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land have solemnly declared them. Ukafe of the Empress of Rufra relafelves in favour of the maintenance tive to the Partition of Poland. of the former relations guaranteed by the imperial court of Russia in Y her imperial majesty, my. alliance witb us, ftill we are bound most gracious sovereign, I Miby a neighbourly and friendly re chael Krechetnicoff, general in gard to see that no concerted mea- chief, fenator, general governor of fures or counter-operations against Tula, Kaluga, and the countries those lawful relations, in our here. newly annexed from the Polish re: ditary dominions, should be tole- public to the Russian empire, com:


mander of all the armies there, and We do therefore put our' most in the three governments of Little. gracious confidence in the docílity Rullia, in the place of governor geE and love of order and peace which neral of those three governments;

we bave always perceived with inspector of the armies, knight of 3 pleasure in our Gallician subjects, the order of St. Andrew, St. Alex

that they will totally forbear partie ander Nefsky, St. Vladimirs of cipating in any proje&s or efforts the first class, the Polish white

to create new changes or fermenta- Eagle, and St. Stanislaus, and the 272 oz tions in Poland.

Holstein order of St. Anne, hereby is en lsr We expect, in the same manner, make known the supremne will and scht sies on the part of those subjects who command of my most gracious fo. art bir refide in our dominions, that by a vereign her imperial majesty of all in this fimilar tranquil conduct they will the Russias to all the inhabitants in

Tender themselves worthy of the general, and to every one in parti. en de protection they enjoy. But thould, cular, of whatever rank or denomuzesh against all expectation, any Polith mination, of the countries and places bat bez fubjects dare io counteract, in our now united for ever to the Rullian EHI

mit c dominions, the present operations empire from the Polish republic. and o. in Poland by mediation of the im The share her imperial majesty ficar perial court of Ruflia, we do hereby has hitherto taken in the affairs of be the declare, that in case of such a par- Poland, has always been tending

ticipation in designs against the re- in the most direct and fundamental 9, fet a public of Poland being discovered, manner to the interests of both em

all residence and abode in all our pires. It has not only been unsucbereditary dominions shall be re- cessful, but proved a fruitless burfused them; and we do further or- den; and her endeavours to main. dain to all our governments and tain peace, quiet, and freedom

public offices, to exert the most amongst her neighbours, have been to careful and most rigorous vigilance, attended with innumerable loiles.

that our sentiments for the main- : Thirty years experience have El reytenance of public tranquillity, thus thewn this in the numerous quarde openly declared by these our com- rels and eternal disputes amongst

mands, be by every one, without themselves, which have corn the exception, duly observed and at- Polish republic. Her imperial ma

jefty has viewed their lutferings in Given at Vienna, Feb. 14, 1793. the towns and cities bordering on

tended to.

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her empire with great grief, con- of Vilná to Stolptsa, to Nesvij

, and sidering them as defcended from then to Pinfk; from thence pasting the same race, and professing the Kunith, between Viskero and No Holy Christian religion.

vogreble, near the frontier of Gal. At present even some unworthy Jicia ; from thence to the river Poles, enemies to their country, Dniester, and lastly running along have not been ashamed to approve the river till it enters the old bor the government of the ungodly der of Ruflia and Poland, at Yeger. rebels in the kingdom of France, tic; in such manner, that all che and to request their assistance to cities, lands, and countries, lying involve their country also in bloody within this line of demarcation, the civil wars.

new border of Ruffia and Poland, en The true Christian religion, and shall from henceforward for ever the very well being of the inhabi. come under the sceptre of the Ruttants of the above-mentioned coun- fian empire, and the inhabitants tries, would suffer from the intro. and poffeffors, of all ranks what. duâion of such detestable doctrines, ever, be subjects thereof. which tend to annihilate all the Therefore I being appointed by political and social bonds of society, her imperial majesty, governor geot to overthrow all safety, property, neral of these countries, by her is. and prosperity. These enemies of preme order, have to affure, in her peace and quiet, following the de- facred name, and in her own teftable plan of the mob of rebels words, as by this manifefto I maka in France, propagate their doctrines known to every body, and declare throughout Poland to the utrnost of I will fulfil, to all her imperial

wil be their power, which would destroy majesty's new subjects, and now not for ever their own and neighbours

! beloved countrymen, that her mot happiness.

gracious majesty is pleased, an From these confiderations, her only to confirm and ensure to all imperial majetty, my most gracious the free and public exercise of their iniftress, as well to iodenibify her: religion, and full security of proa self for her many losses, as for the perty and possession, but to urile future safety of her empire and the and affiliate them under her

50Polifli dominions, and for the cut- vernment, for the fame and glory ting off at once, for ever; all future of the whole Rullian empire

, an disturbances and frequent changes example of which is to be feen in of government, has been pleased her faithful subjects the inhabitants now to take under her sway, and of White Ruflia, now living in full . 13* **to-unite for ever to her enipire the peace and plenty under her wile te tracer following tracts of land, with all and gracious dominion. Further, their inbabitants : namely, a line that all and every one of them that the beginning at the village of Druy, enjoy all the rights and privileges of the these on the left bank of the river Dvina, her old fubjects, and that from this scared at the corner of the border of Semi- day every denomination of the in. gallia; from thence extending to habitants enters on the full participate Neroch and Dubrova, and follow- pation of these benefits through ebe ing the border of the voivodfhip whole extent of the Ruffian empire.



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Her imperial majesty expects of God, so long as they continue to from the gratitude of her new sub. live in peace, and pursue their jeds, that they, being placed by trades as handicrafts like true and her bounty on an equality with faithful subjects. Law and justice Ruffians, thall, in return, transfer shall be administered, in the name their love of their former country of her imperial majesty, in the

proto the new one, aod live in future per places, with the utmost ftri&t. attached to fo great and generous ness and equity. an empress.

I have further thought it needful I, therefore, now inform every to add, by order of her imperial perfon, from the highest to the majesty, that the troops shall

, as in Det Jowest, that, within one month, their own country, be under the e best they must take the oath of allegi- krictest discipline; their taking poland the ance before the witnesses whom I session therefore of the various ci al hall appoint; and if any of the places, and changing the govern ti therazi gentlemen, or other ranks, poffef- ment, shall not in the least alter ning nang real or immoveable property, the course of trade or living; for met egardless of their own interest, the increase of the happiness of the

hall refuse to take the oath pre- inhabitants in all parts, is the inLareo cribed, three months are allowed tention of her imperial majesty.. 204 ta or the sale of their immoveables, This manifefto shall be read in

ind their free departure over the all the churches on the 27th of the v bedre borders; after the expiration of present month of March, registered toals which term all their remaining in all the municipal books, and i relig , eu property shall be confiscated to the nailed up in proper places, for the

general information, and that full i Clergy, both high and low, as faith may be given to it, I have,

jaftors of their flocks, are expected in consequence of the powers en

set the example in taking the trusted to me, signed it with my ath; and in the daily service in band, and affixed the seal of my heir churches, they must pray for arms, at the head quarters of the ber insperial majefty, for her fuc- army under my command at Poxelfor the great duke Paul Petro- lona. bitch, and for all the imperial fa.

(Signed) it is a mily

, according to the formula MICHAEL KRECHETNICOFF. which shall be given them.

In the above-mentioned solemn Msurance concerning the free exer Pruffian Declaration. bile of religion and undisturbed potlession of property, it is under We, Frederic William, by the tood that the Jews, living in these. grace of God, king of Pruffia, countries united to the Russian ema &c. pire, fhall remain on the former

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kod property: for her majesty's hu- bithops, abbóts, prelates, voivodes, manity will not permit them alone castle keepers, starosts, chamberto be excluded from the benefits of lains, and country judges; the her kindness under the protection knighthood, vassals, and nobles, the



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niagistrates and inhabitants of the all the tremendous consequences of
cities, the countrymen, and all the anarchy, and plunged into mi.
remainder of the spirtual and secu- series, the end of which could not
lar inhabitants of the voivod thips be seen.
of Posen, Gnesen, Kalish, Siradia, ; If in every country the adoption
the city and monastery of Czen- and spreading out of such deftrue
tóchova, the province of Vielun; tive principles is always attended
the voivod thip of Lentschitz, the with the loss of the tranquillity
province of Cojavia, the province of and happiness of its inhabitants

, its Dobrzyn, the voivodships of Rava destructive consequences are chiefly, and Plotzk, &c. in the circle of the and the more to be dreaded in a boundaries, as likewise the cities of country like Poland, since this naDantzic and Thorn, hitherto in the tion have always distinguished them. poffeffion of the crown of Poland, felves by disturbances and

party onr gracious will, royal grace, fpirit, and are powerful enough if and all sorts of good, and give themselves to become dangerous to their them the following most gracious neighbours by these disturbances

. notice.

It would certainly militate against It is universally known that the the first rules of a sound policy, as Polish nation never ceased to afford well as the duties incumbenton us for to the neighbouring powers, and the preservation of tranquillity in chiefly to the Pruttian state, fre our state, if, in fuch a state of things quent reasons of just discontent. in a neighbouring great kingdom, ment. Not satisfied (contrary to we remained inactive spectators

, and all rules of a good neighbourhood) should wait for the period when the with hurting the Prussian territory, faction feel themselves strong enough by frequent invasions, with moleft to appear in public; by which bur ing and ill-using the subjects on this own neighbouring provinces would fide the frontiers, and with almost be exposed to several dangers

, by continually refusing them justice and the consequences of the anarchy ca sci of in lawful satisfaction; this nation have, our frontiers. besides, always busied themselves We have therefore, in conjuncwith pernicious plans, which must tion with her majesty the empreis needs attract the attention of the of Ruflia, and with the affent of and the neighbouring powers. These are his majesty the Roman Emperor, lo matters of fact which could not acknowledged, that the safety of escape the

eye of an attentive ob- our states did require to set the senten! server of the late occurrences in republic of Poland such boundaries Poland: but what chiefly excited which are more compatible with the serious confideration of the her interior strength and fituation, f. neighbouring powers, is the spirit and to facilitate to her the means of of rebellion continually increasing procuring, without prejudice of her in Poland, and the visible influence liberty, a well ordained, folid, and ac, which was obtained by those abo- tive form of government, of mainminable exertions, by which all taining herself in the undisturbed encivil, political, and religious ties, joyment of the same, and preventing would have been dissolved, and the by these means the disturbances inhabitants of Poland exposed to which have so often shaken her own


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tranquillity, and endangered the commanders and troops, ordered for safety of her neighbours.

that purpose, but rather tractably In order to attain this end, and to submit to our government, and to preserve the Republic of Poland acknowledge us from this day forfrom the dreadful consequences ward as their lawful king and lovewhich must be the result of her reign, behave like loyal and obe-.

internal divisions, and to rescue her dient subjects, and to renounce of bein from her utter ruin, but chietly to all connexion with the crown of

withdraw her inhabitants from the Poland. A horrors of the destructive doctrines We do not doubt but every body to be to which they are bent to follow; whom this may concern, will atas there is, according to our thorough tend to this with obedience; but in les persuasion, to which also her ma- cafe, and contrary to all expectation, ohne jesty the empress of all the Russias some one or other state and inhabi

accedes in the most perfect con tants of the said districts and towns zu bayr gruity with our intentions and prin- should refuse to obey the contents ciples

, no other means, except to of this our open letter, and not take 20ly to incorporate her frontier provinces the oath of allegiance, nor submit to of a . into our states, and for this purpose our governmeut, or even attempt

immediately to take posfellion of to oppure our commanders and o of the the same, and to prevent, in time, troops, such person or persons have Fuchs to all misfortunes which might arise unavoidably io expect the punith

from the continuance of the reci. ments usual in fuch like cases, fall actura per procal disturbances.

be :nflicted upon them without any Wherefore we have resolved, with distinction. melkes the affent of her Russian majesty, to In witness whereof we have fubEle: h. take poffeßion of the abovemen- fcribed this patent with our own

tioned diftries of Poland, and alto hand, and caused our royal seal to eneral - of the cities of Dantzick and Thorn, be set to it to be published in due of trus to the end of incorporating them to place, and to be publicly printed. our state, We herewith publicly announce

Done at Berlin the 25th of March, our firin and unshaken resolution,

1793. Bitch is and expect that the Polith nation

FREDERICK WILLIAM, (L.S.) Peacz will very soon afsemble in the Diet, (FINKESTEIN,) and adopt the neceffary measures to

(ALVENSLEBEN.) the end of settling things in an amicable manner, and of obtaining the falutary end of securing to the re RUSSIAN DECLARATION. public of Poland an undisturbed peace, and preserving ber inhabi 'HE intentions which her ma. tants from the terrible consequences

jesty the empress of all the of anarchy. At the same time we Rullias las caused to be announced exhort the states and inhabitants in the declaration delivered on the of the districts and towns which we 7-10th May, last year, by her mi. have taken poffeffion of as already nilier at Warsaw, upon the occasion mentioned, both in a gracious and of her troops entering Poland, were ferious manner, not to oppose our without contradiction of a nature


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