Dem. You do impeach your modesty too much, Hel. Your virtue is my privilege; for that Dem. I'll run from thee and hide me in the brakes, And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts. Hel. The wildest hath not fuch a heart as you; Dem. I will not ftay thy queftions; let me go: But I fhall do thee mischief in the wood. Hel. Ay, in the temple, in the town, the field, Your wrongs do set a scandal on my fex': We fhou'd be woo'd, and were not made to woo. I follow thee, and make a heav'n of hell; To die upon the hand, I love fo well. [Exeunt. Ob. Fare thee well, nymph; ere he doth leave this grove, Thou shalt fly him, and he shall seek thy love. Haft thou the flow'r there? welcome, wanderer. Enter Puck. Puck. Ay, there it is. Ob. I pray thee, give it me; I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows, O'er O'er-canopy'd with luscious woodbine, And with the juice of this I'll ftreak her eyes, Take thou fome of it, and feek through this grove; With a disdainful youth; anoint his eyes; Puck. Fear not, my Lord, your servant shall do so. [Exe. Enter Queen of Fairies, with her Train. Queen. Come, now a roundel, and a fairy fong: Some war with rear-mice for their leathern wings, Fairies fing. You fpotted fnakes with double tongue, (12.) Then for the third part of a minute bence,] But the Queen fets them work, that is to keep them employed for the remainder of the night: The Poet, undoubtedly, intended her to fay, dance your round, and fing your fong, and then instantly (before the third part of a minute) begone to your refpective duties. 10 F 2 Philomel, Philomel, with melody, Sing in your sweet lullaby; Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby : So good night, with lullaby. 2 Fairy. Weaving spiders come not here; 1 Fairy. Hence, away; now all is well : One, aloof, ftand centinel. [Exeunt Fairies. The Queen fleeps. Enter Oberon. Ob. What thou feeft, when thou doft wake, Do it for thy true love take; In thy eye that shall appear, When thou wak'ft, it is thy dear; Enter Lyfander and Hermia. [Exit Oberon. Lyf. Fair love, you faint with wandring in the wood; And, to speak troth, I have forgot our way: We'll reft us, Hermia, if you think it good, And tarry for the comfort of the day. Her. Be't fo, Lyfander; find you out a bed, For I upon this bank will reft my head. Lyf. One turffhall ferve as pillow for us both, One heart, one bed, two bofoms, and one troth. Her. Nay, good Lyfander; for my fake, my dear, Lie further off yet, do not lie fo near. Ly. Lyf. O take the fenfe, fweet, of my conference; (13) Her. Lyfander riddles very prettily; Here is my bed; fleep give thee all his reft! Her. With half that wish, the wifher's eyes be preft! [They fleep. Enter Puck. Puck. Through the foreft have I gone, But Athenian found I none, On whofe eyes I might approve This flower's force in stirring love : (13) O take the fense, sweet, of my innocence ; Love takes the meaning in love's conference.] 'Tis plain here, that the players, for the fake of the jingle between fenfe and innocence, tranfpos'd the two laft words in the two lines, and fo made unintelligible nonfenfe of them. Let us adjust them, and this will be the meaning. When the interpreted his words to an evil meaning, he fays, O take the fenfe of my conference; i. e. judge of my meaning by the drift of the other part of my difcourfe; and let that interpret this. A very proper rule to be always obferv'd, when we would judge of any one's meaning: the want of which is the most common cause of misinterpretation. He goes on and fays, Love takes the meaning in love's innocence. i. e. The innocence of your love may teach you to difcover mine. Another very fine fentiment. So that thele two most beautiful lines were perfectly disfigur'd in the aukward tranfpofition. Mr. Warburton. F 3 Night Night and filence! who is here? And here the maiden fleeping found (14) Churl, upon thy eyes I throw All the pow'r this charm doth owe: So awake, when I am gone: For I must now to Oberon. Enter Demetrius and Helena running. [Exit. Hel. Stay, tho' thou kill me, sweet Demetrius ! Dem. Stay, on thy peril, 1 alone will go. [Exit Demetrius. For beafts, that meet me, run away for fear. (14) Near to this lack-love, this kill-curtefy.] Thus, in all the printed editions. But this verfe, as Ben Johnson fays, is broke loofe from his fellows, and wants to be tied up. I believe, the Poet wrote; Near to this kill-courtesy. And fo the line is reduced to the measure of the other. But this term being fomewhat quaint and uncommon, the players, in my opinion, officiously clap'd in the other, as a comment; and fo it has ever fince held poffeffion. But |