which is the author of it.

P. 'I deny that any have a light within them to attain to the measure of God and Christ, as they that have the writings.'

A. None attain to the mystery of God but by the light which comes from Christ the mystery, though they may have the scriptures.

P. They that will not put off the hat, but say thee and thou to people, this is a sin of their own devising.'

A. Thee and thou is proper language, and a form of sound words; the hat is earthly Adam's honour, that is earthly, which the second Adam never looked for, but gives this mark to know an unbeliever by, who seeks it and looks for the honour below.

P. Is it not a shame for a boy to say thou to his father, and thou to his mother?'

A. Jephtha's daughter thoued her father, the judge of Israel, and he did not look upon it as a shame. And the children of God thoued their Father, and the Lord never rebuked them for it, as we read in scripture.

And as for all the rest of the lies and slanders in thy book, they are

not worth mentioning, but to redeem truth from them; and that none at all may make them their refuge, for they shall feel it, if they do, at the day of judgment.

Some of Philip Bennet's principles, called Minister at Cartmel in Lancashire.

P. HE saith, That none know another to be the child of God.'

A. Which is contrary to the scripture. 1 John iii. Ye are the sons of God.' And the apostles knew others to be the children of God, as the ministers of God do now.

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P. Again he saith, that he did not know why God did make a difference amongst men,' &c.

A. So is ignorant of the ministry, which puts a difference betwixt the precious and the vile.

P. And he said, 'None can give a reason of the election, or know the elect of God.'

A. And so is out of the apostle's doctrine, who said, they were elected before the foundation of the world;' and ignorant of the scriptures, which say, Christ is the elect.

P. Again he said, 'he would never exhort people to take heed to that of God which is made manifest in them.'

A. Contrary to the apostles' doctrine, Rom. i. Cor. ii. 4. Colos. i. 1 John ii. 27. Rom. x. S. who brought people to the light within them, and to the son within them, Christ within them.

Some of Adam Sands' principles.


P. HE said, 'He hated "that which may be known of God is made manifest in man, which God hath showed unto him," and said, 'that was the Quakers' foundation.' And it was told him they were the apostle Paul's words, and he was showed the place in the Bible, and bid look at it; he said again, he hated it.'

A. So he is found in the nature of the Jews and Gentiles that went astray, who were not like to retain God in their knowledge, while they were reprobates from that which may be known of God, made manifest in them, and hated it. Neither art thou, nor any professor upon the earth, like to receive God or Christ, spirit or faith, while thou hatest that of God in thee.

P. And he called those with him, brethren and servants of God;' and yet a little before said, they had no grace in them.'

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A. Contrary to the apostle, who said, the brethren's hearts were stablished with grace: and the grace of God which brought salvation appeared to all men,' which taught the saints, which you have turned into wantonness.

P. And he confessed, that they were more and more ignorant of God, and blinder and blinder every day than other.'

A. We do believe it. How should it be otherwise with you, who say ye are brethren, and have no grace in you, and hate that of God in people? But the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men,' which lets them see ungodliness. So in that the liar speaks in thee; for that which lets every one see ungodliness is the grace.

Roger Atkinson, reader at Turver chapel in Lancashire.

P. THAT the letter of scripture was God:' and it was asked, if the letter, paper, and ink, was God? and he said, brought 1 John to prove it. And again he said, word of God.'

it was God,' and the letter was the

A. The scriptures of truth are the words of God, and were all learned of God, and are writings; and Christ the word comes to end all these words, and all end in him. So the scriptures are not God; but they were holy men of God, who learned of God, that spoke them forth, for he was before scripture who gave them forth.

Richard Stoaks, called minister at Grayrig chapel in Westmoreland.

P. HE said, 'that the scriptures are God.' And again, that the scriptures are a God.' And afterward he set his foot upon it, and stamped upon it, and said, it was but Hebrew copies, and Greek copies, and they were not the scriptures,' and said, they were not true," before near a hundred people.

A. And yet a God! and they God! But the scriptures of truth are the words of God; and the carnal man and the devil who are out of the truth, may get scriptures; but stand against the word, Christ, that

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