Abbildungen der Seite

to be concerned; and then, thefe Points having been fettled, Henry acceded to the Treaty.

The Spanish Writers complain of the Pope's Ingratitude upon this Occafion, and fay, "That he was the chief Inftrument of this Treaty: "That, befides the many Benefits and Favours he "received from the Emperor, he was beholden to that Prince for having always fupported him "against his moft implacable Enemy, Cardinal Vol"tieri; maintained him in the Government of Flo66 rence,



'faid Cathedral Church, which 'fhould have had moft doing

Servants to go as humbly thi'ther as might be, without any fumptuous Apparel: For I intend on Sunday to come to you to be inftalled, and to make but one Dinner for you at the Clofe; and the next Day to dine with the Mayor, and fo return again thither.

at my Lord's Installation, was ' with my Lord at Caywood, and fitting at Dinner, they fell into Communication of this Mat6 and the Order and Ceremoter, ny thereof: He faying, that my Lord Cardinal fhould go a 'foot from a Chapel which

ftands without the Gates of ' of the City, called St. James's • Chapel, unto the Miniter upon Cloth, which fhould


be diftributed to the Poor ' after his faid Paffage to the • Church. Which my Lord hearing, replied, and faid, Although perhaps our Predeceffors have gone upon Cloth, yet we intend to go on foot, without any fuch Pomp or Glory, in the Vamps of our Hofen: And therefore gave order to his

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The Day being not unknown to all the Country, the Gentlemen, Abbots, and Priors, fuch Provifion fent in, that it was almost incredible for Store ⚫ and Variety...

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The common People held my Lord in great Ellimation for his Purity, and Liberality, and alfo for his familiar Geflure and good Behaviour amongst them; by means whereof he gained much Love of all the People in the North Parts of England.*


Of the Cardinal's Fall, and how he was arrested of High Treafon.


Hat chanced before his

wood, is a Sign or Token from laft Troubles at Cay- 'God, of that which fhould folVOL. IV.


• low,

*Would one think, that Mr. Cavendish could, after this and other fuch like Declarations, fay, immediately on his Master's Death, Here is the End and Fall of Pride? &c.

"rence, and at laft raised him to to the Papal "Throne."

But these Writers take no notice how perfidioufly the Emperor had dealt with Cardinal Wolfey, whom he had twice promised to affift in raifing him to the Papal Chair, and both times deceived him: So that the Pope only returned to the Emperor, if the Spanish Account be true, what his Imperial Majefty had measured to Wolfey. If Men will act falfly by others, why fhould they complain when they meet with the like Treatment? The

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low, I will now, God will-King's Privy-chamber, fhould

ing, declare. My Lord's Enemies, being then at the Court about the King in good Eftimation and honourable Dignities, feeing now my Lord in great Favour, and fearing the King would now call him Home again, they therefore did plot amongst themselves to dispatch him by Means of fome finister Treason, or to bring him into the King's great Indignation by fome other Means.

This was their daily Study and Confultation, having, for their efpecial Help and Furtherance, as many vigilant Attendants supon him, as the Poets feign Argus had Eyes.

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The King, with these their ⚫ continual Complaints,


moved to much Indignation, and thought it good that the Cardinal fhould come up, and ftand to his Trial in his own Perfon; which his Enemies did not like of. Notwithstanding he was fent for, and after this Sort.

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be fent down with a Commiffion into the North, and the Earl of Northumberland, who was fometimes brought up in the Houfe of my Lord, being joined in Commission with him, fhould arrest my Lord of High Treafon. This being refolved upon, Sir Walter Welch prepared for his Journey, with his • Commiffion and certain Initruments annexed to the fame, and took Horfe at the Court'gate, upon Albollows-day, to'wards my Lord of Northumberland's.

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Upon Albellorus-day my Lord, fitting at Dinner, having at his Board's End divers of his Chaplains to bear him Company for want of other Guests, you fhall now understand, that my Lord's great Cross, which flood by, fell, and in the Fall broke Dr. Bonner's Head, infomuch that fome Blood ran down. My Lord, perceiving


The Pope, the Venetians, and the Duke of Milan, were the Confederates that entered into a League with Francis against the Emperor; the Italian Princes in particular fet heartily about raising an Army, in order to make a Stand against the Imperialists; and their first Efforts were to fuccour the Duke of Milan, who was clofely blocked up in his Castle by the Duke of Bourbon, lately returned from Spain, having taken upon him the Command of the Em peror's Army. But they were disappointed in their good

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the Fall thereof, demanded of thofe that ftood by him. What was the Matter, that they flood fo amazed? I fhewed him of the Fall of his great Cross upon Dr. Bonner's Head: Quoth my Lord, Hath it drawn any Blood?--Yea, quoth I. With ⚫that he caft his Head afide, and foberly faid, Malum Omen! and thereupon fuddenly faid Grace, and rofe from Table and went to his Bed-chamber, but what he did there I cannot tell. • Now mark how my Lord expounded the Meaning thereof (in his Fancy) to me, at Pontefract, after his Fall. First, that the great Crofs, that he bare as Archbishop of York, betokened himfelf; and Dr. Auftine, the Phyfician who overthrew the Crofs, was he that accused my Lord, whereby his Enemies caught an Oc• cafion to overthrow him : It fell on Dr. Bonner's Head, who was then Master of my Lord's Faculties, and fpiritual Jurif'diction, who was then dam⚫nified by the Fall thereof; ⚫ and moreover the drawing of

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• Blood betokeneth Death, which did fuddenly after follow.

Now the appointed Time ' drew near for Installation; and, fitting at Dinner, the Friday 'before the Monday that he should have been installed at Yorks the Earl of Northumberland, and Mr. Welch, with a great • Company of Gentlemen of the Earl's Houfe, and of the Coun try, whom they had gathered ⚫ in the King's Name, to accompany them, (yet not knowing to what End) came to the Hall of Caywood, the Officers being at Dinner, and my Lord not fully dined, nor knowing any thing of the Earl's being

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The firft Thing that the Earl did, after he had fet the • Hall in order, he commanded

the Porter to deliver the Keys • of the Gates to him, which • he would in no wife do, al

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tho' he was threatned and com manded in the King's Name ⚫ to make Deliverance thereof to one of the Earl's Servants, which he still refused, saying to the Earl, That the Keys G 2

• avere

good Intentions; for the Duke's People were become quite deftitute of Provisions, and therefore furrendered the Castle, by Capitulation, on the 24th of July, wherein was ftipulated, "That his Troops "fhould be conducted to Como, where he had a "Garrison; and that he should be allowed the Re-, venues of the Place for his Support, till the Em"peror's Pleasure was known."


The Italian Writers affirm, "That the Princes "of Italy were made the Dupes of the French and


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were delivered to him by his Lord and Mafter, both by Oath and other Command.

Now fome of the Gentlemen that stood by the Earl, hearing the Porter speak fo ftoutly, faid, he is a good Fellow and a faithful Servant to • his Master, and speaks like an ⚫ honest Man, therefore give him your Charge, and let him keep the Keys ftill; then faid my • Lord, "Thou shalt well and "truly keep the Keys to the "Ufe of our Sovereign Lord the "King, and you shall let none "pass in nor out of the Gates, "but fuch as from time to time 66 you fhall be commanded by us, being the King's Commiffioners, during our Stay here:" And with that Oath he received the


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• Northumberland was in the • Hall, whereat my Lord won

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dered, and at the first be⚫lieved him not, till he heard 'it confirmed by another: Then quoth my Lord, I am forry we have dined; for I fear our Officers have not provided Fish enough for the Entertainment of him, with some honourable Cheer fitting his Eftate and Dignity: But with that my Lord arofe from the Table, and commanded to let the • Cloth lay, that the Earl might • see how far forth they were at their Dinners, and as he was going down the Stairs he en• countered with my Lord of • Northumberland, to whom my • Lord faid, You are heartily wel

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come, my Lord, and fo they ' embraced each other: Then quoth my Lord Cardinal, If you had loved me, you would have fent me Word before of your Coming, that I might have entertained you according to your Honour: Notwithstanding you shall have fuch Cheer as I can make you for the prefent,: with a right good Will, truft

6 go

Keys of the Earl, at Mafter
Welch's Hands; but of all
thefe Doings knew my Lord
nothing, for they had stopped
the Stairs that none fhould
to my Lord's Chamber, and
they that came down could
not go up again. At length
one escaped up, and fhewed
my Lord, that the Earl of

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"English, by the Treaty concluded at Cognac." But on the other Hand thefe very Writers own, "That "the Duke of Urbino acted but faintly against the "Emperor, or he might have relieved Milan: That "if the Duke of Bourbon had been hard preffed "in the beginning, he must have abandoned that Dutchy. But then the Reason, they say, that "the Pope, and the Venetians were not fo zea"lous as might be expected, was owing to the King of France's not fending them the Succour " of

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ing you will accept thereof in good Part, hoping hereafter to fee you oftner, when I jhall be more able to entertain you. This faid, my Lord took him ⚫ by the Hand, and led him to his Chamber, whom followed

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all the Earl's Servants, and they being there all alone, faving I, which kept the Door " as my Office required, being Gentleman-ufher, these two Lords ftanding at a Window, the Earl trembling faid, I arreft you of High Treafon, with ' which Words my Lord was ⚫ well-nigh astonished, standing • ftill a good Space without fpeak ing one Word.

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But at the last quoth my Lord, What Authority have you to arreft me? Quoth the Earl, I have a Commiffion fo to do.Shew it me, quoth my Lord, 'that I may fee the Contents thereof-Nay, Sir, that you may not, quoth the Earl. Then quoth my Lord, Hold you contented, for I will not obey your Arreft, for there hath been between your


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and therefore, unless I fee your • Authority, I will not obey you.

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Even as they were debating the Matter in the Chamber, fo likewife was MafterWelch bufy in arrefting Dr. Auftine, at the Door, faying, Goin thou Traitor, or Ifhall make thee: With that I opened the Portal-door, and he did thrust in Dr. Auftine before ⚫ him with Violence. The Matter on both Sides aftonifhed

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not be known, who kneeled down to my Lord; to whom 'my Lord faid, Come hither, Gentleman, and let me speak with you, commanding him to ftand up, and faid thus; My Lord of Northumberland hath arrefted me, but by what Authority I know not, if you be privy thereunto, and joined with him therein, I

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Ancestors and my Predecefforspray you fhew me. Indeed, my great Contentions and Debates, Lord, if it pleafe your Grace,

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