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Healing Thoughts




(From Address Before The Convention.)

HAT was a lofty thought, a truth par excellence, expressed by the gentleman from Canton, Ill., in his address yesterday afternoon:

"Only truth can meet Truth."

The human soul has worshipped its highest idea of God instead of making that idea the Hill-top from whence its radiating thoughts might puncture the distances and find the Absolute alike immanent whether

far or near.

Reluctant has seemed the answer coming from that idea, instead of from the Power it would reach. Yet always successful are they who, from the hill-top of their praying set their minds on the FORMLESS and consciously assimilate their lives with the life Omnipotent.

Man is not mere physical man as the world has seen him, but Elohim made man. Theologians have succeeded in arousing religious emotion to the neglect of awakening in men that orderly knowledge that engages rational THOUGHT and leads up to the "I"-consciousness where illumination is possible, where the truth in man meets Truth Absolute, and through its EGO the soul mingles with the I AM in conscious Oneness. That all men in their Real Natures rank as Christs and should be Saviours, is a discovery of the

present age.

The soul, with its imperfections and burdens, can

not come into the presence of Abstract life directly; though it has wrapped up in its nature the secret of the Way, and it has but to use its powers rationally and earnestly. The saving consciousness is attained through the study of Ego, until the drawning of illumination, which makes all truth clear. Truth sets free through knowledge of the Truth.

Man has not understood his part of the work in creation. His office is that of manufacturing in the concrete, all the abstract entities (God is said to have created.) The Ego, being the only entity in creation made in the Divine Image, that image in God is also, of necessity, in the Ego; and it is this descending image of God the Ego has shown to the world, and the people have shaped their Idea-God of worship out of. Thus has God been made in man's image, according to man's idea.

The soul's

Way to Ego or I,

Soul cannot assimilate itself with shape nor with the idea of shape; and this is why it has so long failed to get answers to its petitions. There is a Absolute Substance and Power. is the Road. The soul has to come into the Individual consciousness where illumination is possible and the realities of life may be seen, and the soul is able to know that the I, I, I, is the image of Omnipotence, and has before it the work of bringing forth into visibility every perfection of the Invisible Realm. Thus the flesh is come over, and made a beautiful, useful instrument-no longer to hinder your progress - but to help, to convenience you in your progress.

The ancients called the Ego "Lord;" and they said this Ego is your God-the power and intelligence to whom you should appeal, and not to God directly. God is not a doer of things! As Elohim, God is the Fountain Source out of which all things are accomplished. All rivers, showers, springs come out of the

ocean; yet who-when thirsty-would pray, "O Sea, come, and quench my thirst! Place a full chalice to my lips, O River, or Spring. or Fountain!" Rather would you not thoughtfully conclude to find the way to the fountain and then drink? It is the same with God. As there is no Ocean around observing that you are thirsty, so the Source of all life, wisdom and power just only continues the Source-in everlasting readiness for you to surmount your idea and find, and quench your thirst at.

George Elliot truly said "Tis God gives skill, but not without men's hands; He could not make Antonio Stradivarius violins without Antonio." True, God, Elohim, is the SKILL, but Stradivarius is the MAKER, through earnest use of that Skill. He rose to the conception of the "I" in him, and more than this; through the Illumination following the dawn of the "I"-con. sciousness, he was enabled to do wonderful things, and so wrought his great instrument. Otherwise his success could have been but partial, and according to the amount of order he followed in its construction.

As you would not stand far off and rave at the Ocean to beg or flatter or persuade it to come to you, with its unprocessed waters, neither would you wisely woo the Infinite Power by describing to it how you have sinned and repented, how you have been whipped back to plead with Purity and Peace at the true fountain; for as the Ocean wots not of your woe, the Infinite remains as it is, regardless of your comings and goings. All the love and devotion and tender sympathy are from your Ego-Lord-the Image of God in you! It is at the door of your most earnest seeking that the True Self appears; that the I, I, I, fills your consciousness, and the Soul is enabled to commune with Absolute Wisdom and Power.

There is a class of people who hold very firmly to

the idea of sinful thoughts as the direct cause of all the distress the soul meets in this world. They have been as austere as the religionists who never remove their finger from pointing to a place of torment for the erring. Now, we all know that people suffer for ignorance as well as for wrong thinking and doing. Some of the sweetest souls on earth have had experiences physically as severe as those of the worst criminal! So the getting of widsom is as important as the turning from sin. And the power to do the latter inheres in the will to accomplish the former. For ignorance of the law? Yes, for Innocence! Thus the innocent suffer with the guilty!

Little babies who have never sinned-whose transcendent smile is of the Angels-whose beaming eyes are lighted by the heavenly consciousness-little children, of the class Jesus placed in the midst of his audience and said "Except ye become as one of these, you connot enter the Kingdom of Peace"-even these suffer! And this is why we are so earnest today; we would help the world to rise above the plane of ignorant innocence into that of Conscious Innocence.

There is a Way to take, that will make the soul wise enough to see its salvation. Get into the "I"consciousness and live in the illumination of the whole Spirit. Then your words will be Spirit and Life and you will have found your work, no more to wander to and fro with puzzled countenance. Conscious contact with Infinite Mind places the soul in power. It has lain hold of its steadfast being, and is at home.

Religion and Science are no longer dual activities in our minds. Science will continue what it is since it cannot do otherwise-because it is at the foundation of all systems. Religion has been doing the best it could while men differed as to what religion is; it will con

tinue because it is founded in eternal truth. Its principles are now for the first time clearly open to analysis, and its practice is reducible to a system.

How naturally it all came about-the discovery of Spiritual Science through the study of Physical Science, its symbol! The same blue of sky, the same purple of mountain declivity, the same stars and planets the Shepherds of old searched out, the seas and their mighty shores we love and wonder over today, the ancients saw and dreamed over, before even the wise Atlanteans lived and marvelled, and loved and aspired. Age unto age showeth knowledge, in Nature's hieroglyphics of enduring intaglio. Orderly knowledge of the stars, the earth, the human soul, and of destiny itself has unfolded with the ages. Our hearts transport in the New Knowledge that seemed hidden from Egypt when her Artists chiseled the rude deities that cover the walls of Hundred-gated Thebes with the same natural features apparent, the same charm and object lesson.

The inner worship of Nature's charms has developed in us a riper knowledge. The Mediaeval Ages with their cruelties and insanities are gone. It is told as a thing of the past, how the battle of papacy against scientific thought and investigation-which discouraged even the fine arts-worked out of this resistance the very opposite effect from that they intended; Truth asserted herself, so that the cult of the truly beautifully broadened and abounded. Their own churches were at last richly adorned with aesthetic ideals; sculptures, pictures, candelabra, in fulfillment of the command"be fruitful and multiply." Yes; man's business is to multiply from each of God's create suggestions, as in the familiar rose, whose petals he has "multiplied" to many, from the original suggestion in Nature of only five. God only suggested the American Beauty to man.

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