Begun to tell me what I am, but ftopt, Pro. The hour's now come, The very minute bids thee ope thine ear; I do not think, thou canft; for then thou waft not Mira. Certainly, Sir, I can. Pro. By what? by any other houfe, or perfon? Mira. "Tis far off; And rather like a dream, than an affurance Pro. Thou hadit, and more, Miranda: but how is it That this lives in thy mind? what feeft thou elfe In the dark back-ward and abyfme of time? If thou remember'ft aught, ere thou cam'ft here; How thou cam'ft here, thou may'st. Mira. But that I do not. Pro. Tis twelve years fince, Miranda; twelve years fince, Thy father was the Duke of Milan, and A Prince of Pow'r. Mira. Sir, are not you my father? Pro. Thy mother was a piece of virtue, and She faid, thou waft my daughter; and thy father Was Duke of Milan, and his only heir A Princess, no worse iffu'd. Mira. O the heav'ns! What foul play had we, that we came from thence? Or bleffed was't, we did? Pro. Both, both, my girl: (2) out three years old.] This is the old Reading: 'tis true, the Expreffion is obfolete, but it supply'd the Sense of, full But, out-right, or right-out.. By foul play (as thou fay'ft) were we heav'd thence; Mira. O, my heart bleeds To think o'th' teene that I have turn'd you to, Without a parallel; thofe being all my ftudy :) And to my ftate grew ftranger; being transported, Mira. Sir, moft heedfully. Pro. Being once perfected how to grant fuits, How to deny them; whom t'advance, and whom To trafh for over-topping; new-created The creatures, that were mine; I fay, or chang'd 'em, And fuckt my verdure out on't. Thou attend'st not. Mira. Good Sir, I do. Pro. I pray thee, mark me then. I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated But But what my power might else exact; like one, To credit his own lie, he did believe With all prerogative. Hence his ambition growing- Mira. Your tale, Sir, would cure deafness. Pro. To have no fcreen between this part he plaid, And him he plaid it for, he needs will be Abfolute Milan. Me, poor man! my library Was Dukedom large enough; of temporal royalties He thinks me now incapable: confederates (So dry he was for fway) wi'th' King of Naples To give him annual tribute, do him homage; Subject his coronet to his crown; and bend The Dukedom, yet unbow'd, (alas, poor Milan !) To moft ignoble ftooping. Mira. O the heav'ns! Pro. Mark his condition, and th'event; then tell me, If this might be a Brother? Mira. I fhould fin, (3) To think but nobly of my grand-mother; (3) B 5 I fhould fin, Pros To think not nobly of my Grandmother ;] This is Mr. Pope's reading; from no Authority, I presume: All the Copies that I have feen, have it; To think but nobly----- -i. e. otherwise than nobly; according to our Author's Usage. (4) Good Wombs have bore bad Sons. Pro. Now, the Condition:] Thus have all the Editions divided thefe Speeches; But, tho' I have not attempted to regulate them otherwife, I have great Sufpicion, that our Author plac'd them thus ; Pro. Good Wombs have bore bad Sons. Now, the Condition: How could Miranda, that came into this Defart Island an Infant, that had never feen any other Creatures of the World, but her Father and Caliban, with any Propriety be furnish'd го Pro. Now the condition: This King of Naples, being an enemy Out of the Dukedom; and confer fair Milan, The gates of Milan; and, i'th' dead of darkness, Mira. Alack, for pity! I, not remembring how I cry'd on't then, Pro. Hear a little further, And then I'll bring thee to the present business, Were most impertinent. Mira. Why did they not That hour destroy us? Pro. Well demanded, wench; My tale provokes that queftion. Dear, they durft not (So dear the love my people bore me;) fet A mark fo bloody on the bufinefs; but Bore us fome leagues to Sea; where they prepar'd to make fuch an Obfervation from Life, that the Iffue has often degenerated from the Parent? But it comes very properly from Profpere, as a fhort Document, by the By, to his Daughter; implying, "that he did very well to think with Honour of her Anceftor; for that it was common in Life, for good. "People to have bad Children." To To th' winds, whose pity, fighing back again, Did us but loving wrong. Mira. Alack! what trouble Was I then to you? Pro. O a cherubim Thou waft, that did preferve me: Infused with a fortitude from heav'n, Thou didft fmile, (When I have deck'd the fea with drops full-falt; Under my burthen groan'd;) which rais'd in me An undergoing ftomach, to bear up Againft what should enfue. Mira. How came we a-fhore ? Pro. By providence divine. Some food we had, and fome fresh water, that Out of his charity (being then appointed Rich garments, linnens, ftuffs, and neceffaries, Which fince have fteeded much. So of his gentleness. I prize above my Dukedom. Mira. Would I might But ever fee that man! Pro. Now, I arife: Sit ftill, and hear the laft of our fea-forrow. Here in this ifland we arriv'd, and here Have I, thy fchool-mafter, made thee more profit For vainer hours, and tutors not fo careful. Mira. Heav'ns thank you for't! And now, I pray. you, Sir, (For ftill 'tis beating in my mind) your reason For raifing this fea-storm? Pro. Know thus far forth, By accident moft ftrange, bountiful fortune (Now my dear lady) hath mine enemies Brought to this fhore: and, by my prescience A mot aufpicious ftar; whose Influence |