Waist, the part of a ship between the quarter-deck and forecastle, I. ii. 197. Ward, defensive posture, I. ii. 471. Washing of ten tides. Pirates were hanged on the shore at low-water mark and left till three tides had washed over them. "Antonio's phrase is a mere exaggeration of such a sentence. -HALES. I. i. 61. Welkin's cheek, sky, I. ii. 4. Whistle. In Shakespeare's day a whistle of gold was worn by a naval commander. I. i. 8. Windring, a misprint probably for wandering, or perhaps windering for winding, IV. i. 128. Wink'st, closest thine eyes, II. i. 216. Yarely, readily, nimbly, I. i. 4. Compare yare, V. i. 224. Zenith, height of fortune, I. ii. 181. |