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"Mr. Canning describes the purpose and scope of each of the Essays, traces the outlines, and sums up the general conclusions of the history with praiseworthy fidelity."-SCOTSMAN.

"Mr. Canning's little book is admirable."-MORNING POST.

"This is a book of rare merit, clear, concise, and instructive."-WHITEHALL REVIEW.

"Probably no single volume, lately published, will do more, few so much, towards placing the character of Lord Macaulay as a littérateur fairly before the English reader."-YORKSHIRE POST.


W. H. ALLEN & Co., Waterloo Place, London.

"It is in fact a painstaking and intelligent interpretation of the plays in modern English prose."-SCOTSMAN, March 22, 1884.

"Mr. Canning has brought much scholarship and research, as well as thoughtful study, to his work. A sketch of each play is given. The analyses are all so good that it is almost invidious to select."-LITERARY WOrld, May 9, 1884.

"Discrimination, erudition, and refined discernment have been given to the production of this excellent work."-WHITEHALL Review.

"Mr. Canning possesses claims to consideration that justly belong to but few of his predecessors in the field."-MORNING POST, June 23, 1884.


W. H. ALLEN & Co.

From Mr. Lecky, Author of "History of England in the Eighteenth

Century," &c., &c.

"Athenæum Club.-Mr. Lecky begs to thank Mr. Albert Canning very sincerely for his kind present, and he has been reading it with great pleasure and admiration."

"Amongst recent books and pamphlets relating to Ireland one of the most useful is the Hon. A. S. G. Canning's 'Revolted Ireland.' Mr. Canning's clear and dispassionate inquiry is of great value just now. The application of the historical lesson to the present political situation is plain and legible on every page."-SATURDAY REVIEW, June 19, 1887.

"It is interesting to turn to the instructive and impartial pages of Mr. Canning. His little book, 'Revolted Ireland,' is that rare but almost unique thing in literature-a sketch in Irish history uncoloured by religious or political partisanship. It will be read with profit."-SCOTSMAN, September 11, 1886.


EDEN, REMINGTON & CO., King Street, Covent Garden, London.

“Mr. Canning is always a thoughtful and instructive writer. The passages that he collects from the works of great writers on the position of Jews in history are full of interest."-THE OBSERVER, August 2, 1891.

"Mr. Canning is evidently a fair-minded man, and writes in a spirit of charity. He strives to deal even-handed justice to each party as it passes under review."-THE SCOTSMAN, August 3, 1891.

"Mr. Canning's workmanship is eminently scholarly and thoughtful."—THE PEOPLE, August 2, 1891.

"The work is characterised by a rare impartiality and an obvious desire to take wide views, and paint both the sunshine and the shadow of religious history.”—THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, October 2, 1891.

"The picturesque and entertaining style of this scholarly work is the more striking because of the dispassionate comparison of conflicting authorities, and the painstaking research, the actual hard study and reflection that have necessarily been bestowed on its production."-WHItehall Review, September 26, 1891.

"A sensible and evenly-balanced summary of the world's religions. It shows with much clearness and judgment the relations in which Paganism, Christianity, and Mohammedanism stood to each other in the past, and the place of Judaism in the march of religious progress. Mr. Canning is certainly sincere, honest, and thoughtful in his appreciations of the faiths of the past and present." -THE GRAPHIC, October, 1891.

"There is really a good deal of information to be derived from this little book."-THE WORLD, August, 1891.

"The evils of intolerant dogmatism are dispassionately criticised, while the writer is singularly free from the extravagant and captiousness so commonly associated with the criticism of religion."-MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, July 28, 1891.




"Full of sincere appreciation of the many elements of truth in various ancient and modern religious systems."-THE GUARDIAN, May 24, 1893.

"Mr. Canning, a most fair-minded and impartial writer, has evidently read widely, and has collected in his pages many important and useful facts.”RECORD, July 28, 1893.

"The book is evidently the result of much labour and wide reading, and the author shows considerable skill and discrimination in drawing from his somewhat numerous authorities. Though writing from a professedly Christian standpoint, he deals fairly and systematically with the other religions that he touches upon. The attention which has latterly been devoted to the comparative study of religion is one of the most remarkable features of the thought of the century, and those who are curious to know what the results of that study of them are, will find them admirably summarised in Mr. Canning's book."-SCOTSMAN, March 20, 1893.

"Gives a very just and sympathetic survey o. the world's religions."—Daily CHRONICLE, April 8, 1893.

“These thoughtful and instructive essays will do something to popularise this wider and nobler view."-BRADford Observer, May 5, 1893.

"An interesting and instructive volume, characterised by profound thought and great research."-BELFAST News Letter, April 12, 1893.


W. H. ALLEN & Co.

"One cannot but admire the tone of charity and justice which pervades this work from beginning to end."-THE NATIONAL OBSERVER, September, 1894.

"One of the most valuable books which the present year has produced.”— IRISH TIMES, November 23, 1894.

"We can heartily recommend a perusal of this work, for Mr. Canning shows that he has a great grasp on his subject by his lucidity, his shrewdness, and his fairness."-PUBLIC OPINION, July, 1894.

"This book is one which every one should read who wants to understand Irish political movements, and the parts played in history by Irish political factions."-THE SCOTSMAN, July, 1894.

"Mr. Canning's book may be commended to all Englishmen who want to understand Irish history, and to all Irishmen who care for the amelioration of their country."-Manchester GuARDIAN, August, 1894.

"Mr. Canning treats of 'Divided Ireland' up to date and from all points of view; in doing so he has consulted a large number of authorities of most diverse opinions, so that this re-issue of his book will be found really helpful by all interested in the relations of England and its sister island."—Publishers' CIRCULAR, July 28, 1894.



W. H. ALLEN & Co.

"The political aspects of the question are considered from an impartial Christian standpoint, and we recognise the general value of Mr. Canning's mode of treatment."-THE GUARDIAN.

"We heartily commend the work to all thoughtful and discriminative readers."-PUBLIC OPINION.


Distinguished throughout by the impartiality of a sincere inquiry, and it will be read with profit by every one interested in its subject.”—Scotsman.

"This thoughtful and dispassionate survey of the growth and influence of religious thought may be read with interest and profit by all students of history. -LIBERTY REVIEW.

"A studious, comprehensive, conscientious, Christian-spirited book."WHITEHALL REVIEW.




"The work will be read with interest and profit."-SCOTSMAN, January, 1897.

"I do not think I ever saw the difficulties of the Eastern Question in so clear

a light as I did after reading the short chapter which Mr. Canning devotes to it.” -PALL MALL GAZETTE, January, 1897.

"We recommend History in Fact and Fiction' as a valuable work." -PUBLIC OPINION, February, 1897.

"Excellent reading for all sorts and conditions of men is liberally provided.” -THE PEOPLE, February, 1897.

"The title gives but a faint idea of the main theme of a most interesting work."-LIVERPOOL COURIER, June, 1897.

"Mr. Canning's knowledge of modern literature is so wide that he is able to criticise almost every well-known name for purposes of illustration."-SCHOOL GUARDIAN, August, 1897.

"People who have no time to plod through the great histories, if they take up this book will gain much historical knowledge."-LLOYD'S WEEKLY Newspaper, February, 1897.

"A delightful contribution to the historical literature of the day."-MORNING ADVERTISER, June, 1897.

"The Hon. Albert Canning deals with conspicuous fairness and in an interesting way with the conflicts between the historic religions of the world."-JEWISH CHRONICLE, February 5, 1897.

"Whatever Mr. Canning discusses he is distinguished by dispassionate candour."-RECORD, August 20, 1897.

"A valuable contribution to historical philosophy.”—PARENTS' Review, April, 1897.

"This is a very readable work. The author exhibits in a lively, instructive manner the respective positions of Paganism in ancient Rome, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mahometanism in Asia and Africa, the Jewish system throughout the various nations of the world, and the Christian system in Europe and America. The work merits a very careful perusal.”—Asiatic Quarterly Review, January, 1898.



SMITH, Elder & Co.

"An examination of the effect of English literature upon modern politics and national thought, which as far as we are aware is a distinctly new departure, and one which in Mr. Canning's able hands is eminently successful."-WESTMINSTER REVIEW, February, 1899.

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