Abbildungen der Seite


Authors of books are expected to inform their prospective readers of the purpose and aim of the publication, so it becomes an obligation of the author of this book to do the same.

Briefly stated, then, this book is a SUBSTITUTE—the substitute of myself to do what I would do personally if personally I could be with the boys in the trenches, in the cantonments and with the wounded and sick in the hospitals.

Yes, and I also wish to say a cheering and reassuring word to fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, who have said or are about to say farewell and Godspeed to their loved ones.

If I were young and strong I would start for France at the first opportunity. That letter from General Pershing (published elsewhere in this book), together with other information from the fields of battle, has touched the most tender cords of my heart. But now being 72 years old, that mission is out of the question. And yet 1 must try to do something more than to buy and sell a few warstamps.

Unable, then, to do what I would most appreciate to do, I must resort to the next thing possible-engage my old Blickensderfer typewriter, for my hand is shaking some, making writing by pen rather hard and indistinct, in preparing the manuscript; and by the aid of the printer and binder I shall be able to do in part what I wish to do, and what I owe our beloved country, as well as to perform my duty to my LORD and GOD.

And I have written this book in simple every day language, just as I talk to my Young People's Bible Class, and as I used to teach my confirmation classes, so that everybody may understand.

The subject and theme are expressed in the title of the book: "UNCLE SAM, THE TEACHER AND THE ADMINISTRATOR of the WORLD." This is the GREAT AND GRAND COMMISSION. The Great and Grand Work before us is to CHANGE Monarchy, Imperialism, Czarism, Aristocracy, Bureaucracy, Autocracy, Plutocracy, and every similar or other kind of "isms" or "cracies," into a WORLD DEMOCRACY, ESTABLISHING GOVERNMENTS BY THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, universal brotherhood, universal suffrage, EQUALITY, equal opportunity, equal responsibility.

That races and tongues may become units or states, based on self-determination without outside pressure, and these units or states to be united into a WORLD REPUBLIC with a Democratic Government for the maintenance of peace and harmony, and the promotion of education and development toward higher standards and nobler ideals, is the object.

As the individual is, so is the nation. To accomplish the great and grand things set before us, we must consider

Three Cardinal Requisites.

Our first concern is our RELATION to GOD, our Creator and Saviour and Judge. Respecting our relation to GOD we are

required to answer the following three questions:

(1) Am I WHAT GOD requires me to be?

(2) Am I WHERE GOD wants me to be?

(3) Am I DOING WHAT GOD wants me to do?

Or in other words:

Am I acceptable to GOD and pleasing in His sight respecting: (1) My Being-mind, disposition, will, desires, attitude?

(2) My Station-location, position, vocation?

(3) My Activities-faithful, intelligent performance of duty, and equally consistent to abstain and to refrain from all things tainted and displeasing in the sight of GOD?

Upon these three cardinal requisites depend our efficiency to perform our great and grand commissions and obligations, and they enable us to enjoy life fully and to attain happiness in the consciousness of duties well done.

These three CARDINAL REQUISITES concern us all, from the President and his cabinet officers to all the Governors, and the legislative, judicial and administrative members and officers, down to every single citizen and individual, in our beloved country.

I have, therefor, had these CARDINAL REQUISITES in view in the writing of every chapter in this book. Take the chapter of Achan, for instance. Achan was a sneak and took things forbidden. at Jericho. On account of that one "accursed thing" a battle was lost and thirty-six men killed. Think of it: A battle lost and thirtysix men killed because of the wrong doing of one man. Afterwards Achan and his whole family were slain as a result of this trespass.

O that we could comprehend the far-reaching effects of sin!


An instance: A domestic in a family in the East dressed to go out a certain evening. A daughter in the family noticed this and asked: "Where are you going?" "I am going to church. We have a prayer meeting for peace this evening at our church. We are going to pray that this awful war may stop," said the hired maid. but you mustn't do that, for my father has already made two million dollars at it," said the daughter nonchalantly. How many battles will be lost, how many of our young men killed and mutilated, and how much capital wasted and lost by reason of this mercenary attitude? Do these men and that class of women gather at the Mercy Seat in our prayer meetings?

The study of the chapters relating to David and Goliath, Hezekiah, Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel will open

The Way to Speedy Victory,

the Bible way, GOD'S way. And the Bible way which is GOD'S way we learn by persistent faith in prayer, so we have some chapters on prayer also.

Satan has deluded some poor sinners to deny the existence of a place called hell, so we have some chapters treating of

Heaven and Hell

intended to assist our Christian young men to answer these infidels and atheists, who deny immortality. Our young men will find that wherever there is a free will and a free choice, there must also be a heaven of rewards for right doing and a hell of punishment and torment for wrong doing. To deny this is equal to denying our own existence.

But the chapters treating of the restoration of Palestine and Jerusalem, and the restored and rebuilt Jerusalem as the CAPITAL CITY OF THE WORLD, will interest all true Christians most; for it is virtually for this high aim and purpose that we as a nation are in this war, though apprehended by only a few. And it is from that source our reward will finally come, as well as the great satisfaction and gratification of having participated in it. The Kaiser and the turk are in the way and must be removed, and we are called upon to remove them. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Dan. 5:25. A. HALLNER.

Arboga, Cal., May 1st, 1918.


What's The Matter?

What is this horrible war about? Who was the actual cause of it? What is the actual war-aim?

What about the Bible? What about the Bible prophecies?
What about LAW?

The existence and operation of NATURAL LAW is generally conceded.

Is there any likelihood of divine and moral law in existence and operation also?

How about the statement of the following law by the Apostle Paul:



"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Gal. 6:7, 8.

Can any substantial, prima facie evidence that this law is actually in existence, immutable, and in operation, tangibly demonstative, be adduced?

What is LAW? Law is

(1) The expression of the WILL of the inhabitants in AGREEMENT.

(2) The expression of the WILL of inhabitants applied, enforced.

(a) The expression of the WILL of inhabitants applied and enforced in the compensation due to faithful service and efficient performance.

(b) The expression of the WILL of inhabitants applied and enforced in the punishment of delinquents and criminals.

What are the jails, penitentiaries, gallows and electric chairs? These are the expression of the SELF-PRESERVATION instincts of a commonwealth, the warning waymarks of communal disapprovement, the emblems of communal and national WRATH. Positive and Negative Legislation.

We become cognizant of political laws and codes and municipal and communal ordinances and regulations through their administrative operation. Tangibly demonstrative effects prove absolutely a cause or causes.

National governments consist of two chief departments: the legislative and the administrative. The legislative departmentsthe National Congress, state legislatures, municipal boards of aldermen, communal boards of supervisors or communal boards of commissioners, and in smaller parts or districts by boards of directors.

The members of these legislative bodies are elected by the constituency within their respective territories, and therefore peculiarly familiar with the needs and wishes of their constituents. They are, therefore, supposed seriously to consider:

(1) WHAT IS GOOD for the territory concerned in general, and for each constituent part in particular, and to enact such laws, ordinances and regulations as will promote progress, welfare and happiness to the inhabitants; and

(2) WHAT IS BAD for the territory concerned, and to enact such laws, ordinances and regulations that will prevent injuries, subdue disturbances, suppress inimical influences; and, in general, to arrange and establish necessary protection for the safety of life and property.

From observation and actual experience, it is evident that legislation must be

(1) Positive, Progressive.

(2) Negative, Preventive.

Positive progressive: to let loose and to direct for beneficial use all available resources.

Negative preventive: to construct barriers against evil influences, evil doings and evil doers. But in this the evil doer, from whom the evil emanates, whether it be evil influences, mental diffusion or evil doing, the physical exertion has to be grappled with; and if he can not be prevailed upon to desist, the doer has to be chained and penned up, just as we do with breachy, vicious animals.

Positive progressive resources we have in churches, schools, colleges, universities, industrial institutions and administrative agencies; and for negative preventive barriers there are courts, marshals. sheriffs, constables, police, jails, penitentiaries, gallows, electric chairs, etc.


A State, Nation and Universe in Miniature.

The family is the CHIEF CORNER STONE of the State and Nation. As the family is, so is the State and Nation. The family is actually the Royal Court of the nation. Here the functions of legislation and administration are combined. Here laws are enacted and executed. Here obedience, loyalty, faithfulness, devotion and efficiency are compensated, and disobedience, disloyalty, evil-doing are punished. The good and faithful servant is rewarded, but the unfaithful, dishonest servant is discharged, shamed, delivered.

These functions emanating from the family extend to and through municipalities, communities, state, nation, the world and the universe.

The Universe.

The Universe! Can the analogy be traced beyond nations,

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