UNKNOWN, And wishing personally to remain so, The DRAMATIC CENSOR, As a mark of perfect esteem, And a natural tribute to the most powerful, universal abilities that ever graced the English stage, Thus dedicates, On most disinterested principles, His First Volume of Critical Observations, David Garrick, Esq; ADVERTISEMENT As most writers, both for and against the page, bave either dealt out enthusiastic abuse or fulforme panegerics; the obvious utility of an impartial medium between such extremes first suggested the following work: no man, who is not either mad or filly, can be bardy enough to deny, that a well-regulated drama is worthy support in the most polished, learned or moral state; nor, on the other fide, can we contend in favour of many established pieces; bumour has been too often made the fubtle conveyance of very licentious Sentiments, and many pernicious characters are placed in too fair a point of view; to develope vice from this poetical masquerade; to strip off the serpent's shining coat, and to shew the poison which lurks within, is the DRAMATIC CENSOR's leading principle; to point out, in a plain manner, and unadorned stile, the beauties and defects of each piece; to throw out hints reSpetting the performance of every character worth notice; and to give a concise general idea of the plays taken into confideration, the scope of his design. Far from glancing an eye towards infallibity of opinion, the following strictures and illustrations are Submitted with all due deference to the public, as meant for useful information; bow far they answer this defireable purpose, candid readers on perufal must determine. The The DRAMATIC CENSOR will gratefully receive, and respectfully use any remarks suitable to his plan, he may be favoured with, by letter directed to the care of Mr. Bell, publisher of this work, near Exeter-Exchange, Strand. THE THE DRAMATIC CENSOR. RICHARD THE THIRD. As altered from SHAKESPEARE by CIBBER. CRITICISM is undoubtedly the most elaborate and ungracious of all literary compositions: passing censure must ever be painful to a liberal mind, and has no palliation, no balancing pleasure but contrasted praise; however, the general advantages arifing from candid investigation, equally separated from partial indulgence or malevolent severity, deserve some degree of honest approbation, and strengthen the feelings to undertake with becoming resolution so hazardous a task. Dramatic compositions are of a nature too nice and complicate, for all admirers of the stage to confider with that attention which is necessary to understand them properly; hence much of VOL. I. the B |