would have dark deeds darkly answer'd; he would never bring them to light; would he were return'd! Marry, this Claudio is condemned for untruffing. Farewel, good Friar; I pry'thee, pray for me. The duke, I fay to thee again, would eat mutton on Fridays. He's not paft it yet. And I fay to thee, he would mouth with a beggar, tho' fhe fmelt of brown bread and garlick: fay, that I faid fo, farewel. [Exit. Duke. No might nor greatnefs in mortality Enter Escalus, Provost, Bawd, and Officers. Efcal. Go, away with her to prifon. Bawd. Good my lord, be good to me; your Honour is accounted a merciful man: good my lord. Efcal. Double and treble admonition, and ftill forfeit in the fame kind? this would make mercy fwear," and play the tyrant. Prov. A bawd of eleven years continuance, may it please your Honour. Bawd. My lord, this is one Lucio's information against me mistress Kate Keep-down was with child by him in the duke's time; he promis'd her marriage; his child is a year and a quarter old, come Philip and facob: I have kept it myself; and fee, how he goes about to abuse me. ton. mercy SWEAR.] We should read SWERVE, i. e. deviate from her nature. The common reading gives us the idea of a ranting whore. WARBURTON. 6 eat mutton on Fridays.] A wench was called a laced mutTHEOBALD. 5 He is not paft it.] Sir Tho. Hanmer. In other Editions, he is now past it, yet. 4 Efca!. Efcal. This fellow is a fellow of much licence; let him be call'd before us. Away with her to prifon : go to; no more words. [Exeunt with the Bawd.] Provost, my brother Angelo will not be alter'd; Claudio muft die to-morrow: let him be furnish'd with divines, and have all charitable preparation. If my brother wrought by my pity, it should not be fo with him. Prov. So please you, this Friar has been with him, and advis'd him for the entertainment of death. Efcal. Good even, good father. Duke. Blifs and goodness on you! Efcal. Of whence are you? Duke. Not of this country, tho' my chance is now To use it for my time. I am a brother Of gracious order, late come from the See* Efcal. What news abroad i' th' world? Duke. None, but that there is fo great a fever on goodness, that the diffolution of it must cure it. Novelty is only in requeft; and it is as dangerous to be aged in any kind of course, as it is virtuous to be conftant in any undertaking. There is scarce truth enough alive, to make focieties fecure; but fecurity enough, to make fellowships accurft. Much upon this riddle runs the wisdom of the world; this news is old enough, yet it is every day's news. I pray you, Sir, of what difpofition was the duke? Efcal. One, that, above all other ftrifes, Contended fpecially to know himself. Duke. What pleasure was he giv'n to? Efcal. Rather rejoicing to fee another merry, than merry at any thing which profeft to make him rejoice. A gentleman of all temperance. But leave we him to his events, with a prayer they may prove profperous; and let me defire to know, how you find Claudio prepar'd, I am made to understand, that you have lent him vifitation. Duke. He profeffes to have received no finifter meafure from his judge, but moft willingly humbles himfelf to the determination of juftice; yet had he fram'd to himself, by the inftruction of his frailty, many deceiving promises of life; which I by my good leifure have difcredited to him, and now is he refolved to die. Efcal. You have paid the heav'ns your function, and the prisoner the very debt of your calling. I have labour'd for the poor gentleman, to the extremeft fhore of my modefty; but my brother Juftice have I found fo fevere, that he hath forc'd me to tell him, he is indeed juftice. Duke. If his own life answer the ftraitness of his proceeding, it fhall become him well; wherein if he chance to fail, he hath fentenc'd himself. Escal. I am going to visit the prisoner; fare you well. [Exit SCENE VIII. Duke. Peace be with you! He, who the fword of heav'n will bear, Should be as holy as fevere: Pattern in himself to know, 7 Grace to ftand, and virtue go; 7 Pattern in himself to know, Grace to ftand, and virtue go.] Thefe lines I cannot understand, but believe that they should be read thus: Patterning bifelf to know, tern, and, perhaps, in Shakepear's licentious diction, fimply to work. he fenfe is, be that bears the fword of heaven should be holy as well as fevere; one that after good examples labours to know bir felf, to live with innocence, and to act with virtue. 10 Oh, what may man within him hide, [Exit. out. How may that likeness made in crimes, i. e. by Hypocrify; [a pretty paradoxical expreffion, an angel made in crimes] by impofing upon the world [thus emphatically expreffed, making practice on the times] draw with its falfe and feeble pretences [finely called Spiders firings] the most pondrous and fubftantial matters of the world, as Riches, Honour, Power, Reputation, &c. WAR BURTON. 9 So difguife shall by th' dif guis'd] So difguile fhall by means of a person disguised, return an injurious demand with a counterfeit perfon. ACT ACT IV. SCENE I. АСТ IV. T4 A GRANGE. Enter Mariana, and Boy finging. SONG. AKE, ob, take thofe lips away, That fo fweetly were for fworn; And thofe eyes, the break of day, Lights that do mif-lead the morn; But my kifles bring again, Seals of love, but feal'd in vain. Enter Duke. Mari. Break off thy fong, and hafte thee quick away: Here comes a man of comfort, whofe advice 2 My mirth it much difpleas'd, but pleas'd my woe. * Dukes 1 Take, oh, take, &c.] This is part of a little fong of Shake Spear's own writing, confifting of two Stanzas, and fo extremely fweet, that the reader won't be difpleased to have the other. Hide, ob, hide thofe hills of Which thy frozen bosom bears, Are of thofe that April wears. But my poor heart first set free, This fong is entire in BEAU- THEOBALD. My mirth it much displeas'd, but pleas'd my woe.] Though the mufick foothed my Lorrows, Z |