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There with a little tinge of Phantasy, Fantastic faces moped and mowed on high, And then a mitre or a shrine would fix The eye upon its seeming crucifix. Byron. FANTEES, once a numerous and powerful race of Africans, on the Gold Coast, extended their influence from Cape Coast to Acra, and in the interior to the frontier of Ashantee. Many years ago they were subject to the latter power; but threw off their allegiance: latterly the Ashantees have poured down upon them in such numbers, that they have almost extirpated this race. They are in the immediate neighbourhood of our forts, and governed by several magistrates called pynins, generally chosen by the public; but some claim an hereditary right to their office. The laws are strictly executed; and great crimes are said to be rare, especially since the cessation of the slave trade. Yet these people are described as very litigious, and often plead their own cause with great ability. Polygamy prevails amongst them universally; girls become women at the early age of ten, and boys men at twelve. Their decline is equally quick, and begins at the period when both sexes, in temperate climates, arrive at full maturity. The first wife, however, generally has the sole management of the domestic concerns. Any female whose virtue is suspected is made to swallow a quantity of a certain species of bark, to which large draughts of water are added; when if the whole be retained on the stomach she is considered guilty, if otherwise, innocent. The dress of each sex consists of a piece of cloth wrapped loosely about the body. This garment is fastened round the waist by a girdle or zone, called a tombah, to which women of rank have a number of silver keys suspended. A Fantee may be known from other Africans, by small scarifications on the upper part of the cheek bones, and on the back of the neck. Both men and women are cleanly. Pepper is a universal ingredient in all their dishes, of which the principal is fish, or poultry made into soup. It is eaten with a pudding of yams or plantains, or with the bread of the country, which is made of maize.

The Assins, a smaller nation, were fixed in 1806 between the Fantees and Ashantees, and agitated at that time with internal divisions; one of the parties appealed to the monarch of the Ashantees, who, being thus furnished with a ground for interfering in the disputes, from an arbitrator soon became a party, and, attacking the adversaries of his clients, compelled them to retire into the country of the Fantees, where the Ashantees resolved to follow and punish the Fantees for affording their enemies an asylum. This brought them into the vicinity of one of our forts, the governor of which wished to send a flag of truce to treat with the invaders, who had advanced to

within fifteen miles of our garrison, The Fantees disapproved of the mission, and in consequence of it the mediation of the British officer was not proposed: when it was afterwards offered it was rejected. The Fantees in Anamaboe, a town surrounding our fort, were confident in their powers to resist the attack of the Ashantees; but when it was made they behaved with great cowardice, and were defeated with a slaughter, by which two-thirds of a population of 15,000 were destroyed. Part of the fugitives took shelter under the guns of our fort, whilst the aged, the infirm, and infants, were secure within it. In the heat of the battle accidental rather than designed hostilities passed between the conquerors and the English garrison. They soon ceased, however, and a good understanding was established. Soon afterwards a meeting took place between the king of the Ashantees and colonel Torrane, the governor-in-chief of the English forts, which led to some amicable arrangements, and especially saved from death the numerous poor creatures secured within the fort. These circumstances led to the mission of Mr. Bowdich to ASHANTEE, noticed under that article. The first part of his journey was through the country before possessed by the Fantees. It had felt the scourge of war; and though the soil was good, and the vegetation flourishing, there was a great scarcity of food for the few remaining inhabitants. At a village called Payntree, the mission first began to see something of the domestic life of these half civilised negroes. They remained there a day to procure provisions for their journey; and Mr. Bowdich says, 'I walked with Mr. Tadlie along a very neat path, well fenced and divided by stiles, to a corn plantation of at least twenty acres, and well cultivated. Payntree's farmhouse was situated here, and afforded superior conveniences; a fowl-house, a pigeon-house, and a large granary raised on a strong stage. As we returned we paid him a visit, and were refreshed with some excellent palm wine; his dwelling was a square of four apartments, which were entered from an outer one, where a number of drums were kept; the angles were occupied by the slaves; and his own room, which had a small inner chamber, was decked with muskets, blunderbusses, cartouch belts fantastically ornamented, and various insignia. The order, cleanliness, and comfort surprised us the sun had just set, and a cheerful fire on a clean hearth supported the evening meal. The old man was seated in his state chair, diverting himself with his children and younger wives; the elder one was looking on from the opposite apartment, with happy indifference: it was the first scene of domestic comfort I had witnessed among the natives.' p. 18. As the journey proceeds Mr. Bowdich describes the face of this country, and the prospects around them, in glowing colors.

FANUM, among the Romans, a temple or place consecrated to some deity. The demigods among the heathens had likewise their fana; and even Cicero erected one to his daughter Tullia.

FANUM VACUNE, in ancient geography, a village of the Sabines, situated between Cures and Mandela; where stood the temple of Vacuna, goddess of the idle or unemployed, in an old de

cayed state; and hence the epithet putre, used by Horace. It is now called Vocone.

FAOUA, or FOUA, a town of Lower Egypt, on the east bank of the western or Rosetta branch of the Nile. It is supposed to be the ancient Naucratis, and was built by the Milesians in the reign of Psammitichus; it formerly communicated with Alexandria by the canal, but this is no longer navigable. Long. 31° E., lat. 31° 10' N. FAOUET, a town of Brittany, France, on the Elle; in the department of the Morbihan. Population 2600. Twenty-eight miles west by south of Pontivy.

FAP, adj. Fuddled; drunk. It seems to have been a cant word in the time of Shakspeare.

The gentleman had drunk himself out of his five senses; and being fap, sir, was, as they say, cahiered. Shakspeare.

FAQUIER COUNTY, in Virginia, United States, is bounded north by London, and east by Prince William county. It is about fifty-five miles long, and twenty broad; and contained, in 1816, 22,689 inhabitants. Warren Town is the chief place.

FAR. adv. & adj.
FARʼNESS, n. s.

Sax. Feon; Isl. far; Belg. varre, ver; Goth. far; all, perhaps, from the Gr. Toppw, longe. To a great extent, in any direction; to a distance; in great part or proportion; in a certain point or degree. As FARTHEST. an adjective, far means distant; remote; further: it is used also ellipticaily, for from a distant place; 'far off' expresses a great distance, or to a great distance; and off is joined with far, when the latter is not followed by a preposition, as, I set the nets far off,' meaning far from a supposed object. Respecting the comparative and superlative degrees of far, Dr. Johnson says (under farther'), that no analogy can make far into farther or farthest; but the fact is, the Saxon language is the direct origin of all these forms of the word, and has feor, feorre, and feorrest, in the three degrees. A far-fetch is a deep stratagem or trick. Farfetched, brought from far, or over-labored; farfet, a compound of far and fet, an obsolete synonyme of fetch. See FET: far-most, is a redundant superlative of far: the examples will explain the other compounds.

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If we may behold in any creature any one spark of that eternal fire, or any far off dawning of God's glorious brightness, the same in the beauty, motion, and virtue of this light may be perceived. Raleigh.

Not to resolve, is to resolve; and many times it breeds as many necessities, and engageth as far in some other sort, as to resolve. Bacon.

Those countries have far greater rivers, and fur higher mountains to pour down waters, than any part of the old world.


towards them, which had their reward soon after. Far be it from me to justify the cruelties used

Id. Holy War. Such a communication passeth far better through the water than air. Id. Natural History.


And yet the lights which in my tower do shine. Mine eyes, which view all objects nigh and far, Look not into this little world of mine. Of this I need not many words to declare how far is from being so much as any part of repentance.



And he, like some imperious Maronist, Conjures the Muses that they him assist; Then strives he to bumbast his feeble lines

With farre-fetcht phrase. Bp. Hall's Satires. Cherubic watch, and of a sword the flame Wide-waving, all approach far off to fright, And guard all passage to the tree of life.


God hath bid dwell far off all anxious cares, And not molest us; unless we ourselves Seek them with wandering thoughts, and notions vain.


Of these things others quickly will dispose, Whose pains have earned the farfetched spoil. Id.

Then, to perform the care so well begun, To him I showed this glorious setting sun, How, by her people's looks pursued from far, She mounted on a bright celestial car, Outshining Virgo, or the Julian star.


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Atlas, her sire, to whose farpiercing eye The wonders of the deep expanded lie; The' eternal columns which on earth he rears, End in the starry vault and prop the spheres. Id. Under this head we may rank those words which signify different ideas, by a sort of an unaccountable far-fetched analogy, or distant resemblance, that fancy has introduced between one thing and another; as when we say, the meat is green when it is half roasted. Watts.

His style was well suited to his thoughts, which are never subtilized by nice disquisitions, decorated by a sparkling conceit, elevated by ambitious sentences, or variegated by far-sought learning. Johnson. Life of Swift. In shining rays the scaly monster spreads O'er ten square leagues his far-diverging heads; Or in one trunk entwists his tangled form, Looks o'er the clouds, and hisses in the storm.

Darwin. FAR, n. s. Contracted from farrow. The offspring of a sow; young pigs.

Sows, ready to farrow at this time of the year, Are for to be made of and counted full dear; For now is the loss of the far of the sow More great than the loss of two calves of the cow. Tusser.

FARADEESE, a town of Tunis, Northern Africa, not far from the sea-coast. It was an old Roman town, probably Veneria or Aphrodisium. The inhabitants in the sixteenth century were celebrated pirates and seamen. It is twelve miles west of Hamamet, and thirty south of Tunis.

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Fr. farcer; Italian, farcire; Lat. farcio, to stuff. The verb has

FARCE, v. a. & n. s. FAR CICAL' adj. FAR CICALLY, adv. been rarely used in our language, except for what we now express by force' in respect to meat and pastry; to fill with mingled ingredients; but Shakspeare uses it for to extend or swell out. The substantive is applied to an irregular and mixed dramatic representation, stuffed with wild and ludicrous conceits,' as Dr. Johnson says; but the old French verb farcer signifies to mock or laugh at.

'Tis not the balm, the sceptre, and the ball,
The sword, the mace, the crown imperial,
The entertissued robe of gold and pearl,
The farced title running 'fore the king.


Wrestling is a pastime which either the Cornishmen derived from Corineus, their first pretended founder, or at least it ministred some stuff to the farcing of that fable. Carew.

The first principles of Christian religion should not be farced with school points and private tenets. B. Sunderson. There is yet a lower sort of poetry and painting, which is out of nature; for a farce is that in poetry which grotesque is in picture: the persons and actions of a farce are all unnatural, and the manners false; that is, inconsistent with the characters of mankind: grotesque painting is the just resemblance of this.

Dryden's Dufresnoy.

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To suit our author, and his farce,
Short let me be, for wit is scarce;
Nor would I show it, had I any;
The reasons why are strong and many.

Garrick. Farce, comedy, and tragedy, Wilkes, Foote, and Junius, united at the same time against one poor parH. Tooke. son, are fearful odds.

FARCE was originally a droll, petty show, exhibited by charletans, and their buffoons, in the open street to gather a crowd together. The word is French, and signifies literally, stuffing; from the Latin farcio, to stuff. It was applied to this species of entertainment on account of the variety of jests, gibes, tricks, &c., with which it was interlarded. At present it is acted by comedians in the theatre, and becomes the entertainment of a polite audience. In other words, poets have reformed the wildness of the primitive farces, and brought them to the taste and manner of comedy. The difference between the two is, that comedy keeps to nature and probability, and therefore is confined to certain laws prescribed by ancient critics; whereas farce disallows all laws. Its end is purely to entertain; and it gathers some of its most effective materials from the wild and extravagant. Hence the dialogue is usually low, the persons of inferior rank, the fable or action trivial, and nature and truth every where heightened and exaggerated to afford the more palpable ridicule. See DRAMA. FAR DEL, n. s. Ital. fardello; Fr. fardeau. A bundle; a little pack. Let us to the king: there is that in this fardel will make him scratch his beard.

Who would fardels bear,


Id. To groan and sweat under a weary life? FARE, v. n. & n. s. Sax. Fapan; Goth. FAREWELL, adv. and Swed. faran, fara; Isl. fun, a journey. To go; to proceed; to succeed; to be in any state, good or bad; to be sustained; to take food: the substantive signifies, maintenance; food for the table; journey; passage; hence price of a passage, journey, or stage: as also the person carried or conveyed. Farewell is the imperative of fare, and well: we preserve the words separate in the plural fare you well,' and the Dutch and Swedish unite them as we do, in their vaarwel and farwal. It is a parting salute, with various degrees of compliment and kindness implied.

He found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish. Jonah.

The rich man fared sumptuously every day. Luke. One knocked at the dore, and in would fare; He knocked fast, and often curst and sware, That ready entrance was not at his call.

Spenser's Faerie Queene.

So bids thee well to fare thy nether friend. At last, resolving forward still to fare, Until the blustering storm is overblown.



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O queen, farewell! be still possest
Of dear remembrance, blessing still and blest.

Id. Some are comforted that it will be a common ca

lamity, and they shall fare no worse than their neighSwift.


Farewell, thou fair day, thou green earth, and ye skies
Now gay with the bright setting sun;
Farewell, loves and friendships, ye dear, tender ties,

Our race of existence is run!
Farewell! if ever fondest prayer

For other's weal availed on high,
Mine will not all be lost in air,

But waft thy name beyond the sky.
"Twere vain to speak-to weep-to sigh:
Oh! more than tears of blood can tell,
When wrung from guilt's expiring eye,
Are in that word-Farewell!-Farewell!



FAREHAM. See FOREHAM. FAREL (William), a protestant divine, born at Gap in Dauphiny, in 1498. He studied at Paris, but, having embraced the reformed religion, he thought it adviseable to leave France; and, after visiting several parts of Germany and Switzerland, he went to Geneva, where he labored with great zeal against popery, and was principally instrumental in establishing the reformation there. He was, however, banished thence, together with Calvin, in 1538, for refusing to submit to the synod of Berne. Farel afterwards settled at Neufchatel, where he died in 1565.

FARELLONES, rocks in the North Pacific Ocean, in two distinct clusters of three or four rocks in each, lying in a south-east and northwest direction from each other. The highest of the northern group lies fourteen miles S. S. W.; the southern cluster lies seventeen miles S.S. W. from Punta de los Reyes; a third cluster, scarcely above water, lies twelve miles S.S. W. from Punta de los Reyes.

FARELLONES, five islands of the archipelago or gulf of Chiloe. They are barren and desert.

FARGANI, ALFRAGAN, or ALFERGANI, a celebrated Arabian astronomer, who flourished about A. D. 800; so named from his birth-place, Fergan, in Samarcand. He is also named Ahmed Ben Cothair, or Katir. He wrote Elements of Astronomy, in thirty chapters, wherein he chiefly adopts Ptolemy's hypothesis, using his terms and often quoting him. Of this work there are three Latin translations; the last and best by professor Golius of Leyden, published in 1669, after his death. It is accompanied with the Arabic original, and with many learned notes on the first nine chapters, which Golius's death

prevented him from continuing to the end of te work.

FARIA SOUSA (Manuel de), a celebrated Portuguese historian and poet, was born in 1590 in the province of Entre Minho y Douro. He devoted the early part of his life to the study of painting, but afterwards devoted himself to Greek and Roman literature, and was made secretary to the bishop of Oporto. Not inclined to the church, he left the service of that prelate, and obtaining the patronage of Pereira, secretary of state to the king of Spain, procured admission into the Portuguese order of the knights of Christ. He was employed in 1631 as secretary to the Spanish ambassador at Rome, whom he so offended, that on his return to Spain, in 1634, he was arrested, and at first closely confined. He was for several years a kind of prisoner at large at Madrid,

where he died in 1649. Faria was the author of tical and geographical survey of the territories an Epitome of the History of Portugal; a polibelonging to the crown of Portugal in the various quarters of the globe, entitled Asia Portuguesa, 3 vols. folio; Europa Portuguesa, 2 vols. folio; Africa Portuguesa, folio; and America Portuguesa; Commentaries on the Luciad of Camoens, Poems, &c.

FARINA FOECUNDANS, among botanists, the impregnating dust on the apices or antheræ of flowers. See POLLEN. The manner of gathering the farina of plants for microscopical observations is this: Gather the flowers in a dry sunshiny day at mid day, when the dew is perfectly off; then gently shake off the farina, or lightly brush it off with a soft hair pencil, upon a piece of white paper; then take a single talc or isinglass between the nippers, and, breathing on it, apply it instantly to the farina, and the moisture of the breath will make that light powder stick to it. If too great a quantity adhere to the talc, blow a little of it off; and, if too little, breathe upon it again, and take up more. Then, put the talc into the hole of a slider, and, applying it to the microscope, see whether the little grains are properly laid; lastly, cover them up with another talc, and fix the ring; but be careful that the talcs do not press upon the farina, so as to alter its form.

FARINA'CEOUS, adj. From Lat. farina. Mealy; tasting like meal, or flower of corn.

The properest food of the vegetable kingdom for mankind is taken from the farinaceous or mealy seeds of some culmiferous plants; as oats, barley, wheat, rice, rye, maize, panick, and millet.

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