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voluptuousness; and whether we have done any thing with hypocrisy. God is our witness of what we have done, and are doing, for the poor-for the widows, and for the orphans, and all the young. Cola the son of Laurence lived much more tranquilly than Cola the Tribune: but for the love which we bear to this place, we consider all our labours are for its tranquillity, and for this we appeal to the witness of the Holy Spirit, and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, whose cause we follow and defend. At the hour of day we can take rest, but the night we give to labour and study.

Primum Membrum presentis Litere.

Ad id autem, quod scribitis audivisse, quod inceptum jam terreri, scire vos facimus, quod sic Spiritus Sanctus, per quem dirigimur, et movemur, facit animum nostrum fortem, quod ulla discrimina non timemus; immo si totus mundus, et homines sancte fidei christiane, et perfidiarum hebraice, et pagane contrariarentur nobis, non propterea terremur. Nobis enim propositum est cum reverencia Dei, et Sancte Matris Ecclesie, et pro amore, et cultu justicie velle mori. Talis autem timoris opinio, qui nunquam cecidit nec cadere poterit in cor nostrum, potuit fortasse procedere ex eo, quod, dum pridem, in concilio peterimus, quod istud officium in diversas personas singulis tribus mensibus mutaretur, illi, qui in concilio erant aceratis pre tristitia vestibus, omnes conclamantes lacrimabiliter responderunt, dicentes aut quod iste status sanctissimus decidat, et regimen istud ad aliud deveniret, singuli moriamur, ita quod illud, quod faciebamus causa virtutis, adscripsit nobis aliena ignorancia ad timorem. Nec id ob aliud petebamus, nisi ne causa nostri ad perpetuitatem officii aspirare aliquatenus crede



First Part of this Letter.

With regard to what you mention as having heard, that we had begun to be frightened, we give you to know that the Holy Spirit, which governs and cherishes us, so fortifies our mind that we fear no perils-nay, if the whole world, both people of the holy Christian faith, and perfidious Jews and Pagans should oppose, we would not therefore be dismayed; for it is our intention and desire, with all due reverence to God and our Holy Mother Church, to die for the love and maintenance of justice.

But is it probable that such mention of terror, which never did, and never can, reach our heart, arose from this circumstance, that when we proposed in council that this office should be changed and given to different persons every three months, those who were present, tearing their garments in sadness, and weeping, began to exclaim, that "the Good Estate itself would perish, that the government would undergo a change, and all would be slain ”—so that what we did out of our love of virtue, the ignorance of others hath ascribed to fear. And we only desired this measure that we might not be thought in any way, on our own account, to aspire to hold this office in perpetuity.

Secundum Membrum.

Vos etiam cupimus non latere, quod Joannes de Vico, olim prefectus fricida (fratricida) et proditor vocatus, et expectatus diutius, venire noluit ad mandata; propter quod contra eum direximus nostrum victoriosum exercitum, qui jam occupavit Vetrallam, et Viterbium tenet obsessum, quod continue devastatur. Omnes quoque Tuscie Civitates miserunt jam in servitio nostro, et Romani Populi in dictum

Omnes hoc statu

nostrum exercitum auxilia gentis sue. letantur, omnes Romano populo favent contra proditorem prefatum. Soli rectores Patrimonii, et Campanie assistunt, et subfavent proditori qui aliter fuerant sui hostes; de quo etsi dolemus, sine causa nos tractari indebite ab eisdem, altiori tamen in mente peragimus, quod proinde turbabuntur omnia corda Romanorum. Videtur enim eis in culpas ipsorum Rectorum non solum ab eis, sed a Domino nostro Summo Pontifice recipere lesionem; dicunt quidam: nos Domini nostri summi Pontificis in auxiliis sperabamus, et officiales suos ita nobis contrarios experimur, quod non sit sine aliquali infamia Domini prelibati: fratisque germani dicti Comitis Campanie cum quatuor banneriis equitum, et cum gente Regis Ungarie invadentis Regnum Sicilie in Aquila contra Reginam Joannam, et Dominum nostrum summum Pontificem; Nec obmittemus, quod tanta est circa hunc statum vicinarum bona dispositio civitatum, quod viginti sex denarios antique parve monete, valentes nunc Carlenum unum, et denarios quatuor parvos, petitos ab eis pro quolibet focolari, libenter exsolvunt, videntes nos ipsam pecuniam, et aliam pro defensione personarum, et rerum suarum in stipendia militie convertisse, quamvis Rectores ipsi hoc visi fuerint impedire; et illi, a quibus pecuniam ipsam non petimus, dolent quodammodo, et spontanee solvunt illam, ne a defensione nostra videantur exclusi. Igitur nulla nos cura sollicitat, si, Deo exeunte nobiscum, nobis homines adversari contingat; et spem nostram in Deo posuimus; de auxiliis hominum non curamus. Legisse namque recolimus, et vidisse virum in suâ, et hominis potentia confidentem sucumbere, et quod humana auxilia in ejus, ad cujus sunt parata favorem, sepe in confusionem sint solita torqueri. Quidquid igitur nobis objicitur, quasi mane

. reputamus, existentes certi, quod quanto plus hic status sanctissimus impugnatur in terris ab homine, in celis roboratur plus a Deo, qui quod ipse dignatus est misericorditer stabilire, non patitur per homines infirmari.


Second Member.

We are also desirous that it should not be concealed from you that John de Vico (formerly prefect), fratricide and traitor, though called and expected a long time, would not come to our summons: we have, therefore, sent against him our victorious army, which hath occupied Vetralla, and keeps Viterbo, which is incessantly laid waste, in siege. All the Tuscan states also in our service, and the Roman people, have sent auxiliaries from their own people to our said army. All rejoice in this proceeding, all assist the Roman people against the aforesaid traitor. But the governors of the Patrimony * and of Campania, who were formerly his enemies, connive with the traitor, which, although it sorely grieves us that we should be treated so unworthily, yet are we more deeply affected, because the hearts of all our Romans will be troubled thereat: for it is their belief that, owing to the offence of these governors, they are not only injured by those lords themselves, but also by their lord the Pope himself; for, say they, we trusted in the assistance of our lord the Pope, and now we see his officers are against us, and against us to the discredit, in some degree, of the same lord the Pope, and of the brother of the Count of Campania, invading with four banners of horse, and with the people of the king of Hungary, the kingdom of Sicily, in Aquila, in prejudice of Queen Joanna and of our sovereign lord the Pope. Nor will we omit, that such is the good disposition of the cities near this state, that they willingly pay twenty-six pence of the ancient small money (now worth a carline) and four small pence which are demanded of them for each hearth: for they see that we convert this and other money into stipends


A part of the Roman states called the Patrimony of St. Peter.

for soldiers for the defence of their persons and property, and notwithstanding the governors themselves would hinder this tribute, those from whom we have not demanded contribution are in some measure disappointed, and offer it of their own accord, that they may not appear excluded from our protection.

We are, therefore, under no apprehensions if men should become our adversaries, whilst God goes out with us: and we have placed our reliance on God, not caring for the help of man. For we recollect to have read of and have seen such as trusted to human powers succumb, and human aid is wont to be turned to the confusion of him for whose help it was prepared.

Let us, therefore, consider what is objected to us as

being certain that the more this holy state is assailed on earth by men, the more it is fortified in heaven by God, who does not permit that what he has pitifully vouchsafed to establish, should be loosened by the hand of


Tercium Membrum.

Ad disconsolacionem nostram illud novum accidit, quod, tenentibus nobis in carcere singulos potents de hujus status impedicione suspectos, et cum eis nuperrime Lucam de Sabello, Vicarius Domini nostri Pape, aut timore ipsius Luce perterritus, vel aliis tirampnidum dolis flexus, credentium ad turbacionem hujus santi status preter istas non posse unam aliam invenire causam, querit de capitolio recedendi : nec unquam in aliquo volumus, ob Domini nostri summi Pontificis reverenciam, ejus honoribus, et beneplacitis deviare; de quo etiam Romanus Populus est admiracione, et dolore commotus, dum singulos officiales Domini nostri summi Pontificis, aliquos malacia, aliquem negligencia obviare prospiciunt huic sancto statui, et quieti. Sed frustra tu mescunt maria, frustra venti furunt, frustra ignis crepitat,

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