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nor was this, “ that it was at that purpose than that of raising Indian
time impossible to ascertain any of corn, and esculent roots and
those particulars.". It appears, bow- ables (of which a confiderable in
ever, from the testimony of other ply is, fent to the West Indian
persons, that these inlands in gene- islands) until the year 1785, when
ral are rocky and barren; that the the growth of coiton was attempts
only article cultivated for exporta- ed, but with no great success, there
tion is cotton, of which the me. not being at present more than (7)
dium export is fifteen hundred bags hundred acres applied in this list:
of 2cwt.; that the inhabitants (who of culture.
in 1773 consisted of two thousand The number of white people ca
and fifty-two wbites, and two all ages in Bermudas is, five thou-
thousand wo hundred and forty- fand four hundred and fixty-two;
one blacks) have been of late years of blacks, four thousand nine han.
considerably augmented by emi. dred and nineteen *
grants from North America ; but Thus it appears that the lands
of their present numbers no precise become less fertile as we recede
account is given.

froni the tropics ; and were there Concerving Bermudas governor not, as there certainly is, an una Browne is more explicit. From countable propenfity in the greatur his answers to their lord ships part of mankind to under-rate what queries, it appears, that they con- they have in actual poffeffion, it tain from twelve to thirteen thou would require but little effort to sand acres of very poor land, of convince the public of the vast imwhich nine parts in ien are either portance of our West Indian denncultivated, or reserved in woods pendencies; of which the progrei. for the supplying of timber for live growth has now been traced building small thips, floops, and from the first settlement. What Thallops for sale; this being in remains is to convey that comic truth the principal occupation and tion to the Englith reader." This, employment of the inhabitants, and then, after taking a cursory furthe veftels which they furnish vey, for the gratification of curiobeing built of cedar, are light, fity, of the present inhabitants and buoyant, and unexpensive.

the fyftem of agriculture, is the Of the land in cultivation no chief object of Mr. Edwards in his part was appropriated to any other second volume.

It were an act of great injustice to the inhabitants of Bermudas, to omit the very honourable testimony which governor Brown has transmitted to government concerning their treatment of their negro flaves, who behaved both as failors and marines irreproachably; and whenever they were captured, always returned, if ic was in their power. There were several inftances wherein they had been condemned with the vessel and fold, and after. wards found means to escape; and through many difficulties and hardhip: returned to their maiters' service. In the ihip Regulator, a privateer, there were seventy flaves; she was taken and carried inco Bolton; fixty of them re. turned in a flag of truce directly to Bermudas; nine others returned by the way of New York; one only was milling, who died in the cruize, or in cap. civity." Report of the Privy Council on the Slave Trade, Part 3.


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General Remarks. Debate on the Alien Bill in the House of Lords. Marquis of

Lansdown's Motion 10 send a Minister 10 France. Mr. Pitt's Motion 10 addrejs
bis Majesty to communicate the Orders received by Lord Gower when he quitted
Paris. Those Orders brought up by Mr. Dundas. Parliamentary Conversation
thereon. Debates on the Alien Bill in the House of Commons. Asignat Bill.
Bill for prohibiting Naval Scores, Arms, &c. The Corn Indeninity Bill. Mefa
sages from bis Majesty relative 10 the Correspondence between Lord Grenaille and

Mr. Chauvelin. The same taken into Confideration by both Houses of Parliament.

Addresses to his Majesty thereon. A Message from his Majesty to the Commons,

announcing a public Declaration of War by the French against his Majesty and

the United Provinces. The same taken into Confideration and an Address. His

Majesty's Answer. The same Message to the Lords, and an Address. Mr. Fox

moves Resolutions agains the War. Resolutions moved by Mr. Grey on the same

Subject. Petition from the Town of Noringham praying a Reform in Parliament.

Mr. T. Grenville moves Resolutions relative in contested Elections. Morion of

M. A. Taylor against tbe Erection of Barracks. Mr. Dundas offers to the House

of Commons a Statement of the Situation of Affairs in India. Debates in borb

Houses of Parliament on the Slave Trade. Nír. Sheridan's Motion relative to

ibe Existence of Seditious Practices in this Country. General Observations. 35


His Majesiy's Message 10 the House of Commons respecting she Hanoverian Troops.

Similar Message to the House of Lords. Committee of Supply. Ways and
Means. Army Extraordinaries. Surplus of the Consolidaied Fund. Refolu-
tions for continuing Taxes. Resolutions for issuing Exchequer Bills. Terms of
the Loan. Million and an Half Bill. The Trairerous Correspondence Bill. The
Petition of the East - India Company respecting the Renewal of their Charter.
Resolutions brought forward by Mr. Dundas on Indian Afairs. Curious Pro-


posal for an Amicable Negoriation with France, by Monf. Le Brun, Commes. cial Credit Bill. Lord Auckland's Memorial brought forward in borb Houses of Parliament. Scotch Peers Election. Mr. Hastings's Petition, Sc. to rbe Houle of Lords. Lord Rawdon's Bill for amending the Laws respecting Debrar and Creditor. The Scorch Carbolic Bill.

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Peritions delivered to the House of Commons respecling a Reform in Parliament.

Petition of the Association, called the Friends of the People. Air. Grey's Morien
thereon. Petitions of the Cities of London and Wejiminjler relative to the Tax
upon Coals. The North of Scotland relieved from the Duty upon Coals carried
coall-wise. The Board of Agriculture established. Farnham Hop Bill

. Prs. ceedings in the Parliament of Ireland. Several Afts palled therein. Project. rions for Sedition in Scotland. An Altoiarion etablished there under the Tile of obe British Convention. Sir C. Bunbury moves Resolutions respecting Contiets for Transportation. Mr. Wharion's Motion on the Executive Power

. Lord Rodney's Pension continued to bis Family. Monuments voted 10 Lords Rotary and Heathfield. Perisions of the Royal Burghs. Mr. Sheridan's Mosion ibere on. Compensation granted to Mr. Mudge. Report concerring Salaries and Fees of Ofice. Scorch Militia. Morion of Mr. Fox for procuring Prace. Speecb from ibe Tbrone. Observations.


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С НА Р. V.

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Affairs of France. Preliminary Observations. State of Parties in the Convenrion. Preparations for the Trial of Louis XVI. Reports of the Committees corcerning it. The Order of conducting it. Criminating Papers produced. The Major conducts the King from the Temple to the Convention. His Conduct and Examination at the Bar of it. He demands Counsel to aflift him in bis Defence. Counsel are appointed him. His intermediate Employment in the Temple. His Return in the Bar of the Convention. His Defence delivered by M. Defeyes

, ere of bis Counsel. The King's Address 10 the Convention. He is found guilty, and condemned 10 die. The Court of Spain applies to ibe Asembly in behalf of the deposed Sovereign. State of the Poles on ibe Occasion. The Preparation of Luis for his End. The King is allowed Mr. Edgeworth 10 attend bim as Priei and Confelor. Lasi Separation from his Family. Various Circumstances eba! accompanied and followed upon bis Death. Tbe Character of Louis XVI. S:6. fequent Circunfiances.

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C H A P. VI.


Events which follozved from the Murder of Louis XVI. Correspondence between

Lord Grenville and M. Chauvelin. The Departure of M. Chauvelin. M. Marei's Return to England. Conference proposed between 1,ord Auckland and General Dumouriez. France declares War against England and Holland. Reflections on that Event. The Convention threatens 10 adúrejs ibe People of Erg land. Dumouricz proposes so take poflelion of Maestricht. His Return to the Army. Plan for atteeking Holland. Breda besieged and taken. Klunder and Gertruydenberg befieged and taken. Williamjiadt besieged. The French Army evacuales Klundert, and retreats 10 Anrwerp: Maestricht befieged News Conftitution of France. Cagliari attacked by the French Fleci, ubich is ra. pulled. Advantages obtained over the French by the Imperial Army. France des clares War against Spain. The Siege of Macftricht raised. The Battle of Neer. winden. Negotiarinn betron she sufirian General and Dumouriez. The lancere. 11tQ!s to Tournay, &c. Jacobin Deputies jeni from Paris 10 Dumourirz. Come


Leading Parties in France. Proceedings of the National Convention. Establish-
ment of a Revolutionary Tribunal for trying Offences against the State. Decree for
ibe Protection of Property. Decrees for inflicting Punisbment on Publications in
favour of Monarchy. The Sentence of Outlarury decreed against all Persons ar.
tempring a Counter-Revolution. A Committee of Public Safely appoinied. Its
Powers specified. The Bourbon Family arrested. Decree respecting the Paper.
Currency of France. Violent Coniesls between ibe Gironde and Jacobin Parties.
Petitions presented by one of the Sections of Paris againli certain Deputies. The
Commons of the forly eight Sections of Paris demand, ibat certain Deputies should
be impeached and expelled the Convention. Various Accusations brought against
the Convention by a Depuration of the Fauxbourg of St. Antoine. Marat sent to
the Abbey Prison : is tried, and acquitted. I be Convention enter upon a Con-
fideration of the new Constitution. A Commission of twelve Members of the Con-
vention appointed for inspecting the Commonalty of Paris. Distracted State of
ibe Convention. Forced Loan proposed. The Proceedings of ibe Commission of
Twelve irritate tbe People. Iis Dissolution decreed. Decrees respecting Public
Instruction, and the Regulations of obe Army. Paris in a State of Insurrection.
Å Deputation from the Revolutionary Committees appear at the Bar of the Cona

szention. New Commotions in Paris. The Convention conspelled to arrest cera

tain Deputies. The New Conftitution. Declaration of the Rights of Man.

Observations. Report respecting the imprisoned Depuries. The Southern Pro-

vinces in a State of Revolt. Marat assassinated. Decree against Foreigners.

Decree for rising in a Mass. Occurrences in the West Indies. Capture of Pone



Occurrences in the Low Countries. Aflion at Lincelles. Expedition against Duna

kirk. Surrender of Quesnoy. Tbe French attack the Froniier Ports of ibe Allies.
Prince Cobourg is forced to repass ibe Sambre. The Anival of Sir Charles
Grey, and a British Armameni, ai Oltend. French Armies augmenred. State
of the revolted Paris. An Army ordered against Marseilles, u bich surrenders.
Toulon yielded 10 Lord Hood. Lyons beforged and saken by the Republican Army.
Enormities practised on its Inbabitants. Culline recalled and beheaded. Cruel.
ties exercijed on ibe Queen-Her Trial and Murder. The New (alendar. Trial
and Execution of Briljor, and several Members of bis Party. Execution of the
Duke of Orleans and Madame Roland. Bishops and Priests resign ubeir Func-
tions, and disclaim the Christian Religion before the Convention. Lines of Weif-

semburg forced by General Wurmfer. The Allies defeated at Hagenau. Weil-

Jemburg re-taken. Siege of Landau raised. Toulon given up 10 rbe French. The

Frencb Fleci, Arsenals, and Stortboufos destroyed. Occurrences on the side of

Spain and Italy. Anfance given Corsica. Lord Moira's Expedition 10 the

Coast of France


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Icm 75

Births for the Year 1703


Sherifs appointed by bis Majesty in Council

Abslract of the New Constitution of France
Epifile from the Tearly Meeting, beld in London, to the Quarterly and Morebis
Meelings of Friends in Greai Britain, Ireland, and elje where

Address to the Members of the Methodist Societies througbout England, from ide
Conference allembled at Leeds, August 6, 1793

Petition of she Society of the Friends of the People. praying for a Reform in Par.

liament, presented 10 ibe House of Commons by Charles Grey, Esq. on Monday,

6th May, 1793
Table of Parliamentary Patronage


Address of the Society of tbe Friends of the People in the People of Great Britain 5%

A General Bill of Christenings and Burials for 1793
Table of the Quantity of Land, Number of Members, ' and Parts of Land Tax paid

by each County
Account of the Net Produce of Taxes for one Year, ending January 5, 1793 1cz
State of ibe Barometer, Thermometer, and Pluviometer, for 1793

Supplies granted by Parliament for 1793


Prices of the Public funds for the Year 1793-

Public Acts poffed in the third Sellion of the 17ıb Parliament of Great Britain 109

otract of an Alt for establishing Regulations refpeciing Aliens arriving in tbir

Kingdom, or resident, in certain cases
Average Prices of Corn for 1793

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Letter fra
La Git

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