Abbildungen der Seite

scamels, ii. 2. 159.
score, v. I. 174.
securing, ii. I. 300.
sensible, ii. I. 166.
should, ii. 1. 197.
shroud, ii. 2. 38.
skill-less, iii. I. 53.
sociable, v. I. 63.
something, i. 2. 413.
sometime, ii. 2. 9.
sort, iv. I. 146.
spiriting, i. 2. 298.
spurs, v. I. 47.
standard, iii. 2. 14.
steaded, i. 2. 165.
still, v. I. 214.
stock-fish, iii. 2. 67.
stomach, i. 2. 157.
stover, iv. I. 63
sty, i. 2. 342.
subtilties, v. I. 124.
sudden, ii. 1. 296.
suffered, ii. 2. 35.
suggestion, ii. 1. 278.
Sycorax, i. 2. 258.

tackle, i. 2. 147.

taken, iv. 1. 190.
tang, ii. 2. 48.
taste, v. I. 123.
tell, ii. 1. 15.
temperance, ii. 1. 41.
tender, ii. 1. 260.
the which, i. 2. 137.
thou 'rt best, 2. 366.
time, ii. 1. 132.

to, ii. I. 70.
trash, i. 2. 81.
try, i. I. 32.
twilled, iv. 1. 64.

undergoing, i. 2. 157.
unmitigable, i. 2. 276.
up-staring, i. 2. 213.
urchins, i. 2. 326.
urchin shows, ii. 2. 5.

vanity, iv. I. 41.
vast, i. 2. 327.

waist, i. 2. 197.
ways, ii. 2. 76.
weather-fends, v. I. 10.
weighed, ii. 1. 124.
what, iii. I. 71.
when, i. 2. 316.
while-ere, iii. 2. 112.
whist, i. 2. 377.
who, i. 2. 7.

wicked, i. 2. 321.
windring, iv. I. 128.
wink, ii. 1. 232.

wonder'd, iv. I. 123.

worm, iii. I. 31.
would, ii. I. 174.

wound, ii. 2. 13.

yarely, i. 1. 3.
your, ii. 2. 56.

zenith, i. 2. 181.


Abbott's Shakespearian Gram-
mar, i. 1. 15, 21, 42; i. 2. II,
19, 31, 53, 65, 80, 109, 118,
137, 222, 232, 244, 277, 405,
438, 449; ii. 1. 76, 121, 124,
197, 210, 277, 286, 311; ii. 2.
15; iii. I. 1, 37, 62, 71, 79; iii.
2. 88, 93, 96; iii. 3. 53–56, 62,
80, 92, 93; iv. 1. 123, 126,
215; v. I. 15, 43, 139, 249, 310.
Accidence for Young Seamen, i. I.


Accurate Description of Africa, i.
2. 266.

adjective for adverb, ii. 1. 19.
adverb as noun, i. 2. 50.
adverb for adjective, ii. 1. 311.
Allen, i. 2. 377; v. I. 164.
Amphion, ii. 1. 81.

anacoluthon, i. 2. 29-31, 66-87.
Apollo, ii. 1. 81.
Argier, i. 2. 261.

Ariel's costume, i. 2. 186, 373.
aurum potabile, v. 1. 280.
Bacon, i. 2. 99-102; his Sylva
Sylvarum, iv. I. 157.
badges of servants, v. 1. 267.
ballad of King Stephen, iv. 1.218.
bat-fowling, ii. 1. 176.

Baynes, T. S., iv. 1. 64.

Bermoothes, i. 2. 229.
Boswell, i. 2. 266.

Brinsley Nicholson, i. 2. 146; v.
I. 223.

Browning, i. 2. 180-184.
Burleigh, i. 2. 25.

Capell, i. 2. 198, 381; ii. 1. 233;
iv. 1. 3, 60-138.

change of construction, ii. I. 249.

change of person, ii 1. 288.
change of tense, i. 2. 148.
chess, v. 1. 164.

Classical drama, i. 2. init.
Coleridge, i. 2. 53, 237-304, 407;
ii. 1. init., 194–286.

Coleridge, Hartley, iv. 1. 60-138.
construction, change of, ii. 1. 249;
confusion of, iii. 3. 92; mixture
of, ii. 1. 27.
Coryat's Crudities, ii. 2. 30.
crises in life, i. 2. 180-184.
critical notes, i. I. init., 16, 51, 52;
i. 2. init., 1-13, 5-13, 15, 25,
63, 66-87, 99-102, 169, 180-
184, 189-237, 237-304, 239,
266, 284, 311, 321-374, 351-
362, 437, 456-458, 467; ii. 1.
init., 39, 61, 88, 150-152, 180,
194-286, 237, 288; ii. 2. init.;
iii. I. init., 1, 2; iii. 2. 146;
iii. 3. init.; iv. I. init., 124,
157, 184, 193; v. I. init., 129,
181-184, 208-213, 223, 271;
Epil. init.

'dead Indian', ii. 2. 31.
Deighton, ii. 1. 98.
Dis, iv. 1. 89.

Discovery of Guiana, iii. 3. 46.
Discovery of Witchcraft, i. 2. 326.
double comparative, i. 2. 19, 438.
double negative, i. 2. 405; iii.
2. 88.
Dowden, ii. I. init., 150- 152 ;
iii. 1. 81-86; iii. 2. init.; Epil.

Dryden, i. 2. 351-362.
Dyce, i. 2. 169; ii. 1. 298; iv. I.

Eden's History of Travayle, i. 2.

Essex' speech about Queen Eliza-
beth, iv. I. 192.
ethic dative, i. 2. 244.
Florio's Montaigne, ii. 1. 141-

Frobisher, ii. 2. 31.
Fuller, i. 2. 25.

Furness, i. I. 60; i. 2. 53; ii. I.
288; iii. 1. 15; iii. 2. 117.
Furnivall, i. 2. 99-102.
General Practise of Physicke, i. 2.

'genius', as constituting a man's
personality, iv. I. 27.
Gervase Markham's Hunger's
Prevention, ii. 1. 176.
Gesner, iii. 3. 45.
goitre, iii. 3. 45.

golden whistle as mark of office,
i. I. 6.

Golding's Ovid, v. I. 33-50.
Gonzalo's imaginary common-
wealth, ii. 1. 141-158.
Gosse, i. 2. 376–379.

Grant White, i. 2. 269; ii. 2.
169; Epil. init.

'green sour ringlets', v. 1. 37.
Guest, i. 2. 53.

Hakluyt's Voyages, i. 1. 31; i. 2.

[blocks in formation]

Jonson's Every Man out of his
Humour, iii. 3. 48; his Fortu-
nate Isles, i. 2. 186; his Hy-
menaei, iv. I. 157.

Juno's peacocks, iv. I. 74.
Keightley, iii. 3. 36.

kissing before dancing, i. 2. 377.
Lamb, i. 2. 266.

long spoon for eating with the
devil, ii. 2. 89, 90.
Lyly's Euphues, i. 2. 468.
Lyte's Herbal, i. 1. 60.
Magellan, i. 2. 373.

Malone, i. I. init.; i. 2. 99–102,
301-303; ii. 1. 52; ii. 2. 159;"
iv. I. 157.

Marlowe's Hero and Leander, i.
2. 376-379.

masque, its underlying concep-
tion, iv. I. init.; its merits, iv.
I. 60-138.

Medea's incantation, v. I. 33-50.
metaphor from carpentry, iv. I.
234; from gardening, i. 2. 81;
from hunting, i. 2. 81; from
theatre, ii. I. 241.

mine as pronominal adj., iii. 3.

miraculous harp, ii. 1. 81.
Montaigne, ii. 1. 141-158.
Morality plays, ii. 2. 89, 90.
most busy lest', iii. 1. 15.
Moulton, i. 2. 198, 456-458; iii.

I. init.; iii. 3. init.; iv. 1. init.
Mulgrave, i. I. init., 3, 7, 31.
Nobody is Somebody, iii. 2. 120.
nominative for accusative, i. 2.

Notes and Queries, iii. 3. 65.
Ogilby's Accurate Description of
Africa, i. 2. 266.

omission of ed, i. 2. 31.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Philpott, i. 2. 99–102.
phoenix, iii. 3. 22-24.
picture of Nobody, iii. 2. 120.
pleonasm, ii. 1. 240.
Pliny, iii. 3. 22-24.

Pope, i. 2. 57-59, 380; ii. 2. 169;

iv. I. 123.

Praise at Parting, iii. 3. 39.
prayer at end of play, Epil. 16.
prologues, ii. 1. 243.

proverbs, i. I. 26-30; i. 2. 94;
ii. 2. 77; iii. 2. 117; iii. 3. 39.
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana,
iii. 3. 46.
Ray, iv. 1. 64.

red plague, i. 2. 364.
redundance, i. 2. 19, 162.
Rowe, i. 2. 146; iv. 1. 123, 258.
St. Elmo's fire, i. 2. 198.
Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft,
i. 2. 326.

second personal pronoun, its use
in singular and plural, i. 2. 1.
Setebos, i. 2. 373.
Shakespeare's anti-communistic
leanings, ii. I. 150-152; his
seamanship, i. I. init.; ii. 2.

singular noun for plural, i. 2. 53.
singular verb with plural subject,
i. 1. 15; iii. 3. 80.

Sir Huon de Bordeaux, v. 1. 164.
south-west wind, its influence,
i. 2. 323.

Spedding, iii. 1. 15.
Spence, ii. 1. 124.
Spenser, i. 2. 321.

Staunton, ii. 1. 88, 298; iv. I.

227, 231-233.
Steevens, i. 2. 25; ii. 2. 159;
iii. 3. 65; v. I. 164.

Stevenson's Birds of Norfolk,
ii. 2. 159.

supplementary pronoun, iii. 3.

textual points, i. 1. 60; i. 2. 26,
29-31, 57-59, 99-102, 146,
173, 198, 301-303, 339, 351-
362, 377, 380, 381, 395; ii.
I. 32, 88, 124, 233, 240, 269;
ii. 2. 159, 169; iii. 1. 15; iii.
3. 36; iv. 1. 3, 9, 123, 128,
157, 184, 227; v. I. 23, 60, 129.
Theobald, i. 2. 351-362, 437;
ii. 1. 32; ii. 2. 159; v. I. 92.
Topsell's History of Foure-footed
Beasts, iv. 1. 30.

travellers' insurance in Eliza-
beth's time, iii. 3. 48.

Upton, ii. 1. 269.

Urchins' Dance, i. 2. 326.
Venus' sparrows, iv. 1. 100.
Voss, i. 2. 25.

Walker, i. 2. 53.

Warburton, i. 2. 99-102.
water with berries in it, i. 2. 334.
Well-spoken Nobody, The, iii. 2.


who with neuter antecedent, iíì.
3. 62.

Widow Dido, ii. 1. 71.
word-play,, i. 2. 83, 431; ii. 1.
16-20, 32, 98; iv. 1. 231-233,
234, 240.
Wright, i. 2. 53, 95, 173, 186,
198, 229, 269, 370; ii. 1. 121,
124, 174, 176, 276; ii. 2. 76;
iii. 1. 15; iii. 2. 117; iv. I. 63;
V. I. 123, 174.

you and ye, use of, i. 2. 323.

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