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and all the Presbyterians shall find spiritual, to judge them, and bruise the heads of them, and break their wicked cords and bonds of iniquity which they have laid upon the people, Matt. xxiii. Ezek. xxxiv. Acts XV. The day is at hand that their judgment is come by that man whom God hath ordained, Acts xvii. 31. to judge the world in righteousness, and to give to every man a reward according to his works, Psalm lxii. 12. Rev. xxii. 12. who shall give to him an account of every idle word that they shall speak, in the day of judgment, Matt. xii. 36. And William Kennedy came to George Weare, and promised him that he should have a public hearing, he hearing what the priest and the rest of the elders charged him withal. And when he came they would not give him a hearing; and so found them truce-bearers, that are to be turned away from, 2 Tim. iii. and such as creep into houses, and are boasters, proud, high minded, as Jannes and Jambres, who have a form of godliness, and deny the power, who are to be turned away from. And after that, the said priest did excommunicate George Weare in another parish without any hearing, nor would let him know for what they excommunicated him, which was a work of darkness to make the people's minds envious against the just. Upon which George Weare went to their meeting place to read a paper to him, to show why he denied him; and two priests, Robert Semple and John Hume, being there, bade the people to knock down that excommunicated swinger, which is, in English, rogue; upon which the people did obey the priest, and did beat, and knock George Weare down to the ground; and might have murdered the man, had not the Lord's mercy been seen. So they are in Cain's way, in envy, Gen. iv. Jude xi. And George got up again, and the priests bade the people strike him; and they did beat him, and plucked him by the hair of the head; and the priests bade, beat them away; and they did so. And afterwards the priest summoned George to the court; and told the bailiff he would prove by the scripture, that he must be stoned to death. Now here is the murdering Jews' nature, that stoned the prophets, and the apostles; and stoned Steven, and took up stones to stone Christ, Matt. xxiii. 24. John viii. 59. Acts vii. 58. And ye are bloody butchers, and man slayers, and no ministers of Christ: did not the false prophets go always with the beast to war (Rev. xiii. Rev. vi.) against saints and the Lamb? And did not the chief priests stir up the rulers against Christ, and had not the priests a hand to murder? And were not the priests at the examination of Stephen, and gave counsel that he should be stoned to death? And did not the priests stir up the rulers and magistrates to persecute? though they themselves did not often do it, who had not the power, but they stirred up the magistrates to do it. And they came to be their slaughterers, to execute their malice, and be their executioners. Ye do not, ye may say,

it is the magistrates that ye stir up to do it. It is not said, the priests did slay and crucify Christ, but Pilate; but the priests had power amongst the multitude to persuade the multitude to ask the murderer, Matt. xxvii. (who had murder in their hearts,) and Pilate did the thing. And did not God overthrow Jerusalem, and destroy the power of the magistrates there, and priests both? and hath not God done it in many ages for executing the priests' malice, and their envy against the just, and his anointed? Have not ye many examples set down in the scripture, in which ye may all take notice of it? Therefore take heed, all ye magistrates, how you execute and avenge the malice, and wickedness, and envy of any one against the just: for the envy of the envious, and the wickedness of the wicked shall slay himself,' Ps. xxiv. 21. and the righteous shall see it. Therefore, you that are called christian magistrates, execute not, neither be ye executioners of the madness, and envy of those who call themselves ministers of Christ; that would have you to slay, to stone, to stock, to prison, and to put to death them that are contrary to them. Those are murderers in Cain's way, manslayers, wrestlers against flesh and blood, and not ministers of the gospel, which saith, love enemies; and render to no man evil for evil. Matt. v. 44. And this differs from the scribes and Pharisees, who loved their own, and persecuted others, and stoned others, and drew the magistrates to do it. But, say the ministers of Christ, 'we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places.' Eph. vi. 12. Now those ministers that would have the persons of men slain, are like Cain that slew Abel, and Jezebel, the beast, and false prophets. Gen. iv. 1 Kings xxi. They who stone, imprison, and put to death, are as the Jews' priests, and those magistrates that execute their malice are as the Jews' magistrates, unchristian magistrates. And so those are they that are wrestling, stoning, imprisoning, and striking against flesh and blood. And in the mean time spiritual wickedness rules among them; and rulers of darkness in high places, where flesh and blood are wrestled against. So in this state both ministry and magistracy are blind, and are out of the fear of God; they turn their sword backward whilst they are executing the priests' malice, and the priests will strengthen the hands of evil doers. And provoking to slay, and wrestling against flesh and blood, and so do not profit the people at all, · but stir up the multitude against the just, that they may keep themselves in their place for their own ends, admiring the magistrates' persons, and men's, because of their advantage, Jude xvi. and respect their persons; who show they are out of the faith, (James ii.) which gives victory over the world, 1 John v. 4. and out of the doctrine of Christ and the apostles. Now the magistrates are for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well: who walk in the life, which he

that doth evil goes from; where the rulers of darkness and spiritual wickednesses are. And this magistrate can see; he turns not the sword backward, he answers that of God in every one, and is for a praise to them that do well, 1 Pet. ii. 14. So every evil doer acts contrary to that of God in him. Now a minister of Christ wrestles not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places; so every one that does evil acts contrary to that of God in him, so the higher power goes above him. Rom. xiii. 1. So the higher power is above him, and before he was, all power in heaven and in earth is given to the son of God, John v. 22. who is above all the powers of the earth, who lighteth every man that cometh into the world, John i. 9. But they who do evil go from the light, and so the higher power goes against them. The magistrates that are in the power, are a terror to the evil doers that act contrary to the light wherewith every one that cometh into the world is enlightened. The magistrates are in that power which goes over him, and is a praise to them that are in the light; and the ministers of God are to bring from under the occasion of the magistrates' sword.

George Weare being, with his friend, standing in the field near Foord meeting house, as they call it, he neither speaking nor acting any thing against any man, but standing in the fear of the Lord, with his friend; William Lowry and John Hambleton, called justices, committed him and his friend to prison, where they lay twenty and three days: and here is his innocency preached.

The original righteousness was before the fall; the original of selfrighteousness was that which fell, and is in the fall; that transgressed. And in the catechism which is tolerated by the general assembly, and in the catechism of Scotland, called a short catechism, they say, that the word of God is contained in the scriptures.

A. The scriptures are writings; and they say, God is the word, John i. 1. 1 Kings viii. 27. Solomon saith,' the heaven of heavens cannot contain him,' and you say he is contained in the scriptures. And you say there are three persons; and the scripture doth not speak of three persons; and the Jews had the scriptures, and knew not Christ, the word of God. Then ye tell people of an outward ordinary means, by which Christ communicates the benefit of redemption; and of the word sacraments. The scripture doth not speak of three persons, and sacraments; they are Papists' words; of them ye have learned them. The means of salvation are not ordinary or outward; but Christ is the salvation, who is eternal, Heb. v. 9. and they that come to him, come to the end of the outward, Col. i. 27. Ye say the sacraments are the effectual means to salvation; and ye say again, they are not as they are themselves, but only by the blessing of Christ and his spirit in them: so here is confusion. How do ye differ from the Papists? for they say he is in them; and ye say his

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spirit is in them, and where his spirit is, is not he? O blind! are ye found out? go yehome to your mother the Papist. Where Christ's spirit is, he is. Andye say your two sacraments are baptism and the Lord's supper. The scripture doth not call baptism and the Lord's supper two sacraments; and those names which you have given to them, you and the Papists adore and worship. Again, you in your catechism, call the first day of the week, the sabbath day. Where did ever any of the ministers of Christ or the christians unapostatized, call it so? Are not you come unto the breach, and guilty of your own judgment of the third commandment, when ye give another name to the scriptures than they give themselves, in calling them the word, and calling baptism and the supper the sacraments? Exod. xx. Moses saith, God spake all these words,' when he gave the commandments; mark, words, and the words of Christ are spirit and life, John vi. 63. God is the word, John i. 1. and Christ is the word, Rev. xix. 13. and the word became flesh, and dwelt among us. John i. 14. And those who had the words of the scriptures, which cannot be broken, (John x. 35.) the law and the prophets, knew not Christ the word before they were brought to the light that Christ had enlightened them with, and were brought to the spirit. John v. 37. John viii. 9. Can the whole world say the Lord's prayer in truth, or was it taught his disciples, or to the world? do not people draw nigh to God with their lips that say it? Isa. xx. 13. and are not in the light which every man that cometh into the world is lighted withal. Can ye say the Lord's prayer, which is, 'forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us,' without hypocrisy? How do ye forgive them when ye would have them persecuted and stoned? You that are teachers of the people; how do ye love your neighbours as yourselves? how do ye fulfil the law and the prophets, Matt. vii. 12. to do as you would be done by? To you Presbyterians of Scotland I speak, that are teachers, whose principles are to stone, chop off heads, and persecute them that are contrary minded to you: would ye have those that are contrary to your minds stone you to death, chop off your heads, imprison, and banish you, and persecute, and excommunicate you? This is the law and the prophets, to do as you would be done by: as others should do to you, so do unto them. But Christ, who is the end of the law and the prophets, Rom. x. 4. saith his doctrine is to love enemies. Matt. v. 54. and saith, if men persecute you, pray for them, and bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute you, and despitefully use you, that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: who makes the sun to shine upon the evil and the good, and the rain to descend upon the just and the unjust. If ye love them that love ye, what reward have ye? the publicans and Pharisees do so.' And the apostatized christians, who are got into the forms

of words, but out of the life of the saints, of Christ and the apostles, are saluting their brethren only; but saith Christ, 'Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect,' which you stand against. So ye are they that have denied the one offering which hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Heb. x. 14. And make the blood of Christ of no effect, which cleanseth from all sin; and the new covenant, which blots out all sin and transgression. And all upon the earth, professors and worshippers, that call yourselves brethren, and christians, and offerers, of what sort soever, that have but the name, before ye offer, be reconciled to your brethren, go leave the gift at the altar, and be reconciled to your brethren, and then come and offer your gift, Matt v. 24. then will the Lord accept your offering. And all upon the earth that pray, see that ye forgive others that trespass against you, as you would have the Lord forgive you your trespasses.

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Oh! how is the beauty of the church of the Presbyterians marred and deformed! Oh! how are they become cages of unclean birds, synagogues of satan! Oh! how are their teachers become envious men and murderers, of Cain's stock, in whom the eternal life is not abiding! that would slay, stone, and chop off heads of strangers, servants, and sons and daughters of the Lord God, and excommunicate them and put them out of their synagogues. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended,' John xvi. 2. they shall excommunicate you, yea, the time cometh that they that kill you shall think they do God good service; these things will they do unto you, because they neither know the Father nor me. These things have I told you before, that when the time comes ye may remember that I told you of them.' John xvi. 4. So the sayings of Christ are fulfilled by you that excommunicate; and ye are like them that put out of the synagogues of the Jews; and these are their marks, that they neither know the Father nor the son of God. These temples, pulpits, priests, that are set up since the days of the apostles, are amongst the false prophets that Christ said should come, Matt. vii. Matt. xxiv. and John saw were come, 1 John ii. 18, 19. and 1 John iv. 1, 2, 3. who went forth from them; whom all the world went after, Rev. xiii. 3. And these excommunications from you, are, that none should buy nor sell, but such as worship the beast, and receive his marks. Rev. xiii. 14. And it was the beast, and the dragon, and the false prophets, that would kill and destroy them that kept the testimony of Jesus. Rev. xii. Here is the patience and faith of the saints that overcome by the blood of the Lamb, that have the testimony of Jesus, and have kept the commands of God. So the Jews excommunicated, who had the true temple, true tithes, and true priests, who had the figure, the type; Christ being come the substance,' Heb. x. 34. the everlasting priesthood, Heb. vii. the everlasting covenant, and the one

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