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The Most Absolute Ruler in All the World.

In the previous chapter we observed that President Woodrow Wilson attained the high office of President of the UNITED STATES by DIVINE appointment, ratified by the vote of the AMERICAN electorate.

Thus GOD Almighty, the ruler of the Universe, and the American people, the most resourceful nation of the world, are a unit in the choice of our national representative and leader; for he is actually and substantially our REPRESENTATIVE IN AND BEFORE THE WORLD, and our LEADER in thought, in comprehension, in expression; the Pilot at the helm, the Captain on the bridge.

The most stable Government. UNCLE SAM has also the most stable Government, the most practical Government, the most IDEAL Government of all Governments in the world.

The reason is that this Government was built on a foundation of fervent prayers and godly meditation, and baptized in the Jordan of tears by our Pilgrim Fathers, while other nations and their governments were established, and policies, legislation and administrations were framed, shaped and fashioned, according to the notions, whims and passions of relentless despotic conquerors, pretending caste and autocratic classes, somewhat modified by development and unmitigated popular demands.

In UNCLE SAM'S domain and commonwealth, we find a Government with absolute firmness and stability, unmoved by the fluctuations of popular currents and spasmodic upheavals; and yet a Government absolutely Democratic, flexible, compliant; a government which is the chosen servant of the people, simply the ADMINISTRATOR of the COMMONWEALTH.

This distinction was never more distinctly illustrated than now under the pressure of this war. In this respect the American Review of Reviews for January, 1918, has a very interesting article, comparing our Government with the Government of our Allies. Calling attention to the conditions in Europe at the reassembling of Congress, December 4th, it is asserted that President Wilson's Message was awaited with peculiar interest, and continues:

“There was as much interest in Europe as in America concerning what President Wilson might disclose and might recommend. "It is important to understand that Mr. Wilson can not subject American policy or American action to any decision of any foreign governments whatsoever, and that he speaks and decides from the American standpoint. If the British and French statesmen have the better vantage point for knowing some things in detail. by reason of their proximity to the fighting fronts, the government

at Washington derives an advantage of its own from its larger perspective and its better-poised opportunities to study the whole situation.

National Leadership Contrasted.

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"Several considerations should be kept in mind by those who would understand the full import of President Wilson's decisions,' continues the American Review of Reviews.

"In the first place, he is the executive head, the leader in policymaking, and the commander-in-chief of the armies and navies of the most resourceful of all countries. No other important country has a ruler, whether seated by divine right or by the choice of fellow-citizens, whose immediate range of power is so wide and untrammeled as that of the American President. The French President has dignity and quiet influence, but almost no power to shape policy or to direct action. French cabinets, dominated more or less by a Premier, have much power, but they exercise it from day to day subject to the uncertain support of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. During most of the war period Briand had been Premier, then came Ribot, after him Painleve, and now we have Clemenceau-while still another cabinet and a fifth war premier may come to the front within a few weeks or a few months. In England, the king has little either of power or of active influence, while having the virtue of being at once unobtrusive and patriotic, it is said that King George fully accepts the republican trend, and is quite prepared to have his children take their places as equal fellow-citizens with their millions of countrymen. Within recent years the House of Lords has lost some of its actual power, while it holds its influence by the reason of its great ability and experience of many of its members."

Change of government has taken place in England as well as France during the war. Mr. Asquith was Prime Minister during the first years of the war, and when he with his cabinet fell, David Lloyd George was appointed and formed a new cabinet, and may serve as long as he is supported by the House of Commons.

But our President, elected by the American citizens, appoints his own cabinet and heads of Departments, and maintains them uninterruptedly during his term of office, irrespective of ratifications or rejections of Government policies, propositions or recommendations, while in England or France, the rejection of a government policy, proposition or recommendation, or, in other words, the rejection by their legislative Chambers of a Government program means either the appointment of a new Prime Minister and by him the appointment of a new cabinet, or an appeal to the electors for ratification, which means the election of new Chambers or Parliaments, which is a cause of great disturbance and confusion, and loss of time.

Compare the Stability of the American Government with this wiggling uncertainty, which has a tendency to induce the Premier and his cabinet to cater to certain leaders and cliques to maintain his or their position.



What UNCLE SAM has done for himself, he can likewise do for others and it is his opportunity and obligation to do it.


Uncle Sam's Position as Teacher and Administrator of the World Ratified.

A voice, a petition and a vote from China. The leading Mohammedan Priest from North China, the Eminent Abu Baks, assures President Wilson of the loyalty of the Chinese Mohammedans to the cause of the Allies, denouncing the action of the German Emperor, the Sultan of Turkey and other leaders.

President Wilson's WISE GUIDANCE this Mohammedan priest asks for the Chinese Republic "in its weakness to enable it to settle its domestic difficulties and to bring harmony and comfort to the masses." His opinion of the German Emperor and his respect for his compurgator, the Sultan of Turkey, he records in plain language as follows:

"The German Emperor became great in his pride for conquest, and in the possession of a great army and navy, until he looked upon other rulers with the eye of envy and hatred, and he did not scruple to add new horrors to war, although the use of submarines was forbidden by international law.

"If he should, however, cease this sort of warfare and make peace with other nations, God might still preserve his Government and others might then look upon him with favor and ask God to grant him mercy. In this prayer Moslems, Jews, and Christians might join. Now is the time when he should repent. Now is the fitting opportunity for expressing his regret.

"But as for the Sultan of Turkey, in inverse proportion as he has wisdom, and knowledge, and power, he has not shown the least judgment in the direction of the affairs of his kingdom. The present crisis of affairs in the great world, although it might strike fear among those who love deceit and continue to use flattery with him, should not have dismayed him. His flatterers were not sincere toward God. If he would drive away these evil counselors, welcoming those who were sincere, the true lovers and patriots of religion, then, perchance, his kingdom would be restored to peace."

The American entrance into the war is confidently looked upon as the final stroke to destroy the pride of Germany, and he continues:

"Since Mohammed the Prophet (upon him be peace!) has declared, 'Tread upon the proud until he forget his pride,' therefore we continue the war until they repent. But, alas! Some think the war will last a long time, which may God prevent: Surely, if the war continues this will not be in accordance with your noble principles of humanity. Alas! Our Chinese Republic has already been compelled to do what your honorable Government has done, but we are persuaded that our country is weak in its condition, and disturbed internally by matters which occupy its


"Now, such conditions are not in accordance with the will of the Creator. Very frequently our Chinese Republic is glad to fol

low the example of your noble Government, just as the members of the body do its head. So if you will give the word, we will follow. If you are patient, we will continue to be patient. We do not ask anything from you save the favor of using your influence to quench the fires of war in the world, and so you will secure everlasting remembrance. As God says in the Koran, 'Is the reward of good anything else than lasting good?' He also says: 'Verily the mercy of God is near to those that are good.'

"Now, such conditions are not in accordance with the will of the Creator.

Notice the Following Sentences:

"Very frequently our Chinese Republic is glad to follow the example of YOUR NOBLE GOVERNMENT, JUST AS THE MEMBERS OF THE BODY DO ITS HEAD.

"So if you will give the word, we will follow.

"If you are patient, we will continue to be patient.

"We do not ask anything from you save the favor of using your influence to quench the fires of war in the world, and so you will SECURE EVERLASTING REMEMBRANCE

* * *

"We, therefore, turn to you and hope THAT YOU WILI. ARRANGE AND GIVE US GOOD ADVICE for the future affairs of our Republic, in order that prosperity and safety and peace may come to us speedily."

Great Compliment:

No country or Government in the whole world ever received such complement as that. What great opportunities are placed before us and what greater responsibilites are entrusted to us! How important for UNCLE SAM to arrange well his own household, to dress well and to clean up and to keep clean his own surroundings!

A Voice and a Vote from Russia.

Messages of felicitation upon the union of the United States and the new Russian democracy in the cause of justice, exchanged by President Wilson and Madame Catherine Breshkovskaya, chairman of the Russian committee on civic education, and called the "grandmother of the revolution," have been made public.

Madame Breshkovskaya cabled:

"We Russian citizens have been receiving from the American people so many tokens of friendship and expressions of good will to help Russia in her hour of difficulties that we feel an imperious desire on our part to say to the great democracy of the United States how near to our hearts is the union with that democratic people and how fervent the wish to preserve that union and friendship so long as our nations last.

"America as well as Russia is a young country, in comparison with other great states. Our power is fresh and full of energy. The heavy blows we have received during our history have hardened our strength and made us enduring in the struggle with the stern conditions of today. Let us then look courageously into the

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