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rather bewilders the fenfes, than aroufes the paffion intended; fo in writing.-But why Thould I enter into a long difcuffion of what muft appear very plain to you? You fee, as clearly as I do, that it will be proper to make a paufe between the preceding fad incident and the fucceeding merry one.

G. A. B.



March 30, 17.

Ridiculous circumftance happened during the getting up of the "Prophetefs," which, though trivial in itfelf, as it shows the abfurdity of the times, I am induced to give an account of. Mr. Rofs did me the honour to confult me in what manner he fhould drefs the character of the Roman Emperor. I gave him fuch directions as in my idea appeared most confonant to the character. Among other things, I recommended him to have a wig made as near a head of hair as it could poffibly be. He told me, that Mr. Rich thought it should be a full-bottomed one. I could not help fmiling at fuch an abfurdity. But putting on a grave look, I replied, "Then let it be as large a "one as you can get." "And to render yourself the more confpicuous," conti


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nued I," must not you wear a hoop under "your lamberkins ?" The ferious air I affumed whilft I uttered this, deceived the hero, notwithstanding the propofal was fo apparently prepofterous; and he determined to adopt the mode I had pointed out.

Thus bedizened when he came on, the night of reprefentation, there never furely appeared on any stage fo grotesque a figure. The house was in a roar. But no one was more diverted with the humourous fcene than myself. By this joke, which I could fcarcely believe paffable, was every perfon prefent, except the poor Emperor himself, indebted to me for a laugh which I thought would never have an end. It, however, was attended with a good confequence, by breaking through one of the moft abfurd cuftoms that was ever introduced on the English ftage; that of dreffing the Grecian and Roman heroes in full-bottomed perukes.

The foregoing inftance reminds me of a cuftom just as glaringly prepofterous, which is common on the French ftage. I have there feen Le Quin fawing a little Spanish hat and feather between his hands, in the character of Orefte, when every other part of the dress has been truly Grecian.

My benefit this year was, as ufual, very brilliant; and lucrative to an excess. But the tragedy of "Alzira" has too little of incident, and too much of declamation, to fuit

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the taste of an English audience. The pieces which were performed not being in my line of acting, I had not much bufinefs at the theatre this feason. I was not, however, much concerned at the want of employment there, and was very happy when it concluded.

The following fummer our house at Hollwood was crouded fo much, that it really became troublefome. I had fome time before made Lord Granby a prefent of a very fine horse, which Lord Tyrawley had fent me from Gibraltar. It was one of the swifteft of its fpecies Arabia ever produced; and was able to carry any weight, which rendered it invaluable. The happiness I received from being able to make fuch a prefent to fuch à man, equalled the value of the gift.

Mr. Calcraft, who always liked to see me well mounted, defired Captain S― to look out for a good horfe for me. The Captain informed him, that he himself had one of the finest mares that ever was mounted, but the was fo fpirited, that he could not, at times, hold her in; therefore he was fure no woman could manage her. My gentleman having a great opinion of my skill in riding, (or fecretly wishing that my neck might be broke in the attempt) laid a confiderable wager, that I could not only ride, but completely manage her. He accordingly at dinner acquainted me, that he had made a purchase

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for me of the most beautiful mare that was ever seen.

The next day fhe was brought down to Hollwood. We all admired her; but it was with the greatest difficulty that I could be perfuaded to get upon her back. What made this reluctance the more extraordinary was, that my courage had hitherto never been known to fail me, as I was esteemed one of the boldest riders in the kingdom. I could truly fay with Sylvia, "I could follow "the cry of the hounds all day, and the "found of the fiddle all night."


I have already told you, that a prefentiment always cafts a gloom over my mind before an ill betides me. Upon this occafion I heard its fecret whifpers, and found it too true an augurer. A party of us fet out for an airing together. At first we only went a gentle canter. But coming to a field where. a labourer officiously ran to open the gate; an implement of husbandry he held in his hand, glistening against the fun, fo frightened my fteed, that it flew away like light0 ning. Notwithstanding my boafted skill in. horfemanship, I had no longer command of it; and the company imprudently purfuing, that served to augment, if poffible, its velocity..

Finding my left hand now fairly pulled out of joint, by endeavouring to rein the unmanageable beaft in, and obferving that

we drew near the brink of a ftone quarry, which it was not in my power to prevent it from taking, I threw myfelf off. By the time I could do this, I was fo near the edge of the pit, that I fell directly into it, and was fuppofed by all the fpectators to be dafhed to pieces.-Could I but have foreseen the miferies which have fince befallen me, (I am tempted, upon this occafion, once more to exclaim) it would have been happy for me had the expectations of the company been fatally fulfilled.-But I was referved to experience yet greater evils.

Before the companions of my ride came up, I had recovered from the infenfibility: the fall had occafioned, and was endeavour. ing to rife. This, however, I found it impoffible to do, as my fhoulder was diflocated, both the bones of my left arm broken, and my hand hanging to it, as if it was a separate member. An officer that was in company, and who had in a battle fometimes been obliged to undertake fuch offices, bound up my arm with handkerchiefs. A carriage was immediately procured, and I was conveyed home.

As I did not chufe to truft to the fkill of any of the country furgeons, a fervant was difpatched upon the run-away beast to town, to call in Mr. Adair to my affiftance. Upon this occafion its fpeed could make the only atonement for the mifchief it had done.


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