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dearest, here are our treasures, and we shall yet be happy." We kissed our little darlings a thousand times; they clasped us round the neck, and seemed to share our transports, while their mother laughed and wept by turns.

I now stood a calm spectator of the flames, and after some time began to perceive that my arm to the shoulder was scorched in a terrible manner. It was therefore out of my power to give my son any assistance, either in attempting to save our goods, or preventing the flames spreading to our corn. By this time the neighbours were alarmed, and came running to our assistance; but all they could do was to stand like us, spectators of the calamity. My goods, among which were the notes I had reserved for my daughters' fortunes, were entirely consumed, except a box with some papers, that stood in the kitchen, and two or three things more of little consequence, which my son brought away in the beginning. The neighbours contributed, however, what they could to lighten our distress. They brought us clothes, and furnished one of our outhouses with kitchen utensils; so that by daylight we had another, though a wretched dwelling to retire to. My honest next neighbour and his children were not the least assiduous in providing us with every thing necessary, and offering whatever consolation untutored benevolence could suggest. GOLDSMITH.


Learn the spellings at the top of the page; and write sentences containing these words.


Thus says the prophet of the Turk,-
Good Mussulman, abstain from pork.
There is a part in every swine
No friend or follower of mine
May taste, whate'er his inclination,
On pain of excommunication.-
Such Mahomet's mysterious charge,
And thus he left the point at large.
Had he the sinful part express'd,
They might in safety eat the rest,
But for one piece they thought it hard,
From the whole hog to be debarr'd,
And set their wit at work to find
What joint the prophet had in mind.
Much controversy straight arose,-
These chose the back, the belly those,
By some 'tis confidently said
He meant not to forbid the head;
While others at that doctrine rail,
And piously prefer the tail.

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Thus, conscience freed from every clog,

Mahometans eat up the hog.

You laugh!-'tis well!-The tale applied May make you laugh on t'other side. "Renounce the world!" the preacher cries; "We do!" a multitude replies.

While one as innocent regards

A snug and friendly game at cards;

And one, whatever you may say,

Can see no evil in a play;

Some love a concert, or a race,

And others shooting and the chase.

Reviled and loved, renounced and followed,

Thus, bit by bit, the world is swallowed

Each thinks his neighbour makes too free,
Yet likes a slice as well as he.

With sophistry their sauce they sweeten,
Till quite from tail to snout 'tis eaten.



A boy smitten with the colours of a butterfly, pursued it from flower to flower with indefatigable pains. First, he aimed to surprise it among the leaves of a rose; then to cover it with his hat, as it was feeding on a daisy. At one time, he hoped to secure it, as it revelled on a sprig of myrtle; and at another, grew sure of his prize, perceiving it to loiter on a bed of violets. But the fickle fly still eluded his attempts. At last, observing it half buried in a cup of a tulip, he rushed forward, and, snatching it with violence, crushed it to pieces. Thus, by his eagerness to enjoy, he lost the object of his pursuit. From this instance, young persons may learn, that pleasure is but a painted butterfly; which if temperately pursued, may serve to amuse; but which, when embraced with too much ardour, will perish in the grasp.




The boy stood on the burning deck,
Whence all but he had fled;
The flame that lit the battle's wreck
Shone round him o'er the dead.
Yet beautiful and bright he stood,
As born to rule the storm;
A creature of heroic blood,
A proud though childlike form!

The flames roll'd on-he would not go
Without his father's word;
That father, faint in death below,
His voice no longer heard.
He call'd aloud-"Say, father! say
If yet my task is done?".
He knew not that the chieftain lay
Unconscious of his son.

"Speak, father!" once again he cried,
"If I may yet be gone,'

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And"-but the booming shots replied,
And fast the flames rolled on.
Upon his brow he felt their breath,
And in his waving hair,

And look'd from that lone post of death

In still yet brave despair.

And shouted but once more aloud,

"My father, must I stay?"

While o'er him fast, through sail and shroud,

The wreathing fires made way;

They wrapt the ship in splendour wild,

They caught the flag on high

And streamed above the gallant child,

Like banners in the sky.

Then came a burst of thunder sound-
The boy-oh where was he?
Ask of the winds, that far around
With fragments strewed the sea.
With mast, and helm, and pennon fair,
That well had borne their part-

But the noblest thing, which perished there
Was that young faithful heart.


A forward hare of swiftness vain,
The genius of the neighbouring plain,
Would oft deride the drudging crowd;
For geniuses are ever proud.

He'd boast his flight were vain to follow,
For dog and horse he'd beat them hollow;
Nay, if he put forth all his strength,
Outstrip his brethren half a length!
A tortoise heard his vain oration,
And vented thus his indignation:
"O puss! it bodes thee dire disgrace
When I defy thee to a race.

Come, tis a match-nay, no denial;
I lay my shell upon the trial!"

"Twas "done," and "done," all fair a bet,'

Judges prepared, and distance set;

The scampering hare outstripped the wind; The creeping tortoise lagged behind, And scarce had passed a single pole When puss had almost reached the goal. "Friend tortoise," quoth the jeering hare, "Your burden's more than you can bear;

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