Abbildungen der Seite

hospitals, museums, and every other public institution of the highest civilization, and to have endowed them all forever! The expenses of the present European struggle will probably be sufficient to do the same for all Europe! What an infernal drawback on humanity, then, is war!

De Sauley's discovery of the ruins of the "Cities of the Plain," excited no little interest throughout the civilized world a few months since. M. Van de Velde was induced to visit the locality, in order to verify the alleged fact. He has published two heavy volumes which will effectually allay the excited curiosity of the learned on the subject. M. Van de Velde says:

"The plain exhibits an extent of gravel, chiefly of a gray color, diversified occasionally by rows of large stones, which generally run parallel to each other. Between these rows of stones grow various shrubs, such as are proper to this locality, especially one kind which bears a great resemblance to the tamarisk, but which, on closer examination, indicates a different botanical affinity. M. de Sauley crossed this plain twice, once from north to south along the sea-shore, and afterward from the north corner of the Salt

Mountain to the Wadi Zuweirah. Here he gets quite excited. Without doubt this is the plain of Sodom, and the rows of stones are the remains of the city walls, and who knows what more! How little observation, thought I, is necessary to recognize, in these rows of stones among the gravel and in the rich vegetation, the course of torrents which in the winter time sweep down from the mountain gorges and overflow the plain! Nothing is clearer than this. Any one who has ever seen the dry course of a river in the desert has no difficulty in here tracing the different beds of the numerous streams, which during the rainy season wind through this plain. But what will not imagination do? We followed in the footsteps of M. de Sauley to Jebel Usdum. Accidentally we were kept for a considerable time on the north side of this mountain. One of our Bedouins, who knew well that we should have that day a very long journey, being ill, and so not feeling himself in a condition to accomplish it, attempted to conduct us by the east side of the Salt Mountain. At first I did not see through his design; but, as we came nearer to the mountain and began to have it on our left, his object could be no longer hid. My guides now swore with all sorts of oaths that there was no way to the west of the Salt Mountain; but you may easily understand that their oaths did not weigh much with me, and when they saw at last that I kept to my point, they gave way with the usual Insh'-Allah.' This circumstance meanwhile caused me to make a double march along the north side of the mountain, and I became thus fully convinced that whatever there may be on the plain, ruins there are not. That M. de Sauley should have found here not only the remains of buildings and cities, but positively those of Sodom, I declare I cannot attribute to any other source than the creation of his fancy."

Thus, then, it seems that the eager Frenchman mistook the beds of streams for the foundations of cities. Some of the English critics, however, seem indisposed to credit fully the observations of Van de Velde. The question is considered still an open one.

ELOQUENCE OF CHATHAM.-The remains of the eloquence of Chatham show it to have been of rare power, and its results prove still more its greatness. His power over parliament and the government was the proudest example of the despotism of talent to be found in the records of English statesmanship. His eloquent voice seemed to dominate over Europe itself, and to pronounce its destinies. His cotemporaries speak of his strength in debate as altogether marvelous as sublime. A London paper gives, from manuscript, a recently discovered letter of the famous Lord Littleton, the supposed Junius,

in which he speaks as follows of Chatham's eloquence :

"I have neither the gravity nor the importance of character necessary to govern in these wild and unruly times, and am sorry that with the Earl of Chatham died the genius of England. The majesty of his mind overawed everything. The world was silent before him. He alone intimidated the house of Bourbon, and so great was the terror of his name that the very year he died, on a report prevailing in France that he was to be again minister of England, the French immediately marched twenty battalions down to the coast, transported heavy cannon post to Brest, and seized all the peasants from the plow to assist in repairing the fortifications of the towns they imagined Lord Chatham would begin his administration by invading. When they found the rumor was false, they desisted from their works, marched their troops back to their garrisons, and thought Brest strong enough to repel the fleet of England, though too weak to resist the genius of William Pitt. This wonderful man was not less dreaded at home. I remember when, after an absence of two years, he came down to the House of Commons without any man's knowing his intentions, and knocked up by a single speech a whole administration. His invectives were terrible denunciations of vengeance, and accompanied as they were with an eye that shot pernicious fire into the heart of his opponents. Hume Campbell, brother to Lord Marchmont, a cold, steady, They had a preternatural effect upon men. interested Scotchman, (who disregarded words as much as any man,) was so scared by him in the House of Commons that he was suddenly seized, while Mr. Pitt was speaking, with a violent shivering fit, went home in a high fever, and died in a week afterward. I will stop here, for I am insensibly going on to something like memoirs of Lord Chatham. He sleeps now, but the poet's lyre is awake. It is in your hand, my good friend. Sound then the strings, celebrate his praise, and contrast the magnitude of his mind to the poor pusillanimity of modern statesmen, to the corruption of modern parliaments, and to the base Italian code of modern policy."

Just such a man, imperial, yes, and imperious too, with talent, do we need at this day in our own national legislature to rebuke and defy the insolent mediocrity or rather inferiority, which by substituting audacity for ability and billingsgate for eloquence, has degraded the national capital into a political kennel.

CHANNING, though himself grave if not morbid, had wholesome views of life. God, he says, who gave us our nature-who has constituted body and minds incapable of continued effortwho has implanted a strong desire for recreation after labor-who has made us for smiles much more than tears. who made laughter the most contagious of all sounds-whose Son hallowed a marriage feast by his presence and sympathy-who has sent the child from his creating hand to develop its nature by active sports, and who has endowed both young and old with a keen susceptibility of enjoyment from wit and humor-He who has thus formed us, cannot have intended us for a dull life, and cannot frown on pleasures which solace our fatigue and refresh our spirits for coming toils.

GRAY'S ELEGY.-The original MS. of this immortal poem was sold at auction in London lately. At a former sale (1845) it was purchased, together with the "Odes," by a Mr. Penn. He gave $500 for the Elegy alone. He was proud, says the London Athenaeum, of his purchase-so proud, indeed, that binders were employed to inlay them on fine paper, bind them up in volumes of richly-tooled olive morocco, with silk linings, and finally inclose each volume in a case of plain purple morocco.

The order was carefully carried out, and the volumes were deposited at Stoke Pogis in the great house adjoining the grave of Gray. The MS. of the Elegy is full of verbal alterations, -it is the only copy known to exist-and is evidently Gray's first grouping together of the stanzas as a whole. As the "Elegy " is known by heart to nearly every Englishman, and we believe American, we shall give some of the readings. The established text we print in Roman type, the MS. readings in italics :

Of such as wandering near her midnight bower stray too

The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep

The breezy call of incense-breathing morn,
Forever sleep: the breezy call of

The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing horn
Or chanticleer so shrill or

Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share

[blocks in formation]

A TERRIBLE WOUND-OF THE IMAGINATION.Dr. Noble, in an analytic lecture at Manchester, England, "On the Dynamic Influence of Ideas," told a good anecdote of M. Boutibouse, a French savant, in illustration of the power of imagination. M. Boutibouse served in Napoleon's army, and was present at many engagements during the early part of last century. At the battle of Wagram, in 1809, he was engaged in the fray; the ranks around him had been terribly thinned by shot, and at sunset he was nearly isolated. While reloading his musket, he was shot down by a cannon ball. His impression was, that the ball had passed

through his legs below his knees, separating them from the thighs; for he suddenly sank down, shortened, as he believed, to the extent of about a foot in measurement. The trunk of the body fell backward on the ground, and the senses were completely paralyzed by the shock. Thus he lay motionless among the wounded and dead during the rest of the night, not daring to move a muscle, lest the loss of blood should be fatally increased. He felt no pain, but this he attributed to the stunning effect of the shock to the brain and nervous system. At early dawn he was aroused by one of the medical staff, who came round to help the wounded: "What's the matter with you, my good fellow?" said the surgeon. "Ah! touch

me tenderly," replied M. Boutibouse, "I beseech you; a cannon ball has carried off my legs." The surgeon examined the limbs referred to, and then giving him a good shake, said, with a joyous laugh, "Get up with you-you have nothing the matter with you." M. Boutibouse immediately sprang up in utter astonishment, and stood firmly on the legs which he thought he had lost forever. "I felt more thankful," said M. Boutibouse, "than I had ever done in the whole course of my life before. I had not a wound about me. I had, indeed, been shot down by an immense cannon ball; but instead of passing through the legs, as I firmly believed it had, the ball had passed under my feet, and had plowed a hole in the earth beneath, at least a foot in depth, into which my feet suddenly sank, giving me the idea that I had been thus shortened by the loss of my legs." The truth of this story is vouched for by Dr. Noble.

IMMIGRATION.-A statement of the immigrants arriving at this port during the four weeks com. mencing on the 25th of June, and ending on the 21st July, inclusive, as taken from the reports of the Custom-House officer, has been published by the Tribune. From this it appears that the total number which arrived was 26,773-an average of 6,693 per week, or nearly one thousand (956-5-28) per day. Thus Europe continues to pour in upon us, and in numbers which hardly admit of being rated. The calculations in our late editorial, entitled "Look at the Facts," fall altogether short of the actual facts. What will become of this land in a hundred years from to-day, unless our provisions for education and religion are vastly augmented beyond their present ratio?

LONG-WINDED.-An exchange quotes the fol lowing lucid, concise, terse sentence, (for it is all one sentence,) from the Richmond Inquirer. The description is as remarkable, to say the least, as the thing described. The man that can read it through aloud, with only the pauses required by commas, would deserve the diamond as his reward:

"A short time since, Mr. Benjamin Moore, a worthy, industrious, hard-working resident of Manchester, opposite this city, while digging and removing from one of the recently laid out public streets a few cart-loads of hitherto undisturbed alluvium, for James Fisher, Esq., of that town, was so fortunate as to discover in the ferrugineous clay or earth, about two feet below the surface, near several water-worn round pieces of secondary sand-stone, what, at the time, he supposed to be simply a very pretty fragment of sparkling, trans

parent glass, but which, in reality, is a truly beautiful and valuable diamond, weighing eighteen and threequarter carats, or seventy-five grains, measuring from extreme point to point rather above seven lines, and worthy of being styled a Nonpareil, if not an Om-i-noor, (sun of light,) not only because it is by far the largest ever found on the continent of North America, but more especially on account of its superior limpidness, which is nearly perfect, with the exception of a slight greenish tinge and a partial chafoyancy, arising from the salient edges of its apparently infinite number of laminæ, and in part, perhaps, attributable to the multiplicity of minute striæ, curvilinear, and straight lines, and the miniature graven equilateral triangles that embellish its surface, and most emphatically show exertions of power divine.'"

Such specimens of the "high-fellutin" are frequent in our exchanges. A writer in The Laurensville (S. C.) Herald, lately attended the examination of a female school in Laurens District, and was so completely enraptured with all he saw and heard, that he breaks forth in the following strain :—

"At ten o'clock the procession was formed, all uniformed with white dresses, and badges of blue ribbon, the tallest in front, and so on alternately to the lastlooked grand in the sublimest degree. Like to the highest pinnacles of the Alps, decorated and adorned with heaven's beautiful robe of white, surrounded by its lesser points of notoriety, bedecked in all the magnificence of a snow-wreathed mountain. And as they proceeded, the mellifluent sounds of the sweet and consonant violin and flute caused the very hills and dales to echo and reëcho; and if there should

have been any monotony, these, our fellow-countrymen and friends to humanity, were ever ready to drive away dull care by their pleasing variations, in striking their lyre to the ever-pleasing tune 'I'll hang my harp on the willow-tree."

MACAULAY.-Mrs. Stowe says, in her "Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands:"

"Macaulay's whole physique gives you the impression of great strength and stamina of constitution. He has the kind of frame which we usually imagine is peculiarly English: short, stout, and firmly knit. There is something hearty in all his demonstrations. He speaks in that full, round, rolling voice, deep from the chest, which we also conceive of as being more common in England than America. As to his conversation, it is just like his writing; that is to say, it shows very strongly the same qualities of mind.' I was informed that he is famous for a most uncommon memory; one of those men to whom it seems impossible to forget anything once read; and he has read all sorts of things that can be thought of, in all languages. A gentleman told me that he could repeat all the old Newgate literature, hanging ballads, last speeches, and dying confessions; while his knowledge of Milton is so accurate, that, if his poems were blotted out of existence, they might be restored simply from his memory."

NOBLE MINDS.-The noblest spirits are those which turn to heaven, not in the hour of distress, but in that of joy; like the lark, they wait for the clouds to disperse, to soar up into their natural element.

Book Notices.

Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands-Thoughts and
Things at Home and Abroad-Puddleford and its
People-History of Cuba-James Baird-Bohn's
Serials-The Youth of Jefferson-Fifty Years in
both Hemispheres-Florence Egerton-Fruits and
Farinacea the Proper Food for Man.

title of Puddleford and its People, have been issued by Mr. Hueston, in one volume, with several exceedingly well-designed illustra


The work is from the pen of N. A. Riley. Its pictures are of the grotesque-satiric class, overdone occasionally, but full of genu

ine humor.

Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston, have published the History of Cuba; or, Notes of a Trav eler in the Tropics, from the pen of Mr. M. M. Ballou. It comprises a well-prepared outline of the history of the island, relieved by entertaining sketches of its scenery and society. The pending questions respecting this important island will give unusual interest to Mr. Ballou's volume. It is a good authority for reference, as well as an attractive narrative.

MRS. STOWE'S Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands have evidently not disappointed her readersthey sell well, we are informed. The English press is apparently in delight with them, and they meet a uniformly good verdict from our own critics. We pledge our readers a treat in reading these two volumes; albeit we cannot vouch for the engraved illustrations—they might have been printed better. Professedly partial as Mrs. Stowe's Sketches are, they are nevertheless exceedingly instructive as well as entertaining the shrewd observations of a sagacious and suggestive mind. Most of the literary and philanthropic notabilities of England figure in them, as usual in such books. Phillips, Samp-youngsters of the household; showing them the

son & Co., Boston,

Elihu Burritt, the "Learned Blacksmith," has issued a volume of Thoughts and Things at Home and Abroad. It is introduced with a Memoir, by Mary Howitt, that good-hearted Quakeress, whose sympathies never fail her literary compeers. The contents of the volume are very various and fragmentary, being chiefly selections from the occasional writings of Mr. Burritt. A good portrait illustrates the book. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co.

The humorous Sketches of Western Life, published in the Knickerbocker, under the

James Baird; or, The Basket-maker's Son, is the title of a handsome little volume for the

advantages of early virtue, as illustrated in a personal narrative. The story is well told, and embellished by several fine engravings. Carlton & Phillips, New-York.

We are indebted to Bangs, Brother & Co., New-York, for another batch of Bohn's serial Historical-a well-written narrative extending volumes, comprising: First, India, Pictorial and from the earliest date of East Indian history to our own times, and founded mostly upon the wellknown work of Miss Correr. The engravings amount to nearly one hundred, and are finely done. Second, The Miscellaneous Works of De

foe, with prefaces and notes, including those of Walter Scott. The present volume contains Captain Singleton and Colonel Jack. A very fine portrait embellishes it. Third, Devey's new work on Logic; or, the Science of Inference, a manual designed for popular use, but singularly able. It is a systematized view of the principles of evidence and the methods of inference in the various departments of human knowledge. Lastly comes another example of the classical series a volume of Erotica, including Petronius, Propertius, and others, works of which the least said the better. Such illustrations of

ancient morals have their value no doubt, though a melancholy one; but their literal translation for popular use is a crime against good morals, and in the present instance would be indictable by the English laws against demoralizing publications.

The Youth of Jefferson is a chronicle of college scrapes at Williamsburgh, Va., not worth the reading. It is quite a contrast to the usual sterling issues of Redfield, its publisher.

One of the most attractive books of the year is unquestionably the translation from the German, of Fifty Years in both Hemispheres; or, Reminiscences of the Life of a Former Merchant. It is the autobiography of Vincent Nolte, late of New-Orleans. He is one of the most "remarkable men of the age." His narrative

extends over about seventy years, and some way or other connects him with most of the great events and great men of that long period. The amount of real information, useful and amusing, in the book, is immense, and it is thoroughly readable; but it is too marvelous to be true in all respects, and the writer's way. wardness of life characterizes his pen.

Carter & Brothers have issued a very handsome volume from the pen of the author of "Clara Stanley," entitled Florence Egerton: or, Sunshine and Shadow. It is a spirited narrative of the personal career of a young girl, illustrating some of the most important moral lessons gravings and neatly printed. of every-day life-finely embellished with en

One of the ablest treatises we have yet met, in the "vegetarian controversy, has been It is entitled Fruits and Farinacea the Proper recently issued by Fowlers & Wells, New-York. Food of Man, by John Smith, (the veritable man,) with notes and illustrations by Dr. Trall. It attempts to prove from history, anatomy, physiology, and chemistry, that the original, natural, and therefore best diet of man is derived from the vegetable kingdom. Our stomach proves to us the contrary; yet we give credit to the able author, and his still more able commentator, for having made out a "tremendous strong case against us.

Literary Record.

North-Western University-Periodical Literature — Uncle Tom and the Lamplighter-Literary Pensions -Prescott's New Work-An Old Printer-Gabriele Rosetti-Prescott's History of Philip II.-Benton's Thirty Years in the United States Senate-Alison's History of Europe-Book-publishing in England— Fanny Fern's Leaves-Asbury University-Humboldt-Education in New-Hampshire-George Sand -Literature in France.

THE North-Western University, near Chicago, promises to be one of the most commanding literary institutions of the country. Its financial basis is large and substantial: the trustees report about $250,000 already provided; nearly $150,000 of which is in real estate; and they propose to extend the endowment to half a million. A Biblical Institute, on the University premises, but on a distinct financial basis, has already more than $100,000 pledged to it. The trustees of the University, at their last meeting, elected Rev. Messrs. W. D. Godman, U. S. Noyes, and A. Stevens, professors. Other professors are soon to be chosen. How far the services of those already announced may be contingent has not been stated; but we doubt not that an institution of such substantial promise can command all desirable ability. Rev. Dr. Hinman, whose labors in founding the institution have been indefatigable, is its president. Its scheme of instruction is comprehensive, and strikes us as devised with much wisdom. It includes the principal features of the new course of Brown University—that is, in other words, the best

points of the European method. It is thus stated by the trustees:

1. A Classical Course of four years. 2. An Elective Course of four years. 8. A Scientific Course of four years.

The Classical Course and the knowledge necessary for admission to it, will be fully equal to that of any of the older colleges in the country, not excepting Yale or Harvard.

The Elective Course of four years will allow of seJections from a prescribed range of studies, on a plan similar to that recently adopted at Brown University and the University of Virginia. The same acquirements will be necessary for admission as in the Classi cal Course, and no degree will be conferred without a full equivalent to the latter. It will be made the heaviest single course in the University.

The Scientific Course will embrace four full years, and in a portion of its studies will be parallel with the Classical Course. It is designed to impart a more extensive knowledge of the English language and literature, of mathematics and the natural sciences, and chemistry, together with a more practical application of the latter to agriculture and the industrial arts than is usual in most colleges.

Students, who are not candidates for a degree, or their parents or guardians for them, will be permitted to select such studies as taste and utility may dictate, or the designs of the future life require. With this privilege, the student may study what he chooses, and for a longer or shorter period as he chooses, provided he is prepared to enter the college classes of the studies selected, and is not idle on the one hand, nor too grasping on the other, and secures a complete knowledge of the branches selected before entering

upon others.

To secure a degree in both the Classical and Scientific courses will require at least six years of ordinary college study after matriculation; nevertheless, the qualification of the student, and not the length of time

spent in the University, shall be the standard for a degree in either. After the University is fully organized, students will be admitted to advanced standing from other colleges on the usual conditions.

The following is the arrangement of professorships in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:1. A Professorship of Moral Philosophy and Logic. 2. A Professorship of Intellectual Philosophy, Political Economy, and the Philosophy of History.

3. A Professorship of Rhetoric and English Literature.

4. A Professorship of Mathematics.

5. A Professorship of Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Civil Engineering, and kindred studies.

6. A Professorship of the Greek Language and Lit


7. A Professorship of the Latin Language and Lit


8. A Professorship of Chemistry and its Application to Agriculture and the Arts.

9. A Professorship of Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Zoology, and kindred studies.

10. A Professorship of German, French, and other Modern Languages and Literature.

11. A Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages and Literature.

12. A Professorship of the Fine Arts and Arts of Design.

13. A Professorship of Didactics-Physical Education, and Hygiene.

14. A Professorship of Natural History, Comparative Anatomy, and Physiology.

The publication of the "Penny Magazine," and of Chambers' Journal," in 1832, was concurrent with a general increase in the demand for periodical works. At the end of 1831 there were issued 177 monthly publications, a single copy of which cost £17 128. 6d. At the end of 1843 there were 236 monthly periodicals, a single copy of which cost £23 38. 6d. At the end of 1853 there were 362 of the same monthly class, a single copy of which cost £14 178. 6d. In 1831 the average price of the monthly periodicals was 28.; in 1833, 18. 114d.; and in 1853, 9 d. Can there be any doubt of the adaptation of periodical literature, during these years, to the wondrous extension of readers in England? The literature and engravings of the "Penny Cyclopædia" cost $210,000, but the speculation involved an enormous loss. It had been calculated that there would have been forty thousand purchasers, in which case the sale would have been remunerative. But one great defect was, that the publication extended over eleven years, during which interval the sale dwindled from fifty thousand to twenty thousand! Periodicals of a great run have all had a downfall in England.

The New Quarterly Review (London) places the "Lamplighter" as high as "Uncle Tom." It says the former is full of American "vulgarisms." Neither work gets much credit from this able journal.

A sum of £1,200 sterling, annually allotted by the British government for the purpose of literary pensions, has this year been bestowed as follows:-£100 a year to Sir Francis Head; £100 to Mrs. Moir, widow of "Delta," of Blackwood's Magazine; £100 to Alaric A. Watts; £100 to Dr. Hincks, antiquarian; £100 to daughters of Joseph Tucker, a Surveyor in the Navy, (not known in literature ;) £80 to Rev. William Hickey, "Martin Doyle;" £100 to the widow of Sir Harris Nicolas; £50 to the widow of Dr. Glen, missionary; £100 to the widow of Oliver Lang, Surveyor in the Navy, (not known in literature;) £50 to the widow and daughters

of Joseph Train, antiquarian; £80 to the daughters of Dr. Macgillioray, naturalist; £50 to the widow of James Hogg, "Ettrick Shepherd;" £40 to the daughters of James Kenny, periodical litterateur; and £50 to Mrs. Lee, widow of Bowditch, the African traveler.

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Prescott's New Work.-We are happy to learn, from the Boston Transcript, that William H. Prescott has finished the second volume of his History of Philip the Second," a work to which he has devoted himself for several years, and which, as the composition of his ripest powers, will doubtless prove to be his chef d'œuvre. The two volumes already completed will be sent to the press at once, and be published in the course of the autumn. The remaining volumes will be published separately, at intervals of about two years, and the whole work will probably embrace six volumes-not too many for so great and complex a subject.

An Old Printer.-M. Barth, printer of Breslaw, celebrated the present year the 350th anniversary of the first book printed in his establishment. This book is a German legend of some rank, and appeared in 1504. M. Barth's printing-office is the oldest in Europe, and has been for 350 years uninterruptedly in the hands of his ancestors and himself.

Gabriele Rosetti, one of the most distinguished Italian poets and prose writers of modern times, died in exile at London recently, at an advanced age. Signor Rosetti wrote a very elaborate commentary on Dante, which was condemned by the Papal Index at Rome as a heretical book. The author was a Protestant, and a strong believer in evangelical doctrines; being blind, he dictated his poems to his daughter, who lives in exile to mourn the death of her beloved father.

The Boston Transcript. says that Mr. Prescott has already received offers from more than one London publisher for the English copyright of his History of Philip II.; and it is understood that Mr. Bentley has secured it, at a price which is probably greater than has ever before been paid in England for the copyright of an American historical work, namely, one thousand pounds a volume. It is, therefore, not only certain that American books are read in England, but also, which unhappily cannot yet be said of English books in America-that their authors receive more substantial rewards than mere increase of

reputation. The copyright will bring the distinguished author about thirty thousand dollars from Great Britain, and is the most emphatic answer yet made to the unworthy sneer of the English reviewer, who, years ago, wrote that short but bitter slander upon our countryWho reads an American book ?"

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Mr. Bernstein, publisher of the Anzeiger, in St. Louis, is translating into German Mr. Benton's "Thirty Years in the United States Senate." He designs publishing an edition of two thousand copies.

The third volume of Alison's "History of Europe, from the Fall of Napoleon," &c., has ap peared in England. Alison is a literary charlatan; intolerably diffuse in style, inaccurate in facts, tory in politics, personally conceited, and

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