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Closing Battles of the War. The Yankees at West Point. Foggy Night at At-
lanta. -City by Daylight. - Colored Soldier's Widow. Property Destroyed. -
Religion a Nuisance. - Rebuilding. - Rents. White and Black Refugees. - Ac-
counts by Citizens. - Negro's Horse. Jesse Wade, the Poor White; on Sher-
man's Strategy; on Schools; on Reconstruction. - Nigger versus White Man.-
Out-door Convention of Freed People. — Georgia Railroads and Banks................




Yankee Prison at Macon.-"Death's Acre."-Trial of Captain Wirz. - His Per-
sonal Appearance. -Scene of his Crimes.- Name of the Town. - Present Appear-
ance.The Stockade. - Double Walls. The Dead Line.- Prisoners' Caves. -
Huts and Barrack Sheds.-Out-Buildings. - Cemetery. - Death Record. —
scriptions. Rebel Owner's Claim. - Testimony of Georgians..

CHAPTER LXVI.—SHERMAN in Middle Georgia.

- In-



Tradition regarding General Sherman's Gloves. - Confederate General's Testimony.
-Criticisms and Anecdotes." The Great Robber" in Jones County.- Confed-
erate Stockings.-Yankee Soldiers and Rebel Dogs. - Sherman's Field Orders. –
-Shooting Horses and Stock. - Army and its Stragglers. - Negro and
the Trunk.-Persuasion of a Rope. The "Great Robber" in Putnam County.-
Not a Raid.-Movement of the Army. - Panic of the People. Flight from Mil-
ledgeville.-Masters and Slaves....


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Sherman and the Railroads. Condition of the Tracks. General Grant on Sher-
man's "Hair Pins."- Machinery for Destroying Track. Condition of the Bent
Iron.-Railroad Buildings.
One Glove off. The "Bummers" in Burke

County-People Stripped of Everything.-Sherman and the Old Woman. -

Buried Gold and Silver.

Shrewdness of Planter's Wife. A "Sorry" Watch.

Experience of a Northern Man. - Running off Goods and Stock. - Hiding Place in

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General S's Visits to Charleston. - Taken Prisoner. - Jumping from the Cars.
Circular Perambulation. — The Man with the Bag of Corn. - Pine-leaves and
Tobacco.-Chased by Blood-hounds. What he lived on. — - Visit to a lone Widow.




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Night in a Canebrake. -A Man on Horseback.. Proffer of a Canteen. - A
Friend in Need. - Night in a Gin-House. - Parting in the Morning. Entan-
gled among Streams. Taken for a Spy. - Recognized. - How he got his Clothes
again. -Sent to Macon.-Tunnelling the Ground under the Stockade. Betrayed.
Sent to Charleston. The Work-house. Jail and Hospitals. Entrance to
the Work-house, Rooms, and Cells. - Prisoners' Bunks. - Visited by a Shell.-
Watching the Shells by Night. A Taste of the pure Air.-Negro Whippings.
Tower of Observation. Mountain of Offal. "Kindness" to Prisoners.
Plans of Escape. - Exploring the Cistern.- Tunnelling the Walls.
again. Grand Scheme to Capture and Fire the City. - Exchanged...




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Destruction by the Army.-A South Side View. - In Orangeburg District. - A
Lady's Account. - Discipline of the Army. - Fidelity of an Old Cook. Warned
by a Dream. Behavior of the Negroes.- Firing Houses. - Foragers. - Yankee
Officers. Soldiers' Fun and Mischief. Behavior. - Destructiveness. Three
Nights in the Chimney Corner. White Lie by a Black Boy. - White Officers
and Black Girls.- Robbed of everything. The Negroes afterwards..
White Men left in the Country. - Cut off from Charleston....




Free Labor in the Eastern District.-West of the Wateree. Planters and the Crop
they depended on.-Cotton and Corn.-Crops during the Confederacy. — Rice
Culture.- Railroads. - Finances. United States Taxes. Prevalence of Crime.
-Dishonest Treasury Agents; their Modes of Operating. Animosity against the
Government. Progressive Class. Governor Orr on Negro Suffrage. -Story of


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Return Home. - Summing Up. — Condition of the South. Demand for Capital and
Labor. Recovery of Agriculture and Business. — A Hint to Emigrants. Loy-
alty of the People. - Union Men at the Close of Hostilities.-A Change for the
Worse.-Talk for the Talk's sake. Enough of War. - Danger of Unarmed Re-
bellion. Aims of Southern Leaders. Security needed.
How to punish

Treason.Plans of Reconstruction.- Southern Plan. - Southern Representatives

and the Test Oath. The Rule of Justice. Principles of the Declaration of In-

dependence. -Impartial Suffrage. History of Progressive Ideas. Time for the

Sowing of the New Seed. Are the Blacks prepared for the Franchise? - The

Basis of Representation. - Prospects.....




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