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Jan. 12, that had been already delivered; and wherever he found any one at a lofs, he explained it anew, in a clear, familiar manner, fuited to the capacity of the ftudent, On these, and on other occafions, he frequently defired, that whenever any one was at a lofs as to any particular, they would apply to him freely for a folution of their doubts and difficulties. In this propofal he was ferious; and it was understood by me in the most strict literal sense of the word. And being very anxious to lofe nothing, I had no hesitation in complying with his request with as much frankness on my part, as it was made with fincerity on his part. It thus happened, that for a long time, at the beginning, there was scarce a day that I did not run after him on the dismission of his class, to afk an explanation of one particular or another that I did not understand; nor was I to be fatisfied in any cafe till it was made quite plain. Thus was he inceffantly teafed with the little prattle of a child, but without ever discovering the smallest degree of peevishness or impatience. Often have I fince that time wondered at the mild condefcenfion of that great man, who, preffed as he was for time, in the profecution of fuch extensive business, was not only not offended at these frequent interruptions, but feemingly was rather well pleased with the turn of mind that occafioned them; kindly entering into difcuffions that were fuited to my years, and liftening with patience to the arguments that were dictated by youth and inexperience, and patiently removing thofe difficulties that perplexed me.

Thus commenced a literary acquaintance, which to me was highly interefting, and infinitely beneficial. Being afked frequently, with others, to his house, he came gradually, as ufual, to be acquainted not only with my literary difficulties, but with thofe of a more private concern. He became to me in fhort, as a far ther and as a friend. To him I had recourfe with perfect freedom for his advice and friendly affiftance on all

difficult occurrences. By him I was introduced to many respectable acquaintance; and if I ever have been, or ever fhall be of any use in the literary world, I feel a particular fatisfaction in saying that it is entirely owing to Doctor Cullen. In this refpect, however, I was by no means fingular; for very many others, who were in a fituation nearly fimilar to my own, have owed obligations to him of the fame kind. Such was the generous, kind, and difinterested character of this great man, that I can aver with the most perfect fincerity, that at one time, when a tranfaction of great importance respecting my private concerns was in agitation, though he was then involved in the greatest hurry of his own multiplied avocations, he ftill contrived matters, so as that for months together he bestowed at leaft from one to two hours a day on my private concerns. Could I fuffer the memory of fuch beneficence to be buried in oblivion, I should little indeed have deferved fuch a favour! Few are the men who can conceive an idea that fuch things could poffibly be done : but to Cullen this was no exertion; to him fuch tranfactions were as mental food that transfufed fresh vigour into his mind, and gave animation and energy to all his undertakings. I am not infenfible of the obloquy to which I expofe myself, with fome, by this narrative; but their farcasms fhall be difregarded. I dare not, however, add to the length of this digreffion by any farther apology.

The first lectures that Cullen delivered in Edinburgh were on chemistry; and for many years he alfo gave clinical lectures on the cafes that occured in the Royal Infirmary there. Towards the clofe of the year 1769, he alfo delivered to a few of his private friends, a short course of lectures on the principles of agriculture and vegetation, for which branch of knowledge he had, at every period of his life, a fingular and marked predelection. Of this course of lectures, a pretty complete account is preserved, that is now in

the poffeffion of his family, from notes taken by one who attended there. It is probable the public may be favoured with these at fome future period. And if allowance be made for the length of time that has elapfed fince their delivery, and the confequent advances that have been made in this branch of science fince then, and the imperfections arising from the inaccuracy of the perfon who took down notes of them, it is not imagined they will do any difcredit to his memory. The fame extenfive views that characterised all his o ther lectures, are difcoverable here; and the fame ftimulus to active exertions which fo ftrongly marked his prelections, are equally striking in thefe. They point out the path that ought to be purfued for the attainment of knowledge, rather than teach the knowledge itself. And the writer of this article can freely say, that he has been more indebted to these lectures for inducing him to think justly on the subject of agriculture, than to all the books he ever read, though he also did frequently differ in opinion from his preceptor on particular points.

In the month of February 1763, Doctor Alfton died, after having begun his usual course of lectures on the materia medica; and the magiftrates of Edinburgh, as patrons of that profefforship in the university, appointed Docter Cullen to that chair, requefling that he would finish the course of lectures that had been begun for that feafon. This he agreed to do; and though he was under a neceffity of going on with the course in a few days after he was nominated, he did not once think of reading the lectures of his predeceffor, but refolved to deliver a new course entirely his own. The popularity of Cullen at this time may be gueffed at by the increase of new ftudents who came to attend his course in addition to the eight or ten who had entered to Doctor Alston. The new ftudents exceeded a hundred. An imperfect copy of thefe lecteres thus fabricated in hafte, having been published, the Doctor

thought neceffary to give a more correct edition of them in the latter part of his life. But his faculties being then much impaired, his friends looked in vain for those ftriking beauties which characterised his literary exertions in the prime of life.

Some years afterwards, on the death of Doctor White, the magiftrates once more appointed Doctor Cullen to give lectures on the theory of phyfic in his ftead. And it was on that occafion Doctor Cullen thought it expedient to refign the chair in favour of Doctor Black, his former pupil, whofe talents in that department of science were then well known, and who has filled the chair ever fince, with great fatisfaction to the public. Soon after, on the death of Doctor Rutherford, who for many years had given lectures with applause on the practice of phyfic, Doctor John Gregory (whofe name can never be mentioned by any one who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, without the warmeft tribute of a grateful refpect) having become a candidate for this place along with Doctor Cullen, a fort of compromise took place between them, by which they agreed each to give lectures alternately on the theory and on the practise of phyfic, during their joint lives, the longest furviver being allowed to hold either of the claffes he fhould incline. In confequence of this agreement Doctor Cullen delivered the firft course of lectures on the practice of phyfic in winter 1766, and Doctor Gregory fucceeded him in that branch the following year. Never perhaps did a literary arrangement take place that could have proved more beneficial to the students than this. Both these men poffeffed great talents, though of a kind extremely diffimilar. Both of them had certain failings or defects which the other was aware of, and counteracted. Each of

them knew and respected the talents of the other.— They co-operated, therefore, in the happiest manner, to .enlarge the understanding, and to forward the pursuits of their pupils. Unfortunately this arrangement was

foon destroyed by the unexpected death of Doctor Gre gory, who was cut off in the flower of life, by a sudden and unforeseen event. After this time, Cullen continued to give lectures on the practice of phyfic till' a few months before his death, as has been already faid.

To be continued.

Critical Remarks on the Othello of Shakespear. Of those who poffefs that fuperiority of genius which enables them to shine by their own ftrength, the number has been few. When we take a review of mankind in this respect, we behold a dark and extended tract, illuminated with scattered clusters of stars, shedding their influence, for the most part, with an unavailing luftre. So much however are mankind formed to contemplate and admire whatever is great and refplendant, that it cannot be faid that thefe luminaries have exhibited themselves to the world in vain. Whole nations, as well as individuals, have taken fire at the view of illuftrious merit, and have been ambitious in their turn to distinguish themselves from the common mass of mankind. And fince by the happy invention of printing, we have it in our power to gather these scattered rays into one great body, and converge them to one point, we complain without reafon of not having light enough to guide us through the vale of life.

Among thofe to whom mankind is most indebted, the firft place is perhaps due to Homer and to Shakespear. They both flourished in the infancy of fociety, and the popular tales of the times were the materials upon which they exerted their genius; they were equally unaffifted by the writings of others: the dramatic compofitions with which Shakespear was acquainted, were as contemptible as the crude tales which ferved as the foundation of Homer's poem. The genius of both poets

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