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DR. J. C. BURGHER, Chairman of the Bureau of Gynecology, was asked to preside.

DR. R. LUDLAM: I move that we discuss Dr. Lungren's paper on Ovariotomy, read last evening.

Agreed to.

DR. T. L. BROWN, of Binghamton, N. Y., was called for. He said I have had neither the pleasure nor the misfortune to treat a case of the kind mentioned; but at the same time I know very well that those who have them to treat hardly know what to do for the best. There does not seem to be very much encouragement to use remedies, and yet in my opinion the best thing to be done is to select the indicated remedy and give it in conjunction with proper regimenal and hygienic measures. I have certainly removed warts and other minor growths, and outgrowths from bones, by simple homoeopathic medication, and this can be and has been done by every homoeopathic practitioner. It is a reasonable deduction that even such growths as ovarian tumors may be so acted upon by the proper medicine as to be changed, absorbed and removed. At the same time there are undoubtedly cases where the knife alone will do. If I had a case of ovarian tumor to treat, I should certainly try what medicines would do. I should go through the Materia Medica carefully, and give the patient the full benefit of homoeopathy before handing her over to the surgeon.

DR. O. B. GAUSE: I have recently read of a number of cases of cystic growths where absorption was promptly effected by electrolysis. I should like to have some information from those who have demonstrated this practically, if there are any such persons present.

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