Seb. Why Doth it not then our eye-lids fink? I find not Ant. Nor I, my fpirits are nimble : They dropt as by a thunder-ftroke. What might, And yet, methinks, I fee it in thy face, -no more. What thou should'ft be: the occafion fpeaks thee, and My ftrong imagination fees a crown Dropping upon thy head. Seb. What, art thou waking? It is a fleepy language; and thou fpeak'st With eyes wide open: ftanding, fpeaking, moving; Ant. Noble Sebaftian, Thou let'ft thy fortune fleep; die rather: wink'st, Seb. Thou doft fnore diftinctly; There's meaning in thy fnores. Ant. I am more ferious than my cuftom. You Must be fo too, if heed me; which to do, Trebles thee o'er. Seb. Well I am ftanding water. Hereditary floth inftructs me. Ant. O! If you but knew, how you the purpose cherish, You more inveft it, ebbing men, indeed, Most often do fo near the bottom run, By their own fear or floth. Seb. Pr'ythee, fay on; · D 3 The The fetting of thine eye and cheek proclaim Although this lord of weak remembrance, this, When he is earth'd; hath here almost perfuaded, Seb. I have no hope, That he's undrown'd. Ant. O, out of that no hope, way, What great hope have you? no hope, that is Ambition cannot pierce a wink beyond, + But doubts difcovery there. Will you grant, with me, That Ferdinand is drown'd? Seb. He's gone. Ant. Then tell me Who's the next heir of Naples? Seb. Claribel. Ant. She that is Queen of Tunis; fhe that dwells Ten leagues beyond man's life; fhe that from Naples 2 This lord who being now in his dotage has outlived his faculty of remembring, and who once laid in the Ground fhall be as little remembred himself as he can now remember other things. 3 For he's a spirit of perfcafion.] Of this entangled fentence I can draw no fenfe from the prefent reading, and therefore imagine that the Authour gave it thus: Fo he, a Spirit of perfuafion, only Profeffes to perfuade. Of which the meaning may be either that he alone who is a Spirit of perfuafion, profefles to perfuace the King; or that, He only profeffes to perfuade, that is, withcut being fo perfuaded himself be makes a fhor of perfuading the King. 4 That this is the utmoft extent of the profpect of ambition, the point where the eye can pafs no further, and where objects lofe there difcovered, is faint, obfcure, their diftin&tnefs, so that what is and doubtful. Can ,,་ Can have no note, unless the fun were poft, We were fea-fwallow'd: tho' fome, caft again, s Whereof, what's paft is prologue; what to come, Seb. What stuff is this? how fay you? 'Tis true, my brother's daughter's Queen of Tunis, So is the heir of Naples; 'twixt which regions There is fome space. Ant. A fpace, whofe ev'ry cubit Seems to cry out, how fhall that Claribel And let Sebaftian wake. Say, this were death As this Gonzalo; I myself could make A chough of as deep chat. O, that you bore Ant. And how does your content Tender your own good fortune? Seb. I remember, You did fupplant your brother Profpero. 5 Thefe lines ftand in the old Edition thus: though fome caft again And by that definy, to perform an at, cept that in the last line in fhould be is, and perhaps we might better fay-and that by deftiny. It being a common plea of wickednefs to call temptation destiny. 6-Keep in Tunis.] There is in this paffage a propriety loft which a flight alteration will reftore. Ant. True: And, look, how well my garments fit upon me; Ant. Ay, Sir; where lyes that? 7 If 'twere a kybe, 'twould put me to my flipper: Ten confciences, that stand 'twixt me and Milan, No better than the earth he lyes upon, If he were that which now he's like, that's dead; Seb. Thy cafe, dear friend, Shall be my precedent: as thou got'ft Milan, And I the King fhall love thee. Ant. Draw together: And when I rear my hand, do you the like Seb. O, but one word Enter Ariel, with Mufick and Song. Ari. My mafter through his art forefees the danger, That you, his friend, are in; and fends me forth For elfe his project dies to keep them living. [Sings in Gonzalo's Ear. While you here do fnoring lye, Open-ey'd confpiracy His time doth take: If of life you keep a care, Shake off lumber and beware: Ant. Then let us both be fudden. Gon. Now, good angels preferve the King![They wake. Wherefore this ghaftly looking? 9 to keep them living.] i. e. Alonzo and Antonio; for it was on their lives that his project depended. Yet the Oxford Editor alters them, to you, because in the verfe before, it is faid-you bis friend; as if, because Ariel was jent forth to save his friend, he could not have another purpofe in fending him, viz. to jave his project too. WARBURTON. I think Dr. Warburton and the Oxford Editor both mistaken. The fenfe of the paffage as it now ftands is this: He fees your danger and will therefore fave them. Dr. Warburton has mif |